
dà qū
  • Daqu;yeast for making hard liquor;a hard liquor made with such yeast
大曲 [dà qū]
  • (1) [yeast for making hard liquor]∶酿造白酒用的一种曲

  • (2) [a hard liquor made with such yeast]∶用大曲酿造的一种白酒

大曲[dà qū]
  1. pH值对大曲水解酶活力有影响。

    PH value influenced the activities of the hydrolyzing enzymes in DaQu .

  2. 浓香型大曲原核微生物群落的PCR-SSCP解析

    PCR-SSCP Analysis of the Pronucleus Microbial Communities in Luzhou-flavor Daqu

  3. 浓香型大曲微生物群落结构的PCR-SSCP分析条件优化

    Optimal Conditions of PCR-SSCP Technology for the Analysis of Microbial Communities in Luzhou-flavor Daqu

  4. 以MRS培养基对特型大曲和特型窖泥中的微生物进行富集,共筛选出58株菌株、28种不同菌落形态。

    In MRS medium , microbes from pit mud and Daqu of Te-type liquor were selected from 58 strains , 28 different colony morphometrics .

  5. 采用BIOLOG微平板技术研究浓香型大曲微生物多样性

    Application of BIOLOG Microplate Technique to the Study of Daqu Microbial Diversity

  6. BIOLOG微生物鉴定系统在大曲微生物多样性研究中的应用初探

    Application of biolog microbes identification syetem in the study of Daqu microbial diversity

  7. 脂肪酶在酿酒工业中的应用具有十分重要的意义,大曲中的根霉(Rhizopus)是白酒发酵过程中酒体香气成分形成的主要微生物之一。

    The application of lipase has great significance in the wine industry , the Rhizopus in Daqu is one of the main micro-organisms in the formation of the wine aroma components during liquor fermentation process .

  8. 建立有机相反应体系来代替传统方法的水相反应,与传统测定方法(需反应100h)相比,它能简单、快捷检测大曲质量,适合工业化生产的要求。

    Reaction in the organic phase could rapidly analyses the esterifying enzymes power , adapting to the demand of industrialized product , compared with traditional method .

  9. 在干红毛樱桃酒的酿造工艺中,毛樱桃果实破碎榨汁时添加5%的白酒大曲,室温下处理6h,可使出汁率提高13.6%。

    During the technique of producing the dry red Nanking cherry wine , the yield of pressed Nanking cherry fruit juice would be improved by 13.6 % after added 5 % distiller 's yeast and be treated 6 hours at room temperature .

  10. 在秋季转排时,每甑减少大曲用量10kg,补加红曲霉、根霉各1kg,可使发酵正常。

    In the experiment of autumn rotate production , 10 kg use level decrease of daqu per steamer and addition of 1 kg monascus and 1 kg rhizopus could guarantee normal fermentation .

  11. 从大曲中分离出一株酯化菌WD-5,经初步鉴定为红曲霉菌,其酯化力达685mg/100ml,将该菌应用于黄浆水酯化技术中,通过实验找到了最佳黄浆水酯化条件

    The esterifying ability of the bacterium is 685mg / 100ml . It was used in the esterifying technology of yellow fermenting liquid . The best conditions of esterifying were found out through many experiments . WD-Algebras

  12. 宽板大曲率半径纯弯曲回弹量理论分析

    The springback of wide metal sheet after large radius pure bending

  13. 特香型酒糟醅及大曲中丙酸产生菌的筛选

    Separation of Propionic Acid-producing Bacteria from Site Fermented Grains and Daqu

  14. 模糊数学在大曲质量评判中的应用

    The application of indistinct mathmatics to the quality evaluation of Daqu

  15. 大曲率弯道内稀薄气固两相流场试验研究

    Experimental investigation on gas-particle flow in a duct with strong curvature

  16. 大曲率杆扭转问题的变分法

    On the variation method of torsional problems of a large-curvatured rod

  17. 一种新型的大曲率半径实时检测系统

    A Novel Real Time Testing System Used for Large Curvature Radius

  18. 大曲生衣复合菌在大曲生产中的应用

    Application of Fermentation Complex Species for Daqu in Daqu Starter Making

  19. 大曲中酵母菌种群结构及多样性分析

    Analysis on Community Composition and Diversity of Yeast Isolated from Daqu

  20. 提高清香型白酒中温大曲质量的方法

    Approaches to Improving the Quality of Medium-temperature Daqu for Fen-flavor Liquor

  21. 高温大曲靠皮的形成与预防

    Formation of Hull on High Temperature Daqu & Its Prevention

  22. 小曲清香型白酒的勾兑清香型中温大曲的前期培养管理

    Management of Prophase Culture of Medium Temperature Daqu Starter for Fen-flavor Liquor

  23. 薄壁箱形大曲率梁桥理论分析

    Analysis of thin-walled box girder bridges with great initial curvature

  24. 提高浓香型大曲酒特优品率的几点措施

    Measures of Improving the Premium Product rate of Luzhou-flavor Liquor

  25. 大曲率钢管孔道在复杂预应力结构中的应用

    Application of Large Curved Steel Pipe in Complicated Prestressed Structure

  26. 大豆酱大曲生产技术

    Production technique of Daqu ( koji ) for soybean paste

  27. 发动机燃烧室数值计算大曲率弯道内湍流数值计算与测量

    Turbulent flow in curved duct with large curvature numerical computation and measurement

  28. 浓香型大曲中一株产红色素细菌的分离和初步鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of A Red Pigment-producing Bacteria Strain From Luzhou-flavor Daqu

  29. 大曲率光学零件面形的空间载频外差干涉术检测

    Testing large curvature surface of optical element with spatial carrier heterodyne interferometry

  30. 大曲率圆环壳对称变形的应力公式

    Stress formula of large curvature Toroidal Shells in symmetrical deformation