
  • 网络gold hairpins
  1. 牛郎拉着自己的儿女,一起腾云驾雾上天去追织女,眼见就要追到了,岂知王母娘娘拔下头上的金簪一挥,一道波涛汹涌的天河就出现了.牛郎和织女被隔在两岸。

    The Herd Boy , with their two children , ran after the Weaving Girl , but the Lady Queen mother took out her hairpin and drew a river between them .

  2. “只见头一页上便画着两株枯木,木上悬着一围玉带,又有一堆雪,雪下一股金簪.”

    " The first page had a painting of two withered trees on which hung a jade belt , while at the foot of a snowdrift lay a broken golden hairpin . "

  3. 眼看追上了,王母拔下金簪一划,牛郎脚下立刻出现一条波涛汹涌的天河。

    At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife , the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke . One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand .