
  1. 我约了3点看牙医。

    I 've got a dental appointment at 3 o'clock .

  2. 一个案子安排哪些法官来审理,往往有点看运气。

    Which judges are assigned to a case is always a bit of a lottery .

  3. 无论从哪点看,这些基因看起来像一个炎症网络,并对高密度脂蛋白、甘油三酯和载脂蛋白B表现活性;

    For all intents and purposes these genes look like an inflammatory network and appear reactive to high-density lipoprotein , triglycerides and apolipoprotein B ;

  4. 从这一点看,上例中的(OR)和(RA),或(EF)和(EC),就会引起矛盾。

    From this point of view , the correspondences ( OR ) and ( RA ) , or ( EF ) and ( EC ) , are contradictions .

  5. 从这一点看,实施全面经济刺激的理由就不那么令人信服了。

    Here the case for a general stimulus becomes less compelling .

  6. 以IT产业为契点看印度的职业教育

    Study on Indian professional education at the aspect of IT industry

  7. 您可不可以靠近一点看呢?

    Would you like to take a closer look at these ?

  8. 好的,我下去飞近点看。

    All right . I 'm goir down for a closer look .

  9. 从认知参照点看时间指示的时态选用问题

    Approach to Temporal Deixis of Tense from Cognitive Referent Point

  10. 有点看不明白,是不是买一个,就能2-5人用?

    One Saver Pass can be used by2 to5 people traveling together .

  11. 他们有点看不懂故事的情节。

    They were having some difficulty in following the plot .

  12. 男:我觉得咱们应该乐观点看这个问题。

    M : Maybe we should be more optimistic about their future .

  13. 让我们来逐点看你的评论。

    Let 's look at your criticisms point by point .

  14. 从这一点看,这个问题很重要。

    Considered from this point , the question is of great importance .

  15. 随着时间的推移,我们对这-点看得越来越清楚了。

    As time went on , we saw it more and more clearly .

  16. 我们经常在晚上七点看电视。

    We often watch TV at7:00 in the evening .

  17. 我们每晚七点看新闻。

    We watch the 7 o'clock news every night .

  18. 远点看得更清楚

    Well , I see better from a distance .

  19. 离远点看,这幅画更好看。

    The picture looks better at a distance .

  20. 这幅油画站稍远一点看很美。

    This oil-painting looks beautiful at a distance .

  21. 从这一点看,我们对他的就业前景不抱太大希望。

    It would seem that it has little confidence in its own job prospects .

  22. 也许现在有点看不出来。

    It might not look like it now .

  23. 他现在住在家里,一点看不出他曾经大病过一场。

    He lives at home and shows no signs he was once so ill .

  24. 可能你想近点看。

    Maybe you need a closer look .

  25. 靠近点看,你会发现她的眼睛里都是疼痛的表情。

    If you looked closely , you could see the pain reflected in her eyes .

  26. 至少,从这一点看,新的常态与旧常态没什么不同。

    Here at least , the new normal looks a lot like the old normal .

  27. 让他们靠近点看。

    Let them see this up close .

  28. “然后我离近点看,他们耳朵里似乎有东西。”

    Then I looked closer and they seemed to have things in their ears . '

  29. 从这一点看,全球化只对少数人有利。

    Globalisation , from this vantage point , has been good only for the few .

  30. 瞪著红点看,灰色的条纹将会消失。

    Stare at the red dot long enough , and the grey stripes will disappear .