
dà hù
  • large family;rich and influential family;important customers
大户 [dà hù]
  • (1) [large family]∶人口多的人家

  • (2) [rich and influential family]∶指有财势的人家

  • 素疾大户兼并。--《明史.海瑞传》

  • (3) [important customers]∶消费量大的顾客、大用户

大户[dà hù]
  1. 这家工厂是该地区的一个用电大户。

    The factory is a big user of electricity in this area .

  2. YourlistmostlikelyincludesyourA.C.,fridge,washingmachine,etc.Butyouwouldbesurprisedtoknowthatyoursmartphoneisoneofthebiggestenergyhog(能源消耗大户)inyourhome.

    According to a recent study your smart phone requires more energy to run than your home 's refrigerator .

  3. PCB工业是用水大户,也是污染环境大户。

    PCB industry is heavy water consumption and heavy pollution industry .

  4. 江苏省GDP占我国1/10以上,是能源消费大户、典型的能源输入型地区。

    Jiangsu Province , whose GDP accounts for more than 1 / 10 in China , is the major energy customer and typical energy-importing area .

  5. 默认情况下,top按CPU使用情况排序显示进程,这对另外一种性能调优有用,但对跟踪内存大户来说并不是最佳途径。

    By default , top shows you processes sorted by CPU consumption , which is useful for other kinds of performance tuning , but isn 't the best way to track down memory hogs .

  6. ABC汽车有限公司作为行业内的一家大型的、现代化的、综合性的乘用车生产企业和Y市的第一纳税大户,以其作为研究对象进行税务筹划的研究具有典型意义。

    ABC Automobile Company is the industry within a large , modern and comprehensive passenger vehicles production enterprise as well as the first large taxpayer , Y city .

  7. 另外一家开支大户是美国盖普公司(Gap),它甚至将“客户体验”这一术语加入到店内职员的头衔里,不过目前,这一举措尚未能明显改善公司的形象。

    The Gap ( GPS ), another top spender , has even put the term " customer experience " into the titles of its in-store workers , but that has yet to improve the company 's image .

  8. 全球气候变暖及CO2等温室气体一直倍受关注,而船舶作为排放大户近年来面临来自公众和航运界的巨大的压力。

    Has been much concern about global warming and carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases , while the ship as emitters faced huge pressure from the public and the shipping industry in recent years .

  9. 以煤燃料为主的火力发电厂是排放CO2的大户,若能对其烟道气中的CO2进行回收利用,则是一项既有良好社会效益又有经济效益的工作。

    The fossil-fuel power plant that mainly combusts the coal is the large family which emissions CO2 , and if the CO2 in fuel gas can be recovered , it is a work that has both better social and economic benefits .

  10. 惠普(HP)和戴尔(Dell)在用户体验开支大户中名列前十&而且效果也还不错,但沃尔顿认为,考虑到它们投入的成本和精力,最终效果并不尽如人意。

    HP ( HPQ ) and Dell ( DELL ) are two of the top10 spenders on customer experience – and they do a fair job , but not what you would expect based on the cost and effort , Walden argues .

  11. 有关电力供应以及可能对电网进行重大改革的问题在中国尤为敏感。在中国,用电大户行业对中国经济增长非常关键,而可靠的电力供应对于各类生产企业来说都是一项基本要求,无论其制造的是服装还是iPhone。

    Questions over electricity supply and a potential overhaul of the power grid are particularly sensitive in China , where power-intensive industries are crucial to economic growth and a reliable power supply is a basic requirement for manufacturers of everything from clothing to iPhones .

  12. 我们是Cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税,这点最重要。

    Well , as you know , we 're the largest tax payer in Cupertino , so we 'd like to continue to stay here and pay taxes . That 's number one .

  13. 对于燃煤火力发电机组,氮氧化物是煤燃烧过程中释放的主要污染物之一,电站燃煤锅炉作为用煤大户,是NOx排放的主要控制对象。

    Nitrogen oxide ( NOx ) is the main pollutant which is released during coal combustion of coal-fired thermal power plant . As the main of coal-consumption unit in thermal power plant , the fired boiler also is the most important control object of Nitrogen oxide emission .

  14. 2005年3月1日,宁夏回族自治区中卫市某镇养鸡大户饲养的1500只(150d)蛋鸡陆续发生腹泻、死亡。

    On March 1,2005 , in Zhongwei town , a peasant household raised 1500 chicken of 150 days , which began to have diarrhoea and die .

  15. 当然,股市中的投资大户是婴儿潮时代出生的人。

    Of course , baby boomers are big investors in shares .

  16. 机关单位往往是用水和浪费水的大户。

    Departments are often a waste of water and big water .

  17. 当前电子产品生产的洁净室面积及空调冷负荷大户

    Oversized cleanrooms and immerse cooling loads in some electronic products production

  18. 铁路是我国的成品油消耗大户。

    Railway is one of the major refined oil consumers in China .

  19. Windows2000终端服务技术在证券大户室的应用

    On the Application of Windows-based Terminal Technique in Stock Exchange VIP Rooms

  20. 大户与散户在证券市场的博弈

    Game analysis of large and small shareholders in stock market

  21. 我们为全球大户买卖股票。

    We buy and sell stocks for major clients worldwide .

  22. 空调系统是建筑中的耗能大户。

    Air Conditioning system consumes the most energy in buildings .

  23. 雷诺小型车的主力阵线大户与散户在证券市场的博弈

    RENAULT Clio ⅲ Game analysis of large and small shareholders in stock market

  24. 建筑领域是耗能和污染大户,绿色建筑势在必行。

    The building field is main current in consuming energy and polluting environment .

  25. 纺织印染行业是工业废水排放大户。

    The textile , printing and dyeing industry discharges majority of industrial wastewater .

  26. 钢铁和水泥等能源使用大户将不得不减少产能。

    Big energy users like steel and cement will have to reduce capacity .

  27. 村里住着一个大户人家。

    There lives a big family in a village .

  28. 但该市的用水大户无一被罚款。

    But none of the city 's top water hogs have been fined .

  29. 有色金属湿法冶炼工业是耗能大户。

    Non-ferrous metal hydrometallurgy industry consumes lots of energy .

  30. 李刚是金阳县青花椒种植大户。

    King County Gang green pepper cultivation is large .