
  • 网络tali
  1. 我们不在无穷大里,我们在郊区。

    We 're not in infinity . we 're in the suburbs .

  2. 他们住在一所简陋的大房子里。

    They live in a great barn of a house .

  3. 想到她孤零零地待在那所大房子里,我便坐立不安。

    It bothers me to think of her alone in that big house .

  4. 她裹在一条白色大毛巾里。

    She was enveloped in a huge white towel .

  5. 在大白天里,前一天夜里发生的事情就像噩梦般令人难以置信。

    In broad daylight the events of the night before seemed like a bad dream .

  6. 让黄油在微波适用的大盘子里熔化20秒钟。

    In a large microwave-proof dish , melt butter for 20 seconds .

  7. 我蜷缩在舒适的大座位里。

    I snuggled down in the big , comfortable seat .

  8. 她说他的朋友们可以在楼下的大房间里住一晚。

    She said his friends could sleep over in the big room downstairs .

  9. 她嫁给了一位勋爵,住在科茨沃尔德的这幢大房子里。

    She married a lord and lives in this huge house in the Cotswolds

  10. 大壁炉里火势正旺。

    There was a fire burning in the large fireplace

  11. 碳尘和燃油在大发动机里越积越多,造成了发动机短路。

    Carbon dust and oil build up in large motors and cause them to short-circuit

  12. 我是独生子,因此没有在大家庭里生活的经历。

    I was an only child , and so had no experience of large families

  13. 鸟儿们将在外面的大鸟笼里过冬。

    The birds will winter outside in an aviary

  14. 鱼盛在一个大盘子里,以防汤汁洒出来。

    The fish is laid out on a large serving plate to catch the juices .

  15. 大礼堂里挤满了人。

    The great hall was overflowing with people

  16. 各大城市里空置的楼房都比无家可归的人多。

    In every major city there are more vacant buildings than there are homeless people .

  17. 他一边抄价钱,一边不时停下来往一个大袋子里装东西。

    As he marks down the prices , he stops now and then to pack things into a large bag .

  18. 这家公司被并到一家大公司里去了。

    The firm was merged into a bigger company .

  19. 男孩的服装陈列在商店的大橱窗里。

    The boys ' suits were displayed in the big window of the store .

  20. 大鸟笼里有很多不同种类的鸟。

    There are many different kinds of birds in the aviary .

  21. 她在一家大公司里做会计。

    She works as an accountant in a big company .

  22. 他把几袋米倒进大箱里。

    He emptied several bags of rice into a bin .

  23. 我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等着看电影。

    I hate lining up in the cold to go to a cinema .

  24. 在野餐用的大篮子里有许多苹果。

    There are many apples in a picnic hamper .

  25. 在咱们的大教堂里,至少要有一种体面的,神圣的,朴实的早礼拜式。

    We will have at any rate in our cathedral a decent , godly , modest morning service .

  26. 不过这一点很难做到,因为现在的情况是,在很多大公司里,很大一部分员工是临时的合同工。

    This is hard to achieve when , as is now the case in many big firms , a large proportion of staff are temporary contractors .

  27. 大多数广播电台都设在镇上绿树成荫的大别墅里。

    Most radio stations settled in the large villas in the leafy areas of the town .

  28. 大城市里的人们经常会抱怨呼吸困难。

    In large cities , people complain it is difficult to breathe .

  29. 在一些大城市里,共享单车多么受欢迎啊!

    How popular shared-bikes are in some big cities !

  30. 托尼的妈妈把艾米不熟悉的各种食物放进了大盘子里。

    Tony 's mother put different foods which were unfamiliar to Amy onto big plates .