
  • 网络residual spray;residual spraying;IRS
  1. 经过15年来对疫点和疫区全民抗复发治疗、外出回归人员药物根治,以及连续3年DDT室内滞留喷洒和6年溴(氯)氰菊脂浸泡蚊帐灭蚊,控制了输入性恶性疟传播蔓延。

    After conducting anti-recrudescence treatment for whole people in epidemic focuses and epidemic area , radical cure for migrants for 15 years , indoor residual spray of DDT for 3 consecutive years and decamethrin soaked mosquito nets for 6 years , falciparum malaria had got under control .

  2. 1983、1984年的6&7月,连续两次在舒城县庐镇乡进行DDT室内滞留喷洒,第一次喷洒后,嗜人按蚊组成比和叮人率分别下降98.4%和99.5%,恶性疟发病率下降92.1%。

    Indoor DDT residual spray was administered consecutively at Lu Zheng township , Shucheng county in June or July , 1983 and 1984 , After the first spray , ratio and bite rate of Anopheles anthropophagus decreased 98.4 % and 99.5 % respectively , p. f. incidence reduced 92.1 % .

  3. DDT滞留喷洒防制雷氏按蚊嗜人亚种控制恶性疟的实验研究

    Studies on DDT residual spraying for controlling Anopheles LESTERI anthropophagus and Plasmodium falciparum malaria

  4. 结果揭示使用了40多年的DDT室内滞留喷洒为主的疟疾媒介控制措施不能完全有效地阻断疟疾传播。

    These results proved that present malaria control mainly by DDT residual spraying can not completely prevent malaria transmission .

  5. 溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐与DDT滞留喷洒控制以大劣按蚊为主要媒介的疟疾灶点的效果比较

    A comparative study of deltamethrin impregnated mosquito nets and DDT residual spraying for controlling residual malaria foci transmitted by Anopheles dirus

  6. 消灭病犬、治疗病人和在疫点用杀虫剂滞留喷洒能有效控制VL流行。

    VL could be effectively controlled by combination of dog elimination , patient treatment and focal residual spraying with insecticide .

  7. 方法通过3个现场干预试验和经济学分析,评价预防服药、单一DDT滞留喷洒和两者综合使用的防疟作用和成本效果。

    Methods . The efficacy and cost-effectiveness analysis of chemoprophylaxis , single DDT residual spraying and a combination of both were evaluated through three field intervention trials .

  8. 在1952-1956年攻击防治期,每年对疟区全部住房和牲畜棚实施DDT滞留喷洒。

    During the attack phase , DDT indoor residual spraying was applied to all the houses and stables in the malarious areas once a year from 1952 till 1956 . Before the spraying , over one million cases of malaria occurred every year .

  9. 现场室内滞留喷洒后,试验组蚊虫密度为0,并持效75d之久。

    After the rooms were sprayed by high efficient detained spraying insecticide , the mosquitoes density reduced to 0 and lasted for 75 days .

  10. 滞留喷洒防制流行性乙型脑炎蚊媒的研究

    Controlling the mosquito vector of Japanese Encephalitis by residual spraying

  11. 方法:选择不同类型的农村居民进行地面滞留喷洒。

    Methods : The residual spraying was conducted in rural residential area .

  12. 高效滞留喷洒剂杀灭蚊虫的效果研究

    Efficacy of high efficient detained spraying insecticide against mosquitoes

  13. 滞留喷洒加毒饵杀灭蟑螂的效果观察

    Efficacy of remained spray and gel bait against cockroaches

  14. 方法用超低容量喷雾器进行雾化滞留喷洒。

    Methods Residual spraying with ULV sprayer .

  15. 方法实验室用瓶膜法,现场用滞留喷洒法。

    Methods In laboratory test residual smearing method was used while in field tests resort spraying method was used .

  16. 例如使用经杀虫剂处理的蚊帐或室内滞留喷洒措施等,均有助于保护流行地区人口免受感染。

    Measures such as insecticide-treated nets or indoor residual spraying may help protect populations in endemic regions from infection .

  17. 今后的抗疟措施应着重在新病例的发现和根治,部分疟疾高发区应加强室内滞留喷洒,并大力消灭抗氯喹恶性疟。

    Indoor residual spray must be carried out and chloroquine-resistant malaria must be effectively controlled in the highly epidemic areas .

  18. 辛硫磷室内滞留喷洒55.5吨,灭蚊5205村次。

    55.5 tons of phoxim was employed in mosquito control . Indoor residual spraying was conducted in 5205 time / villages .

  19. 我们必须通过加强使用药物蚊帐或更多地进行室内杀虫剂滞留喷洒,继续减少传播。

    We need to continue to reduce transmission , through either the scaled up use of treated bednets or increased indoor residual spraying of insecticides .

  20. 方法以淡色库蚊、家蝇、德国小蠊为试验对象,对10%必克杀虫乳油进行室内药效、模拟现场药效和滞留喷洒药效测定。

    Methods The laboratory efficacy test , the analogous site efficacy test and the forcing-contact method efficacy test had been done against Culex pipiens pallens , Musca domestica vicina and Blattella germanica .

  21. 有灭蝇设施如粘蝇纸、灭蝇灯、滞留喷洒液等的店堂和厨房无蝇数最高百分率分别为52.9%,38.7%;

    In kitchens and dining - rooms where sticky card , residual spray and fly - killing lamp were applied the top non - fly rates reached 52.9 % and 38.7 % respectively .

  22. 利用我们建立的登革热数学模型,通过计算机对5种不同的防治措施和不同时间采取措施控制登革热流行的效应进行了模拟评价,结果显示,室内滞留喷洒对控制登革热的流行最为有效;

    Using the mathematical model developed by us , the computer simulations of the effect of different measures and adopted at different time on controlling the prevalence of dengue fever The results showed that indoor residual spraying is most effective for controlling the prevalence of dengue fever ;

  23. 滞留性喷洒技术在蝇类防制中的应用研究

    Studies on Application of Residual Contact Insecticides for Control of Flies