- 名multilateral trade agreement

The last great multilateral trade agreement - the culmination of the Uruguay Round that led to the creation of the WTO - is more than 20 years old .
The last successful multilateral trade agreement was in 1994 , when 123 countries gathered to negotiate the creation of the World Trade Organisation and agreed on a new set of rules for international trade .
Any other measure covered by the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement
The Council for Trade in Goods shall oversee the functioning of the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annex 1A .
The terms " country " or " countries " as used in this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements are to be understood to include any separate customs territory Member of the WTO .
Such withdrawal shall apply both to this Agreement and the multilateral trade agreements and shall take effect upon the expiration of six months from the date on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General of the wto .
Robert MacLean , who led a research project for Mr Mandelson on trade barriers and market access , says Pascal Lamy , former EU trade chief , was more focused on multilateral trade deals and the Doha process .
Article XIII Non-Application of Multilateral Trade Agreements between Particular Members
It is never easy to reach multilateral trade agreements .
The regional concluded bilateral or multilateral trade agreement has made important achievements .
Such acceptance shall apply to this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements annexed hereto .
The author believes the third is more practicable . Many countries coordinate antidumping and competition law through bilateral or multilateral trade agreements .
Decisions to approve amendments to the Multilateral Trade Agreement in Annex 3 shall take effect for all Members upon approval by the Ministerial Conference .
The Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall have the exclusive authority to adopt interpretations of this Agreement and of the Multilateral Trade Agreements .
However , the main drawback of an EU-US FTA is that it might extinguish the remaining hope of achieving a truly multilateral trade agreement .
Members affirm their commitment to obligations under the Multilateral Trade Agreements and , where applicable , the Plurilateral Trade Agreements , regarding publication and notification .
Russia must now sign a multi-lateral trade agreement with the entire world trade organization , a process that Moscow says may take until the middle of2007 .
Information contained in reports should to the greatest extent possible be coordinated with notifications made under provisions of the multilateral trade agreements and , where applicable , the Plurilateral Trade agreements .
Until the entry into force of this Agreement , the text of this Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements shall be deposited with the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947 .
The forms of green barrier are discussed in the sense of legal source as international environment treaty , environment regulations in mutual trade agreement , domestic environment law and international environment custom .
Decisions of the Ministerial Conference and the General Council shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast , unless otherwise provided in this agreement or in the relevant multilateral trade agreement .
In the event of a conflict between a provision of this Agreement and a provision of any of the Multilateral Trade Agreements , the provision of this Agreement shall prevail to the extent of the conflict .
Nowadays , bilateral , regional and multilateral trade agreements are showing significant growth , and an increasing number of countries have concluded international trade agreements while the range of international trade agreements is becoming wider and wider .
In the past 20 years , with the promotion of the world economic liberalization , we have seen the fast development of the regional trade agreement . It contains a few multilateral trade agreements , but the main trend is bilateral trade agreement .
The Ministerial Conference shall have the authority to take decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements , if so requested by a member , in accordance with the specific requirements for decision-making in this Agreement and in the relevant multilateral trade agreement .
Particularly , under the circumstance of negative feedback from the multilateral free trade agreements and unfair trade environment , China began to pay more attention to the bilateral free trade agreements .
And we can help with the implementation of trade facilitation commitments associated with multilateral and regional trade agreements .
The bilateral agreements and multilateral agreements usually have one or another form dispute settlement mechanism , ASEAN is not exception .
The legal system of FDI access of our country composes of three divisions , which are domestic laws and regulations about FDI , domestic telecom regulations , and bilateral and multilateral agreements on trade in services .
Administering and implementing the multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements which together make up the WTO ;