
  • 网络diamond ore
  1. 模糊层次分析法在金刚石矿开拓系统优化选择中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Hierarchy Analysing Process in optimized selection of development scheme for diamond ore mine

  2. 山东省金刚石矿中的绿色钻石及其特征

    The green diamond in Shandong green diamond ore and its characteristics

  3. 湖南原生金刚石矿深部构造地质背景及成矿预测

    Deep structural geology setting and metallogenic forecasting of primary diamond in Hunan

  4. 某金刚石矿普查勘探工作的一些经验

    Some experiences in prospecting for a certain diamond deposit

  5. 重力均衡异常与原生金刚石矿

    Gravity isostatic anomalies and primary diamond deposits

  6. 浅析地球物理方法在原生金刚石找矿中存在的问题

    The Use of Geophysical Methods in Diamond Prospecting and Their Problems Occurring

  7. 广西金刚石原生矿存在可能性探讨

    Discussion on the possibility of diamond primary mineral of Guangxi

  8. 论地球物理方法在寻找金刚石原生矿中的作用

    The role of geophysical methods in primary diamond deposit prospecting

  9. 黔东南铬尖晶石特征及金刚石原生矿找矿分析

    Analysis for Possibility of Primary Diamond Search Using Characteristic Picotite in Southeastern Guizhou

  10. 金伯利岩型金刚石找矿准则和找矿判别模型

    Ore-prospecting criteria and discriminant model for kimberlite type diamonds

  11. 山东金刚石原生矿找矿前景探讨

    Study on Primary Diamond Ore-forming Future in Shandong Province

  12. 塔里木盆地西南缘金刚石找矿前景及其预测

    Prospect and exploration target of diamond mineralization in southwestern margin of Tarim Basin

  13. 赣东北中-新生代超基性岩与金刚石找矿前景分析

    Analysis on Mesozoic-Caenozoic Ultrabasic Rocks in Northeast Jiangxi Province and Perspective of Diamond Prospecting

  14. 物化探找矿模式在山东金刚石原生矿远景区预测中的应用

    The prediction of primary diamond prospective regions in Shandong Province with geophysical and geochemical prospecting models

  15. 山东金刚石原生矿找矿模型及靶区优选

    The Prospecting Model and the Optimization of Target Areas of Primary Diamond Deposit in Shandong Province

  16. 卫星图像处理技术在蒙阴地区金刚石找矿预测中的应用

    The application of Landsat Image processing technology to the prospecting and prognosis of diamond deposits in Mengyin area

  17. 对宜宾-重庆段川江高阶地的重矿物种类及其含量做了判别分析,得到了比较理想的结果。当代金刚石找矿工作中的重砂法

    Stepwise discrimination analysis has been used in the study of heavy mineral assemblage . HEAVY MINERAL METHOD FOR DIAMOND PROSPECTING

  18. 本文介绍地球物理方法在我国金刚石找矿中的应用现状,并针对其应用中存在的问题提出了初步解决方案和建议。

    The paper analyses the situation of diamond exploration with geophysical methods in China and gives the ideas to solve the problems that have occurred .

  19. 赣东北地区中-新生代超基性岩的发现,为重新分析评价赣东北地区金刚石找矿前景提供了重要的信息。

    The discovery of Mesozoic Caenozoic ultrabasic rocks provides an important information for reevaluation of the perspective for the diamond prospecting in the northeastern Jiangxi Province .

  20. 文章对过去的找矿工作进行总结与反思,并对广西金刚石原生矿存在的可能性进行探讨。

    In this paper , the working way of look for mineral deposits was summarized , and the possibility of diamond primary mineral of Guangxi was discussed .

  21. 金刚石原生矿普查方法述评宝山铁矿原生矿的选矿研究及应用

    A Comment on the Methods of Reconnaissance Survey for Diamond Primary Deposit Investigation on the Practice of the Separation of Iron Ore from the Primary Deposit of Baoshan Iron Mine

  22. 开展以金、金刚石和非金属矿为重点的找矿工作,找到具战略意义的矿产基地,努力开发非传统矿产资源,提高资源的利用程度;

    To carry out some projects in gold , diamond and non-metallic minerals prospecting , and to develope non-traditional mineral resources ;

  23. 国外金刚石矿床与江苏北部金刚石找矿前景

    Prospect of World Diamond Prospecting and Diamond Exploration in North Jiangsu

  24. 金刚石的物质来源一是古沂河上游山东的金刚石原生矿和古砂矿,二是本区的可能存在的金刚石原生矿。

    One material source of diamond is primary diamond mines and ancient placer in the ancient Yi River upstream in Shandong , the other is the primary diamond mine which may exist in this area .