
diǎn xué
  • attack a vital point;hit at certain acupoints;(of martial arts) hit at certain occupants, causing internal injury;hit at selected point;select the site of a grave through geomancy;causing internal injury
点穴 [diǎn xué]
  • [(of martial arts) hit at certain acupoints, causing internal injury;hit at selected point] 相传是拳术家的一种武功,把全身的力量运在手指上,在人身某几处穴道上点一下,就可以使人受伤或使人无法动弹

点穴[diǎn xué]
  1. 方法:对100例慢性失眠病人随机分舒乐安定治疗组(A组)和点穴推拿治疗组(B组)。

    Methods : 100 patients of chronic insomnia were randomly divided into the Surazeram group ( A ) and the digital-acupoint pressing manipulation group ( B ) for comparison treatment .

  2. 主要研究内容如下:1.使用脉冲激光沉积法在石英衬底上制备铝参杂氧化锌薄膜(AZO),系统研究衬底温度和氧分压对其结构、光学性能和点穴性能的影响。

    Aluminum-doped zinc oxide films ( AZO ) were prepared on quartz substrates using pulsed laser deposition method . The impact of the substrate temperature and the partial pressure of oxygen on the structure , optical properties and electrical performance of AZO films are studied . 2 .

  3. 点穴消痛膏;质量标准;酯型生物碱;

    Objective To establish the quality standard for Dianxue Xiaotong Paste .

  4. 浅谈针灸点穴课的教学体会

    Discussion on the experience of teaching acupuncture and moxibustion and points

  5. 点穴推拿治疗失眠症的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Agrypnia by Digital - acupoint Pressing Manipulation

  6. 经络点穴推拿调治亚健康状态的临床研究

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Subhealth by Point-pressing Massage Along the Meridians

  7. 我们斗不过他的点穴神功

    We were no match for his nerve attach .

  8. 脉冲电磁配合点穴疗法治疗骨质疏松症48例

    Pulse Electromagnetic Stimulation Combined Digital Acupoint Pressure in Treating 48 Cases of Osteoporosis

  9. 点穴疗法与运动疗法早期治疗脑梗死疗效观察

    Efficacy of early acupoint stimulation and physical therapy on patients with cerebral infarction

  10. 点穴松肌改良整复治疗颈性眩晕的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Realignment Treatment for Cervical Vertigo via Point Pressing Muscle Relaxation

  11. 经络点穴推拿治疗青少年单纯性肥胖症的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Children Simple Obesity Treated by Tuina Therapy on Meridians and Acupoints

  12. 目的:观察点穴推拿治疗失眠症的疗效。

    Objective ; To observe the effects of digital-acupoint pressing manipulation on the agrypnia .

  13. 电针配合按摩点穴治疗膝关节病80例的临床疗效观察

    Clinical obervation on 80 cases of knees articulation disease by electro-acupuncture and massage of points

  14. 手指点穴提高恶性肿瘤患者生存质量40例临床观察

    Clinical observation of improvement for quality of life With the malignant patients by Acupoint Pressure

  15. 点穴屈伸法治疗膝骨性关节炎的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Manipulation on Knee Osteoarthritis

  16. 点穴疗法治疗产伤性痉挛型脑瘫疗效评价

    Evaluation of effect for the treatment of spastic cerebral palsy cause by birth trauma with acupoint therapy

  17. 早期点穴结合运动疗法治疗脑卒中偏瘫疗效观察

    Effect of digital acupoint pressure combined with physical therapy on stroke patients with hemiplegia at early stage

  18. 结论:1.点穴按揉疗法可改善围绝经期女性睡眠障碍。

    The therapy pressing and kneading on acupuncture points is effective to insomnia of perimenopausal period women . 2 .

  19. 振幅配合点穴疗法对肾病综合征的长程巩固治疗疗效临床观察35例

    Clinical Observation of Long-Term Consolidation Efficacy on 35 Cases of Renal Syndrome Treated with Amplitude and Acupoint Pressure Therapy

  20. 目的观察点穴配合常规康复治疗脑卒中偏瘫患者运动障碍的疗效。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effect of routine rehabilitation combined with digital acupoint pressure on motor function of stroke patients with hemiplegia .

  21. 此法是集点穴、压穴、按摩等为一体的综合疗法,其无创痛,安全可靠。

    Acu-pressure is a comprehensive therapy in which digital point pressure and massage are also included , being safe without pain .

  22. 无极康复的每个弟子,经印定师传授秘术后均可以学会气功点穴术。

    Every disciples of the association would master the way on using the theory to carry out the treatment with specific energy .

  23. 目的:观察振腹为主配合点穴手法治疗女运动员原发性痛经的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of vibrating abdomen combined with finger acupoints pressure for primary dysmenorrhea in female athletes .

  24. 循时点穴和健脑按摩对短跑运动员闪光融合频率及速度素质的影响

    The Effect of Acupuncture Point Pressing in Order and Massage on the Head on Improving Flashlight Blending Frequency and Speed Quality of Dashers

  25. 方法:非手术通过腰椎牵引、按抖、点穴推拿、中药熏蒸、静滴皂甙钠等;

    Methods : Lumbar traction , pressing and shaking , chiropractic massage , traditional Chinese medicine fumigation and saponin dropping for Non-operation therapy .

  26. 结论:脉冲电磁配合点穴疗法能有效增加骨质疏松症患者的骨密度,在改善患者疼痛方面尤为有效。

    Conclusion : Pulse electromagnetic stimulation combined digital acupoint pressure can increase BMD and improve pain effectively , it is worth for spreading application .

  27. 临床研究:目的:观察膝部的手法治疗(舒筋研磨点穴手法)对于髌骨软化症的疗效并探讨其作用机理。

    Clinical research : Objective : To observe the clinical effect of manipulation ( the empirical method ShuJinYanMoDianXuefa ) to deal with chondromalacia patellae and probe its mechanism .

  28. 方法利用针刺华佗夹脊穴、背俞穴拔罐、背部点穴疗法治疗慢性胃炎102例。

    Methods One hundred and two patients with chronic gastritis patients were treated by acupuncture of Huatuo Jaji points , cupping on Backshu points and digital pressing on dorsal point .

  29. 治疗组30例采用点穴手法结合针刺治疗,对照组30例采用单纯针刺治疗,治疗10次为一疗程。

    Treatment group with 30 cases use the combination of pointing therapy and acupuncture , 30 cases of the control group use normal acupuncture treatment.10 times is a course of treatment .

  30. 方法:66例病情稳定的脑出血偏瘫患者分为2组均进行运动疗法,观察组患者加上点穴疗法。

    Methods : Sixty six hemiplegic patients with cerebral hemorrhage were divided into two groups both undergoing motor exercise . Besides , the patients in the observation group were subjected to point therapy .