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wán gǔ
  • Wangu
完骨[wán gǔ]
  1. 目的:引用缺血预适应这一学说,探讨针刺风池、完骨、天柱在治疗急性脑梗死过程中的作用机制。

    AIM : To explore the mechanism of acupuncture at the acupoints of Fengchi ( GB20 ), Wangu ( GB12 ) and Tianzhu ( BL10 ) in treating acute cerebral infarction with quoting the theory oi ischemic preconditioning .

  2. 风池、完骨、天柱、翳风针向喉结,进针6.6~8.75cm,施小幅度高频率捻转补法1min。

    Fengchi , Tianzhu and Yifeng ( TE 17 ) were acupunctured in a direction to laryngeal protuberance into 6.60 ~ 8.75 cm using holding and twisting and replenishing methods with lower amplitude and high frequency 1 min.

  3. 其中治疗组选用具有特异性的手足少阳经穴:完骨、天冲、率谷、浮白、承灵、阳溪、中渚、悬钟、足临泣针刺。

    Among them are specific treatment group selection in the brotherhood less Yang acupuncture point : the bone , day rushed , rate valley , floating white , ChengLing , YangXi , ZhongZhu , hang a bell , in full cry acupuncture .