
wán hūn
  • get married;marry;conclusion of marriage;(of a man)get married
完婚 [wán hūn]
  • (1) [(of a man)get married]∶指男子的结婚。多指长辈为晚辈娶妻

  • (2) [marry]∶也泛指男女结婚

完婚[wán hūn]
  1. 她的姐姐还没完婚呢。

    Her elder sister doesn 't get married yet now .

  2. 世界各地的人们观看了英国威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)完婚。

    People around the world watched Britain 's Prince William and Kate Middleton get married .

  3. 脸谱创始人兼CEO马克扎克伯格通过与自己相恋9年的女友正式完婚结束了自己忙碌的一周(此前脸书成功在纳斯达克IPO,市值千亿)。

    Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg capped off a busy week by getting married to longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan .

  4. 关于这对小情侣的好消息来啦!RobertPattinson和KristenStewart最终决定今年完婚。

    The good news is out about the famous couple , Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart .

  5. 那年的圣诞节刚结束,乔安妮和阿卜杜勒法塔赫·钱德里就在格林贝的使徒圣菲利普天主教堂(St.PhiliptheApostleCatholicChurch)完婚了。

    Just after Christmas that year , Joanne and Abdulfattah were married in St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Church in Green Bay .

  6. 恰逢联合创始人克里斯·休斯与同性男友完婚之际,Facebook针对同性结婚又推出两组新的婚姻状态图标。

    Just in time for co-founder Chris Hughes to tie the knot , Facebook unveiled two new cake topper icons so same-sex couples can declare their marriage status .

  7. 本周一消息,来自中国的NBA全明星中锋姚明与十几岁时相识的女友经历了八年的爱情长跑后,将于今年8月完婚。

    China 's All Star NBA centre Yao Ming will wed his teenage sweetheart in August , after an eight-year courtship , it was reported Monday .

  8. 而在2004年1月,布兰妮在拉斯维加斯与幼时好友杰森亚历山大(JasonAlexander)完婚,但这段婚姻在55个小时后就被宣告无效。

    In January of 2004 , Spears wed childhood friend Jason Alexander in Las Vegas , but the marriage was annulled 55 hours later .

  9. 卡蕾·措科(KaleyCuoco)说她和未婚夫,马术师卡尔·库克(KarlCook)已于周末完婚。

    Kaley Cuoco says she and her fiance , professional equestrian Karl Cook , got married over the weekend .

  10. 据报道,RobertPattinson和KristenStewart准备在今夏拍摄完电影《暮光之城4:破晓》后完婚,届时只会邀请少数宾客好友。

    According to reports , the two of them Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are going to get married in summer with only a few guests and close friends invited .

  11. 英国温莎——周六,一位黑人牧师的敦促和一个福音唱诗班的歌声在英国一座千年古堡里回荡,哈里王子与美国女演员梅根·马克尔(MeghanMarkle)完婚,将英国王室带入一个新时代。

    WINDSOR , England - A thousand-year-old English castle echoed with the exhortations of a black preacher and a gospel choir on Saturday , as Prince Harry wed Meghan Markle , an American actress , nudging the British royal family into a new era .

  12. 但波西亚要求巴塞尼奥在他离开之前先与她完婚。

    But Portia wanted Bassanio to marry her before he left .

  13. 明年,这对恋人将在巴厘岛完婚。

    The couple will tie the knot next year in Bali .

  14. 她一心想在25岁前完婚。

    She was bent upon getting married before she was twenty-five .

  15. 为什么你刚结完婚就和小舅子一起出门?

    You 're leaving with your brother in law after marriage ?

  16. 这对佳偶于2008年在她们的贝弗利山庄别墅完婚。

    The pair married in2008 at their Beverly Hills estate .

  17. 可是他是死在你们完婚之前。

    You were separated by his death before you were even wed .

  18. 我就在那儿待到我离完婚

    I 'm just there till my divorce is final .

  19. 你去吧,跟成彬结完婚再去。

    After you marry Seung bin , just go then .

  20. “我要和你的女儿完婚。”他说。

    " I should like to marry your daughter ," he said .

  21. 我们将踏着威尔士水仙花之路完婚。

    We 're going to get married following the daffodil route round wales .

  22. 花木兰,我们决定去完婚了。

    FA mulan , we 're ready to go through with the wedding .

  23. 记住,梅,你三天后就要完婚了。

    Remember , mei , you are to be married in three days .

  24. 在1905年的圣帕特里克节上,罗斯福与埃莉诺·罗斯福完婚。

    On St. Patrick 's Day , 1905 , he married Eleanor Roosevelt .

  25. 按计划他们将于下月完婚。

    They are to be married next month .

  26. 他们在新娘父母位于南安普敦的庄园完婚。

    Marry they did , in Southampton at the bride 's parents ' estate .

  27. 还是希望您能帮我在四月完婚。

    I 'd still like to be married in april , with your help .

  28. 这对情侣将于2019年完婚。

    The couple will be married in 2019 .

  29. 两家都同意长尾一完成学业就让他们完婚。

    Both families agreed they should be married as soon as Nagao finished his studies .

  30. 没有完婚的婚姻可以取消。

    An unconsummated marriage can be annulled .