
  1. 一是完全的计划经济时代(建国至1984年);

    First , planned economy era complete ( found a state until 1984 );

  2. 这就形成一种荒廖滑稽的局面:完全的计划经济都需要黑市。

    This culminated in the paradox that a totally planned economy requires a black market .

  3. 矿业权完全遵循计划经济的规制要求,不得租包、不得作价交易。

    Mineral rights in full compliance with regulatory requirements of the planned economy , not rental package , not price transactions .

  4. 其次,从目前供给决策机制来看,自上而下的决策机制完全是计划经济时代的产物。

    Secondly , in terms of decision-making mechanism on supply , the decision-making mechanism from top to bottom is an outcome of planned economy .

  5. 伴随着经济改革的进一步深化、社会经济迅猛发展,物质紧缺的时代已经结束,市场经济已经完全取代计划经济。

    With the further deepening of economic reform and social economic rapid development , material shortage era is over , the market economy has completely replace the planned economy .

  6. 在完全的计划经济时期,企业资本结构选择在我国经济学研究中并不成为问题,主要是这一时期其他的融资渠道没有建立,企业的资金来源非常单一,几乎全部来自政府的财政划拨;

    In complete central planning time , enterprises capital structure is not the scope in our country economics search , and the source of funds is very single , almost completely from governmental finance ;

  7. 但由于施工企业所处的特殊市场地位,一部分施工企业仍然没有完全摆脱计划经济的思维模式,缺乏危机意识和危机管理机制,应对危机的能力十分薄弱。

    Since construction enterprises exceptional market position , part of the construction business is still not completely free from the planned economic thinking of the lack of sense of crisis and crisis management mechanism for crisis capacity very weak .

  8. 我国现阶段还没有完全走出计划经济的阴影,主要问题是市场经济主体秩序失范,非经济主体进入市场;

    Up to now , China has not walked out of the shadow of planned economy and a great number of problems exist , the major of which are as follows : non economic bodies operate in the market , producing the disorder in economic entities ;

  9. 因此,河南省现阶段田径人才储备培养还是以传统的培养体制为主要形式,井没有完全走出计划经济的模式,表明河南省现阶段田径人才储备学校化的培养管理体制尚未建立。

    The sprint talent training system in Henan Province now is in the traditional form and is not completely out of the planned economy model , show that at this stage in the school track and field the cultivation of talent management system has not been established . 3 .

  10. 中国媒体产业在完全实现由计划经济向市场经济的转化之后,中国现代媒体经济走向世界就成为必然。

    After completing its transition from centrally-planned economy to market economy , Chinese media is heading for the world market .

  11. 第一章作为背景知识,介绍了我国市场经济条件下住区规划建设的经济环境,它完全不同于计划经济条件下的住区规划建设。

    As background knowledge , the 1st chapter introduces the economy environment of housing planning under the market economy , which is totally different from the one under planned economy .

  12. 黑龙江省城市社区服务事业发展迟缓,水平较低,这是由于还没有完全实现从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨所造成的。

    The city community service in Heilongjiang is slow , and also is low in development level , which results from not completing change from plan economy system to market economy system .