
  1. 法国人在越南面临彻底的失败后,接着又让老挝取得了完全的独立。

    Facing total defeat in Vietnam , the French subsequently conceded full independence to Laos .

  2. 在这个物质世界里,谁都没有完全的独立性。

    NO one in this material world has full independence .

  3. 这样,每一层的内部结构就与外部完全的独立出来。

    This makes the inner structure of the layer is hidden from others .

  4. 新斯洛文尼亚议会声明自己拥有完全的独立自主权。

    The new Slovenian assembly claimed full sovereignty .

  5. 1931年的今天,威斯敏斯特法将完全的独立立法权赋予给了加拿大、澳大利亚、纽西兰、南非、爱尔兰和纽芬兰岛。

    1931-Statute of Westminster gives complete legislative independence to Canada , Australia , New Zealand , South Africa , Ireland and Newfoundland .

  6. 虽然最初的想法并不是完全的独立,但是托马斯•佩因的小册子《常识》促使人们相信对于殖民地来说,完全的独立是唯一可能的出路。

    Although the original idea is not completely independent , but Thomas pein booklet " common sense " makes people believe in colonial , fully independent is the only possible way .

  7. 我认为,没有什么比完全的独立,没有金钱的烦恼没有世人的贬褒,自由和美德更伟大更珍贵!

    NO.4 I considered that nothing could be grander or finer than to be free and virtuous , above considerations of fortune and the opinion of mankind , and completely independent .

  8. 然而可以认为政府能够实现其中的任何两个政策目标;特别是在一个开放的中仅通过其汇率的浮动便可以赋予货币政策完全的独立性。

    But it has been assumed that a government can pursue any two of these policy objectives ; in particular , that an open economy can exert full monetary independence if it only lets its exchange rate float .

  9. 基于NP-完全的弱独立性问题,给出一个具体的签字方案。

    Based on the NP-complete weak independence problem , a concrete scheme is proposed to exemplify the shared-key signature .

  10. 你们那儿有多少人愿意,比如说完全的经济独立?

    How many of you out there would like to be , like to , like be totally financially independent ?

  11. 中方支持巴勒斯坦人民在1967年边界基础上,建立以东耶路撒冷为首都、拥有完全主权的独立的巴勒斯坦国,支持巴勒斯坦加入联合国等国际组织。

    China supports the Palestinian people in establishing , on the basis of the 1967 borders , an independent Palestinian state that enjoys full sovereignty with East Jerusalem as its capital . China supports Palestine 's membership in the United Nations and other international organizations .

  12. 具有强制存取控制的RBAC安全模型的设计与实现泛关系模型的目的在于获得完全的存取路径独立性。

    Design and Implementation of RBAC Security Model of MAC The universal relation model aims at achieving the complete access path independence .

  13. 泛关系模型的目的在于获得完全的存取路径独立性。

    The universal relation model aims at achieving the complete access path independence .

  14. 这个当年被马来西亚踢出来被要求独立的新加坡,或许是世界上完全没有自身的独立要求而“被”独立的特例。

    Singapore , a country kicked out by Malaysia and required to declare independence , might have been the only special state which is made independent without the will to be .

  15. 本文对1853年以前的时期马克思、恩格斯的亚细亚生产方式概念作了考察,认为马克思、恩格斯在当时把亚细亚生产方式实际上是看作一种与欧洲社会完全不同的、独立的地域性的社会形态。

    This paper studies the concept prior to 1853 , holding that Marx and Engels , at that time , thought of the " Asian mode of production " as an isolated and regional social formation totally different from those in European societies .

  16. WebServices是近几年提出的面向服务的体系结构,以其协议的通用性、完全的平台和语言独立性、高度松耦合性,逐步成为应用集成的重要方向。

    Web Services is a system structure that was put forward in recent years , which has the characters such as common ability of protocol , complete platform , independent language , high loose coupling , these make it become the important direction of the application integration .

  17. 纸币本身有三个发展阶段:可兑换黄金阶段、不可兑换黄金阶段、完全脱离黄金关系的独立化阶段。

    Paper money develops in three stages : the stage of gold exchange , inconvertible-with-gold stage , and the independent stage from gold .

  18. 抗日战争胜利为解放战争胜利奠定了基础,抗日战争迈出了中华民族独立的第一步,解放战争的胜利实现了完全、彻底的民族独立。

    The victory of Anti-Japanese War established the basic of Nationwide Liberation War , and it is the first step of Chinese national independence .

  19. 应该根据上述三种审判程序的特殊性,确立与之相适应的量刑模式,而不是一刀切的完全一样的采用相对独立量刑程序。

    Instead of adopting the relatively independent sentencing procedure for all trial procedures , we should establish suitable sentencing mode for each type of trial procedure in line with its particularity .

  20. 在荷马的诗中,我们可以看到希腊的各部落大多数已联合成为一些小民族;在这种小民族内部,氏族、胞族和部落仍然完全保持着它们的独立性。

    In the Homeric poems we find most of the Greek tribes already united into small nations , within which , however , gentes , phratries , and tribes retained their full independence .

  21. 求出路、圈的独立约束数和独立加强数及完全二分图的独立约束数,并给出树独立加强数的界。

    Independence bondage number and independence reinforcement number of paths and cycles and independence bondage number of complete bipartite graphs have been obtained and an upper bound for independence reinforcement number of trees is given .

  22. 抗日战争并非是一次完全胜利的民族解放战争,因为我们并未获得完全的独立与解放。

    Anti-Japanese War is not war of national liberation of a complete victory , because we have not obtained complete independence and liberation .