
  • 网络Complete economic integration;Perfectly Economic Integration
  1. 按照发展程度,区域经济一体化组织可以划分为单一商品上的经济一体化、优惠贸易安排、自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济同盟、完全经济一体化等基本类型。

    According to the level of development , organizations of regional economic integration can be divided into several basic types , such as economic integration of single commodity , preferential trade arrangement , free trade area , zollverein , common market , economic union , complete economic integration .

  2. 因此,东亚一体化复制欧盟从自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济与货币联盟到完全经济一体化的五段论模式是不现实的。

    Therefore , while EU has developed step by step from a free trade area , customs union , common market , economic and monetary union to full economic integration , it is unrealistic for East Asia to follow suit .

  3. 很早就有预言称,先进工业化国家的不平等将日益扩大,但对这一后果的宣传并不多:完全的经济一体化意味着,全球非熟练工人的工资将会趋同。

    Growing inequality in the advanced industrial countries was a long predicted but seldom advertised consequence : full economic integration implies the equalisation of unskilled wages throughout the world .

  4. 根据经济一体化程度的不同,将其划分为特惠关税区、自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、货币与经济联盟和完全的经济一体化等六种不同的类型。

    Based on the difference of economic integration , it is divided into six types : special tariff zone , free trade zone , tariff union , common market , currency and economic liaison and complete economic integration .