
  • 网络metal jet
  1. 金属射流受激断裂的实验研究

    Research on Break - up of Metal Jet

  2. 对陶瓷材料、树脂基纤维复合材料及混凝土复合材料进行了抗金属射流的探索性试验。

    An explorative test has been made on anti metal jet properties of fiber polymer composites , ceramics and concrete composites .

  3. 防护墙抗金属射流侵彻最佳防护距离研究

    Research on the Optimum Protection Distance for Anti-metal-jet with Protecting Wall

  4. 具有表面电流的金属射流稳定性分析

    The Stability of a Shaped & charge Jet Carrying Surface Electrical Current

  5. 不同材料抗金属射流性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Anti-metal-jet Performance of Different Materials

  6. 聚能金属射流开采石矿的形成过程数值研究

    Numerical Simulation of the Formation Process of Shaped Charge Metal Jet for Quarry Mining

  7. 金属射流中固态金属颗粒比例是金属射流中金属液滴质量分布的函数;

    Percentage of solid droplets in metal spray is a function of droplets size distribution .

  8. 结果表明,聚合物基复合材料在射流作用下产生塑性穿孔,其抗金属射流的性能优于普通陶瓷材料;

    The test results indicate that the polymer composites have better anti metal jet performance in comparison with that of the common ceramics .

  9. 由此简化模型所得的结果与从实验获得的结果相比较表明,它们相当吻合,并发现在此液态金属射流中存在一个固有稳定性区域。

    The result obtained from the simplified model is in conformity with the experiments , and an inherently stable zone in the jet flow has been found to exist .

  10. 研究表明,在300KA大脉冲电流的作用下,产生的磁场能够抑制自由表面的金属射流的运动方向,表现为在流动方向上流速变小,形状上下拉长变形,然后向上、向下发生溅射。

    At the flow direction , the Velocity become smaller and the shape from top to bottom is stretched and then the metal jet sputter to upward or downward .

  11. 同轴度和壁厚差越小,越有利于形成稳定连续的有效金属射流,越有利于提高破甲能力。

    The more small the coaxiality and wall thickness tolerance become , the more beneficial the effective continuous metal jet would form and the more beneficial the armor-piercing ability would increase .

  12. 聚能破甲弹的金属射流断裂后发生径向随机发散,导致破甲深度显著下降。

    After the metal jet of the shaped-charge has been broken , a random radial devergence of the jet segments is produced , so that the penetration depth is reduced notably .

  13. 文中采用数值模拟方法,对高速破甲弹生成的金属射流在头螺内运动过程进行了分析。

    The aim of this paper is to analyze the movement of metallic jet in fuze adapter generated by the high-speed high explosive antitank projectile through the use of numerical simulations .

  14. 应用爆炸逻辑网络知识,依据金属射流击穿绝缘薄膜导通放电原理,研制了一种多点导通爆炸逻辑网络闭合开关。

    Using the knowledge of explosive logic networks and according to the discharging mechanism of metallic jet breakdown conduction , an explosive logic network closing switch with several discharging channels is developed .

  15. 数值计算与实验结果表明,金属射流在惰性气体环境下受激振破碎形成均匀金属液滴束流,收取到了均匀尺寸的金属锡球状粉末。

    The results proved that the metal jet was broken up to form uniform droplet stream under periodic longitudinal vibration in inert gas , and the sphere uniform tin powders was collected .

  16. 简述了均匀液滴束流技术的发展与应用,讨论了均匀液滴束流产生机理及熔融金属射流的破碎。

    The history and application of uniform droplet stream are reviewed in the paper . The mechanism of the generation of uniform droplet stream and the process of the breakup of melted metal jet are discussed in detail .

  17. 泡沫金属湍流射流发泡过程数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of turbulent bubbling flow induced by gas jet into metal melt

  18. 编写了数值模拟程序,并对线型装药金属罩聚能射流模型进行模拟。

    The numerical code is applied to simulate line-shaped charge jet with metal cover .

  19. 金属表面高压水射流除锈

    Technology of high pressure water jet removing-rust on surface of metal

  20. 应用欧拉-欧拉双流体模型,并采用分别描述气泡和液相湍流的k-ε两相湍流模型,描述制备泡沫金属过程中气体射流发泡过程的两相流动。

    Numerical simulations of the flow processes of gas jet into metal melt were conducted by using the Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid approach . A two-phase version of the k - ε turbulence model was used for the liquid and gas ( bubbles ) respectively .

  21. 药型罩金属基体对于药型罩形成破甲金属射流时的作用,沿母线各处的作用是不同的,但其变化是有规律的,作用最大处约在药型罩的中下部位。

    The metal body of liner contributes to the jet and it is different along the generatrix of liner . But the change has its rule , the biggest contributing location lies on the inferior middle part of the liner .

  22. 基于在液态金属实验回路上的实验,对非均匀磁场中液态金属射流的MHD稳定性进行了研究,建立了一个描述射流性能的简化模型。

    Based on the experiments at the Liquid Metal Experimental Loop , the MHD stability of liquid metal jet flow in non-uniform magnetic field has been studied , and a simplified model is developed to describe the behaviour of jet flow .