
dà dòu
  • soybean;soy
大豆 [dà dòu]
  • [soybean] 一种直立、丛生、多毛的一年生豆类( Glycine max ),原产亚洲,广泛栽培在中国、日本和其他地方,其种子产生有价值的产品(如油,豆粉),其植物体用做饲料和土壤改良的肥料

大豆[dà dòu]
  1. 最后一批房子也被拆掉用作了大豆地。

    The last houses give way to soybean fields .

  2. 葡萄种植兼酿酒者说他们一直都为谷物和大豆种植者的利益所绑架。

    Wine growers say they 've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers .

  3. 美国种植着大片的大豆。

    Enormous acreages of soya beans are grown in the United States .

  4. 漫山遍野的大豆高粱。

    Soyabean and Chinese sorghum grow across the land .

  5. 大豆含有丰富的蛋白质。

    Soybeans are very rich in protein .

  6. 完整的大豆从仓库输运到喂料斗里,喂料斗可调节大豆运入工厂的数量。

    Sound beans from storage flow into a feeding hopper that regulates their flow into the plant .

  7. 玉米和大豆更重要的是作为喂养饲料。

    Com and soyabeans are more important as feed grains .

  8. 第二,小麦和水稻产量的增速比玉米和大豆的增速更缓慢。

    Second , yield growth has been lower in wheat and rice than in com and soyabeans .

  9. 研究者采集了水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆这四种最重要的农作物的大量数据。

    The authors take a vast number of data points for the four most important crops : rice , wheat , com and soyabeans .

  10. (做豆腐需要多少克大豆?做豆腐需要30克大豆。)(需要30克豆腐。)

    How many grams of soybeans do we need to make tofu ?

  11. 但是在欧洲,大豆的情况并非如此

    In Europe , soybeans aren 't as common .

  12. 它还可以在不破坏热带雨林的情况下用来喂养牲畜,在这一点上它与多数新型大豆种植园的做法相同。

    It can also feed livestock1 without harming rainforests in the way new soya plantations2 often do .

  13. 去年的一项研究得出结论:制造微生物蛋白质的土地使用效率要比种植大豆高出数倍,而且用水量仅需其十分之一。

    A study last year concluded that protein from microbes was several times more efficient than soya in terms of land use and required just a tenth of the water .

  14. 这个名为“Solein”的细菌食品可作为许多食物中大豆的替代品,如馅饼、冰淇淋、面包和蛋糕。

    The bacteria food , Solein , can be used as a substitute for soya in a host of foods , such as pies , ice creams , breads and cakes .

  15. 吉林省大豆骨干亲本及主推品种DNA指纹图谱的构建

    DNA fingerprint of the main parents and current varieties of soybean in Jilin province

  16. 萌发pH值对大豆种子蛋白质代谢的影响研究

    Study the Effect of pH on Protein Metabolism During Germination of Soybean Seed

  17. 新型pH敏感的大豆蛋白水凝胶的研制

    Preparation of a Novel pH-Sensitive Soy Protein-Based Hydrogel

  18. 几种外源因子对大豆幼苗SOD活性的影响

    Effects of Some Exogenous Factors on Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Soybean Seedlings

  19. HPLC分析大豆磷脂胶囊的磷脂组分

    HPLC Analysis of Phospholipids Compositions in Soya Phospholipids

  20. 发酵大豆食品中染料木素含量的ELISA测定

    ELISA Study on Genistein Content in Fermented Soybean Food

  21. La对Pb,Cd复合污染大豆幼苗的缓解作用

    Mitigative Effect of La on Glycine Max Seedling under Combined Pb and Cd Pollution

  22. PCR检测和Southern杂交结果证明,玻璃苣D6D已经整合到大豆的基因组上。

    PCR detection and Southern analysis confirm that borage Δ ~ 6-desaturase gene Gas integrated into soybean genome .

  23. 用红外线CO2分析仪测定了大豆各生育期及品种(系)间光合活性的差异。

    The Photosynthetic properities of different varieties ( strains ) of soybean were analysed with the infrared gas analyzer .

  24. 加入WTO对黑龙江省玉米、大豆、水稻生产与贸易的影响与对策

    Influence and Strategy to Production and Trade for Maize , Soybean , and Rice in Heilongjiang Province after Entering WTO of China

  25. 经PCR检测和Southern杂交分析,证明外源基因已导入并整合到大豆的基因组中。

    PCR and Southern hybridization analysis from the transferred gene plants proved that foreign gene were transferred and integrated into soybean genome .

  26. 猪脑内微量注射大豆黄酮对血浆LH水平的影响

    Effect of Daidzein with Intra-cerebral Micro-injection on Plasma LH of the Pigs

  27. RT-PCR技术对该基因的转录表达情况研究表明,SRI基因在大豆中为低丰度组成型表达,其表达不受病原菌接种和水杨酸的诱导,并无组织特异性。

    The SR 1 gene was constitutive gene with low abundance in soybean genome .

  28. 以浓缩大豆粗磷脂作为液态物料的模型材料进行了超临界CO2萃取研究。

    The supercritical carbon dioxide extraction experiment is researched with concentration thick soybeans phosphatide as a liquid model material .

  29. 盐胁迫下大豆初生叶愈伤组织SOD活性及其同工酶变化的研究

    Studies on the changes of superoxide dismutase activity and its isozyme in Primary Leaves Callus of Soybean under Salt Stress

  30. 选择中国秋大豆为试验材料,对基因组DNA进行SSR标记筛选和鉴定。

    In this study Chinese autumn soybean were used as materials , and their genomic DNAs were analyzed with SSR markers .