
  • 网络capillary pressure;MICP
  1. 近年来填充床反应器CFD数学模型韵几个研究重点是动量交换系数、毛细管压力以及床层空隙率的非均匀分布性。

    Several of the focuses of CFD model in packed-bed reactors were studied , namely , the momentum exchange coefficient , the capillary pressure and the void fraction .

  2. 离心机技术&毛细管压力资料的分析及解释

    Centrifuge techniques : the analysis and interpretation of capillary pressure data

  3. 因此,从理论入手,分析了核磁共振T2分布与毛细管压力曲线得到的孔喉半径分布之间的关系,找到它们之间的相互转换关系式。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between T_2 relaxation time and the distribution of pore-throat radius obtained from capillary pressure curve and presents the relational expression of their conversion .

  4. 用水蒸汽吸附法测定毛细管压力

    Use of water vapor adsorption data for determining capillary pressures

  5. 利用毛细管压力预测油水界面位置的一种回归分析方法

    A regression analytical method to estimate oil-water contact using capillary pressure data

  6. 毛细管压力对凝析气体系相平衡的影响

    The Phase Equilibrium in a Gas Condensate System with the Capillary Pressure Action

  7. 储层毛细管压力曲线在东海油气储量计算中的应用

    Application of reservoir curves in oil / gas reserves calculation in East China Sea

  8. 敖古拉断裂封烃泄水的主要机理是毛细管压力作用。

    The mechanism of sealing for hydrocarbon and non sealing for water is capillarity .

  9. 针对这一问题,建立了考虑毛细管压力的相平衡计算模型。

    A phase equilibrium calculation model in consideration of the capillary pressure was built .

  10. 应用高压半渗透隔板法测得的毛细管压力数据评价地层伤害程度

    Evaluation of formation damage by capillary pressure data obtained with high pressure semipermeable membrane method

  11. 油气运移的动力是浮力和毛细管压力的共同作用。

    The motivating force of primary migration is the coalition of buoyancy and capillary pressure .

  12. 离心机技术是获得毛细管压力曲线的主要途径之一。

    Centrifuge technique makes an important means to obtain capillary pressure curves and other derived information .

  13. 振动力场下聚合物熔体流变行为的响应与分析Ⅰ.毛细管压力降和熔体表观粘度

    Effect of Vibration Force Field on Rheological Behavior of Polymer Melt-I. Capillary Pressure Drop and Apparent Viscosity

  14. 自吸毛细管压力曲线

    Imbibition capillary pressure curve

  15. 分析毛细管压力资料是评价储集层孔隙结构最直接有效的方法。

    It is the most direct and effective method to evaluate reservoir pore structure using capillary pressure data .

  16. 退汞毛细管压力曲线

    Capillary pressure withdrawal curve

  17. 多孔介质毛细管压力对凝析油气相态影响研究

    A theoretical study of the effect of capillary pressure of porous media on the phase state of a condensate

  18. 在多孔介质中,由于孔隙半径小,因而毛细管压力应予以考虑。

    Since the pore radius is very tiny in the porous media , the capillary pressure should be considered .

  19. 多孔介质中,毛细管压力对两相渗流的影响毋庸质疑。

    It is no doubt the influence of capillary pressure on the bi - phase percolation in the porous medium .

  20. 文章从热力学基本理论出发,建立了考虑毛细管压力的相平衡计算模型。

    Based on the basic thermodynamics , phase equilibrium calculation model is set up concerning the effect of capillary pressure .

  21. 计算结果表明,润湿性决定毛细管压力对凝析气体系相态行为影响的方式。

    The results show that the affecting mode on the phase equilibrium of gas condensate system is determined by the wettability .

  22. 利用东部某油田的模拟模型来说明渗透范围、岩石湿润性和毛细管压力滞后效应。

    The simulation model from East field was adjusted to account for permeability regions , rock wettability and capillary pressure hysteresis effects .

  23. 根据毛细管压力理论,分析了具有复杂孔隙结构的非均质储层油气聚集和分布规律。

    Based on capillary pressure theory , the accumulation and distribution of hydrocarbon in inhomogeneous sandstone reservoir with complicated pore structures were analyzed .

  24. 应用分形几何的原理,推导了储层岩石不同孔隙分布和毛细管压力曲线的分形几何模型。

    According to the principle of fractal geometry , the fractal models for describing the pore size distribution and capillary pressure curve were developed .

  25. 该区储层具有较低的排驱压力和毛细管压力中值,微观孔隙结构发育良好,属于中-粗孔喉。

    The reservoir also features in low displacement pressure , low median capillary pressure , well-developed microscopic pore structure , and medium-to-large pore throat .

  26. 使用高压半渗透隔板法测得的毛细管压力数据在实验室内可以系统地评价地层伤害的程度。

    This paper presents a method for evaluating formation damage by the use of capillary pressure data in laboratory obtained with the high pressure semipermeable-membrane .

  27. 砂质岩的孔隙和喉道被网格状粘土矿物和次生加大矿物充填成微细孔喉状结构时,形成具有较高毛细管压力的致密砂岩。

    If sandstones have higher capillary pressure as their pore and throat are filled with I / S clay in lattices , it will be tight .

  28. 在双对数坐标图上,毛细管压力与含水饱和度呈线性关系,但平衡时间大大缩短。

    The capillary pressure versus saturation relationship appears to be linear on the dual logarithmic coordinate diagram . However , the equilibration time has been decreased greatly .

  29. 这种微孔隙、微孔喉具有很高的毛细管压力,并与地层水产生水锁现象,可以使原始渗透性能下降到10-4~10-6级别,大大降低砂岩的渗透性,使之成为油气盖层。

    This kind of micro-pore has high capillary pressure , and result in stratum water blocking and make the primitive permeate descend to 10-4-10-6 d class rating .

  30. 在不考虑自吸毛细管压力和滞后现象的情况下,采用饱和度端点比例将这些模拟结果与传统模拟方法进行比较。

    The results of these simulations are compared with traditional simulation approach using scaling of saturation end points and not accounting for imbibition capillary pressures and hysteresis .