
  • 网络Atlantic Airways
  1. 理查德·布兰森是维珍企业集团董事长,名下拥有维珍大西洋航空公司,维珍娱乐公司以及维珍可乐公司。

    Richard Branson is chairman of the Virgin Group of Companies , which owns Virgin Atlantic Airways , Virgin Entertainment and Virgin Cola .

  2. 维珍美国航空公司(VirginAmerica)和维珍大西洋航空公司(VirginAtlantic)在T4;

    Virgin America and Virgin Atlantic are in terminal 4 ;

  3. 维京大西洋航空公司的一名发言人PaulCharles说英航认为这样的剪片子英航应该感到羞愧才对。

    Paul Charles , a spokesman for Virgin Atlantic , said was a shame BA felt the cut was necessary .

  4. 维珍澳洲航空公司(VirginAustralia)与澳洲航空公司(Qantas)的对决早有大量资料可循,而维珍大西洋航空公司(VirginAtlantic)与其竞争对手英国航空公司(BritishAirways)多年来的历史恩怨同样出名。

    Virgin Australia 's battles with Qantas are well-documented , as is Virgin Atlantic 's long-standing rivalry with British Airways .

  5. [原声播放]巴林最后以1英镑的慷慨的价格卖给了荷兰国际集团,Lisa在维珍大西洋航空公司做了一名空姐,过上了新生活。

    Barings was eventually sold to the Dutch bank ING for the princely sum of 1 pound . Lisa 's got a new life as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic .

  6. 这家飞越大西洋航空公司准许每位旅客免费托运66磅行李。

    The 66-pound free luggage allowance is granted by the transatlantic airlines .

  7. 大西洋航空公司四次航班的行李在哪?

    Where are the bags from Atlantic Air flight four ?

  8. 英国维珍大西洋航空公司奖励一名在飞机上出生的婴儿免费乘机到21岁。

    Virgin Atlantic awarded a baby born onboard with free flights until the age of 21 .

  9. 美国维尔金大西洋航空公司表示,皇室婚礼周时,由美国飞来的航班数有非常大的增幅。

    Virgin Atlantic said figures for the royal wedding week showed a huge increase in traffic from America .

  10. 维尔京大西洋航空公司接受了英国和远东旅客带动大家开始打破规则在其他领域。

    Virgin Atlantic 's acceptance of British and Far Eastern travellers spurred all of us to start breaking the rules in other areas .

  11. 下面是具体场景:虚拟公司(即全球航空公司)最近与两个航空公司(即太平洋航空公司和大西洋航空公司)形成联合公司。

    Here is the scenario : Fictional company Global Airlines recently formed an alliance with two other airlines , Atlantic Airlines and Pacific Airlines .

  12. 事实上,我们希望将维珍大西洋航空公司打造成为英国行业领头羊的努力,确实让英国航空公司如坐针毡。

    In fact , our efforts to establish Virgin Atlantic as the leading airline in the U.K. has certainly gotten under British Airways " skin .

  13. 这是布兰森的愿望,改善航空服务,促使他推出维尔京大西洋航空公司,旅客提供物有所值的服务,使飞行的乐趣。

    It was Branson 's desire to improve airline services that inspired him to launch Virgin Atlantic , providing travellers value for money service that brought fun to flying .

  14. 但是,搜索行动持续越久,就越可能会有一些国家不得不考虑自己对这场可能旷日持久的行动的承诺。以2009年在大西洋失事的法国航空公司(AirFrance)447航班为例,有关方面花了两年时间才打捞起黑匣子。

    But the longer the search continues , the more countries may have to consider their commitment to what could be a long haul - it took two years to find the black box in the case of Air France flight 447 , which crashed into the Atlantic in 2009 .