
  • 网络A. dirus;Anopheles dirus;An.dirus
  1. 目的克隆及分析与先天免疫相关的大劣按蚊差异基因。

    Objective To clone and analyze the innate immunity-associated genes differentially expressed in Anopheles dirus .

  2. 大劣按蚊核糖体蛋白S7的基因克隆。

    Cloning of ribosomal protein S7 gene and PPOs genes of Anopheles dirus .

  3. P1对大劣按蚊无扩增产物。

    Dirus with the primer P1 . An .

  4. P1对大劣按蚊无扩增产物。模糊数学排序及其应用

    Dirus with the primer P1 . An . FUZZY SET ORDINATION AND ITS APPLICATION

  5. 溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐与DDT滞留喷洒控制以大劣按蚊为主要媒介的疟疾灶点的效果比较

    A comparative study of deltamethrin impregnated mosquito nets and DDT residual spraying for controlling residual malaria foci transmitted by Anopheles dirus

  6. 核糖体蛋白S7在大劣按蚊抗疟原虫感染免疫研究中的内标作用

    The Internal Control Role of Ribosomal Protein S7 in the Defense of Anopheles dirus Against Plasmodium Infection

  7. 目的探讨核糖体蛋白S7(ribosomalprotein,rpS7)在大劣按蚊抗约氏疟原虫感染免疫中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of ribosomal protein S7 ( rpS7 ) in the defense of Anopheles dirus against infection .

  8. 结果吸血感染约氏疟原虫前大劣按蚊PPO4基因的RTPCR扩增产物较少,但感染后明显增加(P<001),尤其在感染后1d与2d最为明显;

    Results The products of PPO gene by RT PCR after infection were significantly more than those before infection with Plasmodium yoelii , especially at 1 and 2 d ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 目的分析大劣按蚊含硫脂蛋白(TEP1)基因在约氏疟原虫感染过程中的作用。

    Objective To study the role of TEP1 gene from Anopheles dirus during Plasmodium yoelii infection by RNA interference .

  10. 方法解剖分离约氏疟原虫感染前和感染后3、5、7、11和15d斯氏按蚊与大劣按蚊的中肠。

    Methods Midguts were dissected out from both Anopheles stephensi and Anopheles dirus at 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 and 15 d before and after infection with Plasmodium yoelii .

  11. 研究mtDNA-COI基因序列差异,显示大劣按蚊和白麦按蚊分别有3个和6个单倍体类型,勐腊群体内核酸分化程度高于江城和海南群体;

    There were 3 and 6 haplotypes in An . dirus and " An . baimaii " based on mtDNA-COI sequence variances . The level of nucleicacid differences in Mengla population was higher than Jiangcheng and Hainan .

  12. 目的鉴定与抗疟黑化反应相关的大劣按蚊血细胞。

    Objective To identify the hemocytes related with anti malaria melanization response .

  13. 大劣按蚊吸血活动与交配受精的关系

    Blood sucking in relation to mating rate in Anopheles dirus

  14. 大劣按蚊对约氏疟原虫敏感性的初步观察

    A Preliminary Observation on the Susceptibility of Anopheles dims to plasmodium yoelii

  15. 大劣按蚊人工感染恶性疟原虫的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Artificial Infection of Anopheles dirus by Plasmodium falciparum

  16. 大劣按蚊前酚氧化酶基因部分序列的克隆与序列分析

    Clone and analysis of partial cDNA sequence of Pro-phenoloxidase gene of Anopheles dirus

  17. 大劣按蚊的实验室饲养研究

    A Study on Laboratory Rearing of Anopheles dirus

  18. 大劣按蚊感染约氏疟原虫血淋巴相关蛋白的筛选和鉴定

    Screening and identification of the related hemolymph protein of Anopheles dirus against Plasmodium yoelii infection

  19. 约氏疟原虫卵囊黑化期间大劣按蚊血淋巴蛋白的分析

    Analysis of haemolymph proteins of Anopheles dirus during melanotic encapsulation of oocysts of Plasmodium yoelii

  20. 目的掌握海南省致倦库蚊和大劣按蚊对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的抗药性发生及发展趋势。

    Objective To understand the resistance situation of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and Anopheles dirus to pyrethroid .

  21. 大劣按蚊丝氨酸蛋白酶与疟原虫感染相关性研究

    Study on the association between serine protease in the hemolymph of Anopheles dirus and infection with Plasmodium

  22. 因此,大劣按蚊-约氏疟原虫模型是研究按蚊抵抗疟原虫感染机制较好的模型。

    So , Anopheles dirus-Plasmodium yoelii is a suitable model for study of defense mechanism of mosquito .

  23. 大劣按蚊和斯氏按蚊核糖体基因内转录第二间隔区序列分析

    Sequence analysis of the second internal transcription spacer of ribosomal DNA from Anopheles dirus and Anopheles stephensi

  24. 云南大劣按蚊生态习性、地理分布和传疟作用研究

    Studies on Geographical Distribution , Ecology and Habits , Role in Malaria Transmission of Anopheles dirus in Yunnan

  25. 在以大劣按蚊为主要传疟媒介的10个市县,上述指标分别下降了51.05%、39.14%和60.92%。

    Dirus endemic area , the reduction rate were 51.05 % , 39.14 % and 60.92 % respectively .

  26. 大劣按蚊雄蚊的交配能力和日龄及交配次数对其生殖系统形态学影响的观察

    Observations of the male mating activity and the effect of age and mating on the morphology of the male reproductive system of Anopheles dirus

  27. 分析大劣按蚊(广义)多态的微卫星位点,显示平均基因多样性在勐腊群体最高(0.4469±0.2485),有14个位点偏离哈代一温伯格平衡;

    The average gene diversity was the highest in Mengla population ( 0.4469 ± 0.2485 ) by microsatellite DNA polymorphism . There were 14 microsatellite loci which deviated from Hardy-Wenberg equilibrium .

  28. 方法采用姬氏染色法初步鉴定大劣按蚊血细胞类型,继而利用免疫细胞化学技术检测大劣按蚊血细胞内前酚氧化酶和丝氨酸蛋白酶。

    Methods The types of hemocytes were identified preliminarily by Giemsa s staining , and then both prophenoloxidase ( PPO ) and serine protease ( SP ) were detected by immunocytochemical technique .

  29. 大劣按蚊也可以人工感染一种鼠疟原虫-约氏疟原虫,但大多数卵囊不能发育成熟而最终黑化坏死。

    It can be infected by a kind of rodent malaria , Plasmodium yoelii , in the laboratory . However , most of oocysts were killed by melanization and encapsulation instead of maturation .

  30. 疟原虫经大劣按蚊传2代后,按蚊对首次血传疟原虫的腺感染率平均为13.96%(6/43)。

    After two passages of the malaria parasite through the mice and the mosquitoes , the infection rate of the salivery glands could be increased up to 13.96 % ( 6 / 43 ) .