- 网络oceanic lithosphere

A slab window often forms at the subduction time of negative buoyant oceanic lithosphere of less than 10 Ma in age .
The ophiolites of Qilian orogenic belt & the probe of ancient oceanic lithosphere
The rudimental guide of the plate-tectonic theory landing on continent is the archipelagic arc-basin system between the oceanic lithosphere and continental lithosphere .
Series of physical and chemical changes occur while the subduction of oceanic lithosphere sinking in the deep mantle , and induce the formation of arc lavas .
The author thinks that the ocean lithosphere delamination ( OLD ) is different from the continental lower crustal delamination ( CLCD ) in the paper : ( 1 ) The different delamination material .
There are sharp contrasts between the continental and oceanic lithosphere , anda lot of problems have arisen when the theory and model of plate tectonics have been ap-plied in the researches into continental lithosphere .
According to traditional view , ophiolitic suite , the fragments of ocean litho-sphere , is composed of ultrabasic rocks , basic laves with pillow structure and siliceous rocks , and included 5 or 4 complete sequences .
In mid-Jurassic , there was a ductile nappe shear zone developing in Neo-Tethyan ocean , and at the same time , the bidirectional compressing of Indian plate and Lhasa block on the oceanic lithosphere induced the intra-oceanic subduction .
The marginal sea is a special geological structure unit , which developed in the transition zone between continental and oceanic lithosphere , with unique formation and evolution mechanism , and is a very perfect site to study the geodynamics .
Ophiolites are the relicts of ancient oceanic lithosphere , which contain a lot of important information of ancient oceanic lithosphere , and have played a major role in reconstructing ancient plate boundaries , and in compositions and prosperities of oceanic lithosphere .
The theoretical calculations of ocean and continental YSEs showed that the Te was obvious less that seismic thickness .
As podiform chromitite has stable physical and chemical properties , it has recorded the magmatic process of the mantle under the ocean spreading centre and the lateral movement of oceanic lithosphere .