
  • 网络Daming Mountain
  1. 2000年9月11日至26日,在广西省大明山自然保护区共采集鉴定两栖类动物66只(种),共计9种,隶属1目,4科。

    Sep 11-26,2000,66 amphibians were recorded in Guangxi Daming Mountain Natural Preserve .

  2. 大明山退化生态系统的垂直结构及动态研究

    Study on the Vertical Structure and Dynamics of Degraded Ecosystem in Daming Mountain

  3. 大明山自然保护区之生态旅游与自然保护

    Ecological Tourism and Nature Reserve Of Daming Mountain Nature Reserve Zone

  4. 大明山三十年

    Thirty Years of Great Changes in the Darning Mountain

  5. 广西大明山自然保护区两栖动物资源调查报告

    Investigation of Natural Amphibian and Analysis of Species Diversity of the Daming Mountain Preserve

  6. 大明山森林群落的频度分析

    Frequency Analysis of Forest Communities in Daming Mountain

  7. 大明山退化生态系统群落的外貌特征研究

    Study on the Physiognomic Features of Community of Degraded Ecosystem in Daming Mountain , Guangxi

  8. 大明山退化生态系统植物生长动态分析

    The Dynamic Analysis of Radial Growth of the Trees of Degraded Ecosystem in Daming Mountain

  9. 对大明山云贵山茉莉种群结构和动态进行研究。

    This paper deals with the structure and dynamics of H uodendron biaristatus population in Daming Mountain .

  10. 研究了广西高峰林场和大明山自然保护区八角林地土壤酶活性(包括过氧化氢酶、转化酶、脲酶、蛋白酶和酸性磷酸酶)和养分的分布特点及土壤酶活性与土壤养分的关系。

    The enzyme activity in soil , the distribution characteristics of nutrient and the relationship of above were studied .

  11. 广西大明山观赏树种资源及其保护与利用研究

    Studies on the Germplasm Resources of the Ornamental Trees and Shrubs and Their Conservation and Utilization in Daming Mountain of Guangxi

  12. 大明山常绿阔叶林主要树种不同种群的结构特征存在一定的差异。

    There are some differences on the aspects of structural characteristics in different main species populations of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Darning mountain .

  13. 利用浙江林学院野外生存的丰富实践经验,在国家级野外训练实践基地&大明山开展长期的实践活动。

    Makes use of Zhejiang Forestry University 's rich practical experience for Field Existence to carry out the long-term activities at the state-class Field Training practice base & Da Ming Hill ;

  14. 开展大明山森林生态环境的研究对本区域生物多样性的保护和利用,了解北回归线上森林植被的发生、发展和演替以及退化生态系统的恢复和重建均具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    Ecological environmental studies of Daming Mountain have theoretical and practical significances on the conservation and utilization of biodiversity , as well as understanding the laws of happening and succession of forest vegetation , and restoring and rebuilding the degraded ecosystem .

  15. 大明山龙母文化与华南族群的水神信仰族群性研究涉及到族群、族群性、族群认同等重要概念,以及在中国语境中族群和民族概念的不同层次、不同场合的使用问题。

    On the Culture of Mother Dragon of Daming Mountains and the Worship of Water God for the Ethnic Groups of South China This research involves such concepts as racial groups , racial identification and their uses in Chinese context where racial groups are different from nations .