
  • 网络complete market;perfect market
  1. 所有这些特点总起来就是说,在任何一个特定时间,一个完全市场上仅存在一个价格。

    Collectively these characteristics imply that in a perfect market there is only one price prevailing at any given time .

  2. 尽管宏观经济基准模式并非垃圾,但受制于某些明显的缺陷,如完全市场假设或无缺陷金融等。

    The benchmark macroeconomic model , though not junk , suffers from some obvious flaws , such as the assumption of complete markets or frictionless finance .

  3. 经典MM定理3表明:在无磨擦的完全市场下,财务政策和资本结构是不相关的。

    MM theorem 3 indicates that financial policy is not related to capital structure in a market without friction .

  4. 这是一个技术性的定义,它将有利于涉及贸易纠纷的中国企业,根据世界贸易组织(WTO)规则,中国预期将在2016年自动获得完全市场经济地位。

    This is a technical definition that would benefit Chinese companies involved in trade disputes and under World Trade Organisation rules China is expected to be granted it automatically by 2016 .

  5. 进一步,本文讨论了上述数值方法在求解金融模型上的应用,用改进的Euler方法对完全市场上的未定权益进行定价。

    Furthermore , the proposed numerical methods are applied to discuss financial models . We used the improved Euler methods to pricing of the contingent claims in complete market .

  6. 第一部分包括第1,2,3,4章,基于Arrow-Debreu的均衡模型,主要研究不完全市场的竞争均衡存在性问题。

    For one part which includes first , second and third chapter , we main have researched the equilibrium existence in imperfect market competition which based on the Arrow-Debreu equilibrium model . First , we have proofed that the securities market is tight spot-the convex topological space .

  7. 非完全市场期权定价的ε-套利方法

    The ε - Arbitrage Approach for Option Pricing in Incomplete Markets

  8. 非完全市场衍生资产的相关定价法研究

    Study on correlation pricing formula for derivative assets in incomplete markets

  9. 非完全市场衍生资产定价方法研究

    The Interval Pricing Method of Derivative Assets in Incomplete Markets

  10. 浅议市民社会与完全市场经济体制的建立

    On Civil Society and Establishment of Complete Market Economy System

  11. 不完全市场下静、动态资产优化配置的等价问题

    Equivalence of Optimizing Static and Dynamic Assets under Incomplete Market

  12. 非完全市场与完全市场证券组合比较研究

    Portfolio Research in Comparison an Incomplete with a Complete Market

  13. 完全市场经济条件下民营中小企业制度创新

    Institution Innovation of Middle and Small Private Enterprise under Full Market Economy

  14. 不完全市场期货合同的均衡存在性

    Existence of Future Contract Equilibrium with Incomplete Real Asset Markets

  15. 不完全市场上一种未定权益的套期保值策略

    Hedging strategy of a contingent claim in incomplete market

  16. 市场在新古典经济学中是产品交换的“完全市场”。

    The neo-classic economics school thinks market is perfect .

  17. 关于不完全市场的广义拟均衡与光滑无限经济的套利和均衡

    Study on Extended Imitate Financial Equilibrium and Arbitrage Equilibria

  18. 国有企业不适合参与完全市场竞争机制的原因解析

    A Discussion on the Problems of SOE 's Participation in Free Market Competition

  19. 该微分方程在完全市场条件下与Black_Scholes方程完全一致。

    The equation is consistence with the Black-Scholes equation in the complete market .

  20. 在不完全市场下,存在未定权益的价格区间。

    Incomplete markets , there exists a price range .

  21. 完全市场竞争条件下的铁路集装箱运价。

    Completely under the conditions of market competition Railway Container Freight . 3 .

  22. 不完全市场下连续时间投资组合研究

    Continuous-Time Portfolio Selection Research in an Incomplete Market

  23. 略论双轨制与不完全市场

    On Double Track System And Imperfect Market

  24. 一类推广的不完全市场临界均衡的结构

    The Structure of the Set of Critical Equilibria with a Kind of Extensive Incomplete Markets

  25. 主要研究非完全市场条件下欧式衍生资产的定价问题。

    The paper mainly studies the valuation of the European derivative assets in the incomplete market .

  26. 对于那些不能获得完全市场保险的人来说,签约是一种帕累托最优。

    Unraveling is Pareto optimal for those who participate when market-wide insurance is impossible to arrange .

  27. 不完全市场条件下公允价值计量对企业绩效的影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Fair Value Measurement on the Business Performance in the Incomplete Market

  28. 完全市场经济还有多远&中国经济转型进程研究

    How Far Is It from Full Market Economy & Study on the Process of Economic Transition

  29. 宗族观念和人情观念限制了完全市场条件的形成;

    The patriarchal clan idea and the human sentiment idea limited the formation of complete market condition .

  30. 在完全市场化条件下,供给与需求能够达到均衡。

    In a word , supply and demand can maintain an equilibrium level in a perfect security market .