- 网络continental collision

The first metamorphic event takes place in the tectonic environment of the continental collision zone . The geological factors that control the pressure and temperature conditions are the processes of uniform crustal thickening and uplift .
This paper applies the theory of P-T-t trace in these problems . It is concluded that the basic reason for the metamorphism of Liaohe group was the subduction of the group caused by continental collision and orogeny .
During the Indosinian movement , the directions of the major tectonic stress fields are along NW-SE , NNE-SSW and SN , which were basically resulted from the collision between the Qiangtang block , a part of the Tethyan dynamic system , and the Eurasian plate .
Deep features of continental collision belts in northwestern China and their dynamic implications
These important electrical characters provide important geophysical evidence for studying the mechanism of India-Eurasia collision .
Continent Collision Mechanism of Gold Mineralization and Temporal and Spatial Orientation of Gold Mineralized Zone , Qinling
Granites of Gejiu formed from continental collision environment , concretely from late-collision or post-collision geological environment ;
Sedimentary response to tectonic events : Reconstructed spatio-temporal scale of the Indo-Asian continental collision and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau uplift
The collision zones in China Continent are mainly characterized by complex structures , complex forming processes and mixed materials .
According to the deformational degree , ultrahigh-pressure eclogites in continental collision orogens can be divided into foliated eclogites and massive eclogites .
A three dimensional elastoplastic model was established to explore the mechanical aspects of the India-Asia continental collision by finite element modeling .
Qinling is an intracontinental polycyclic complex collision orogen , and also is one of the most important polymetallic ore forming belts .
Therefore we consider that Lincang granite was formed in post-collisional stage between the Burma-Thai-Malaysia and Simao block in the late Triassic .
And ( 4 ) Collision stage ( E 32-Q ) . The India Massif was collided with Asia continent in the Eocene .
The formation and the movement of the gold mineralized zone and the ore control tectonic zone is the result of the continent collision .
A compound and superimposed thermal structure of the lithosphere in the continental collision orogens & a case study of the Sanjiang region of Yunnan
We are entering a new phase of continental collision that will ultimately result in the formation of a new Pangea supercontinent in the future .
It was exactly a complex folded region that had been formed as a result of the collision of Gondwana and Siberia Continent in Late Paleozoic .
In this paper , we put emphasis on the introduction of the image characteristics and geological significance of Urals-Oman giant lineament and Alps continental collision .
Therefore they are corresponding to the three different featured convergent stages of ocean subduction , continental collision and intra-continent contraction in the structural evolution of plates .
It was widely accepted that the Dabie orogen underwent an ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism as a result of the Triassic collision between the North China and Yangtze continents .
Most of collision zones in China continent were not formed on one occasion , but formed through complex processes with multi-tectonic events and different geological actions .
Its formation was controlled mainly by the condition of terrestrial heat . Their main formation models are related to continental collision , continental extension and continental arc .
As a final result of plate tectonics , continental collisional orogens are formed , and the identification of such orogens is regarded as a milestone in recognizing the operation of plate tectonics in Earth 's history .
From an analysis of its history of activity and geometric features , its activity belonged to the compressional-strike slip movement in the early stage of continental collision , while at present the strike-slip movement is dominant .
The Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt , formed by the collision of the Yangtze craton and the North China craton in the late Triassic , has been know as the largest and best-preserved UHP terrane all over the world .
Tectonic evolution of Lanping basin , controlled by closure of Palaeo-Tethys and collisional orogen between India plate and Asia continent , has undergone three evolutional stages , i.e. , intracontinental rift , sag basin and strike-slip basin .
Mineralization took place mainly in tectonic settings of India - Eurasia collision in the period from Eocene to early Miocene ( about 56-21 Ma ) . The main type of ore deposits are hydrothermal sedimentary rework type .
The thin viscous sheet model has more successfully represented the major features of the lithospheric deformation and its consequence during the continental collision and orogeny in some aspects , though there are still some shortcomings in this model .
The ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt was uplifted rapidly by obduction to the middle crust in the process of continuous subduction-obduction in the collisional tectonic setting , so it was an allochthon thrust on the subducted basement of the Yangtze plate .