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wán bèi
  • complete;perfect;leave nothing to be desired
完备 [wán bèi]
  • [leave nothing to be desired;complete;perfect] 具备;不缺任何必要的东西的

  • 完备的工具

完备[wán bèi]
  1. 本文特别研究了稠密完备格上Fuzzy集扩张运算的性质。

    Specifically , the extended operation 's properties of Fuzzy sets on the dense complete lattice are considered .

  2. 广义Kac-Moody代数与无限维完备Lie代数

    Generalized Kac-Moody algebras and infinite dimensional complete Lie Algebras

  3. 这种疾病的起因已有完备的记载。

    Causes of the disease have been well documented .

  4. 我们的游艇设施完备,首尾有两个双人舱。

    Our yacht was well equipped with two double cabins fore and aft

  5. 我们学校设施完备——我们有一个语言实验室,可以使用计算机和录像设备。

    The school is very well resourced — we have a language laboratory and use computers and videos .

  6. 再有一张邮票,我这套集邮就完备了。

    I need one more stamp before my collection is completed .

  7. 这些插图使正文臻于完备。

    These illustrations fulfil the text .

  8. 基于RS理论的不完备信息系统处理方法

    Processing Methods for Incomplete Information Systems Based on Rough Sets

  9. 关于无限维完备Lie代数

    On Infinite Dimensional Complete Lie Algebras

  10. WTO具有完备的法律框架体系,司法审查就是其中一项很重要的制度。

    WTO possesses a complete system of law framework , in which judicial review is a quite important system .

  11. 本文证明了MOL归结原理是完备的。

    It is proved that the MOL resolution principle is complete .

  12. 完备左(右)Hilbert代数

    On Complete left ( Right ) Hilbert Algebra

  13. NE系统与完备的初等系统

    The ne system and complete elementary systems

  14. Guan等提出的完备信息系统下矩阵约简算法,对完备下的决策系统进行了关系的重新描述,并且提出了新的约简算法。

    Guan . we put forward a new reduction arithemtic for complete decision system .

  15. 本文探讨了一种新的CMOS三值逻辑系统,建立了一套完备的CMOS三值逻辑基本单元电路。

    A new CMOS three & valued logic system is discussed . Some CMOS three-valued logic unit circuits are designed .

  16. 弱序列完备的平均弱一致凸的Banach空间是自反的;

    A Banach space is reflexive if it is weakly sequence complete and weakly average uniform convexity .

  17. 这种方法可以利用现有成熟的关系数据库产品,可以依据成熟完备的关系数据库理论来解决XML数据的存储和存取过程中的某些问题。

    This method can make use of the developed RDBMS products and resolve part of the XML data 's storage and query problem based on the well developed RDBMS theories .

  18. 生物体为维持自稳态(homeostasis)存在十分完备而精确的调控系统,即神经-免疫-内分泌调节网络。

    For maintain homeostasis , Organism need a very complete and precise control system , namely nerve-Immune-endocrine regulatory network .

  19. 电力系统状态估计是能量管理系统(EMS)的一个重要功能,为EMS提供可靠完备的数据支持。

    Power system state estimation is an important function in the Energy Management System , which provides a reliable and integrated database for it .

  20. 而且,即便此API完备,却没有什么非常好的例子可以帮助我们开始(当然了,这也是为什么您在阅读本文的原因)。

    Also , while the API is complete , there aren 't very many good examples to get started ( but that 's why you 're reading this of course ) .

  21. 由于TSP问题在理论上属于NP完备问题,很难用一般的算法求解。

    Because TSP is known to be a NP - complete problem in theory , it is too difficult to be solved with traditional optimal methods .

  22. 本系统采用基于WWW的ASP(ACTIVESERVERPAGES)开发技术进行设计,数据库操作采用SQL(StructuredQueryLanguage)技术,界面清晰,功能完备,操作简便。

    The system employs WWW-based ASP ( Active Server Pages ) developing technology for design . Data base adopts SQL ( Structured Query Language ) technology with clear pictures , perfect functions and convenient operations .

  23. 针对机器人编队行为学习问题,首先对每一个行为建立一个较完备的模糊规则库,然后利用Q学习来调整行为融合的参数。

    Firstly , a relatively complete database of fuzzy rules for every behavior was set up for formation behavior of the robot . Then Q-learning was adopted to adjust the weighting factors of behavior fusion .

  24. 该方法首先针对跟踪序列中的当前帧图像观测进行Haar变换,从而得到图像的过完备特征描述;

    The Haar transformation is first applied on the incoming image of the video to get features , which are over-complete description of the image .

  25. 该文提出的七维图像关联规则模型7DAR功能比传统的低维图像关联规则更加完备,可以很好地解决以上问题。

    The functions of 7D image association rules model 7D_AR proposed in this paper are more self-contained than conventional low-dimension image association rules , and can solve the above-mentioned problems better .

  26. 现在线切割机数控加工程序的编制大多利用计算机图形辅助求点,机床操作者依据自己的经验选择加工工艺参数,辅助手工来完成。迫切需要开发性价比高、功能完备的CAD/CAM自动编程软件。

    Until to now the programs in the WEDM machining are manually created by the operators from their experiences and the drawing data in computers , the automatic CAD / CAM programming software with full functions and low cost are urgently needed .

  27. 基于完备互补码的互相关函数为零的特性,提出1种基于完备互补码的超宽带(UWB)多址方法。

    A multiple access method based on complete complementary codes in UWB ( ultra wideband ) communication was presented . The zero crosscorrelation of complete complementary codes ensured it as the signature code about user .

  28. 提出完备空间(x,d)到其全部非空子集族B(x)的下半连续集值映射一条不动点定理,使Clarke[1]不动点定理成为这一定理的特例。

    We indicate a no moving point theorem of complete space ( x , d ) to the last half continuous set magnitude mapping of its not empty subset group B ( x ), which makes the Clarke no moving point theorem become its exception .

  29. 利用沿测地线的N-Jacobi场和指标形式,得到了具非负曲率完备Riemann流形中的测地子流形为无焦点的充要条件。

    By using N Jacobi field along geodesic and index form , we get a necessary and sufficient condition about a geodesic submanifold without focal points in a complete Riemann manifold with nonnegative sectional curvature .

  30. 近年来,TFT-LCD平板显示器技术发展迅速,TFT-LCD平板的电源管理产品朝着供电完备和小体积的方向发展。

    In recent years , TFT-LCD flat panel display technology has developed rapidly , TFT-LCD flat panel power management products develope towards the direction of a complete power supply and small volume .