
tiān xià
  • China or the world;land under heaven;land;whole China under heaven;among people;on society;all over the world;whole people;rule;domination;nature;between heaven and earth;world
天下 [tiān xià]
  • (1) [land;whole China under heaven]∶四海之内,全中国

  • 鱼鳖鼋鼍为天下富。--《孙子.谋政》

  • 威天下不以兵革之利。--《孟子.公孙丑下》

  • 天下三分。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 天下之美。--明. 刘基《郁离子.千里马篇》

  • (2) [among people;on society]∶人世间,社会上

  • 天下谁人不识君。--唐. 高适《别董大》

  • 天下物皆然。--清. 袁枚《黄生借书说》

  • 天下事有难易乎。--清. 彭端淑《为学一首示子侄》

  • (3) [all over the world;whole people]∶全世界,所有的人

  • 天下缟素。--《战国策.魏策》

  • 天下顺之。--《孟子.公孙丑下》

  • 以天下之所顺。

  • 先天下之忧而忧。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

  • 后天下之乐而乐。

  • (4) [rule;domination]∶国家或国家的统治权

  • 传天下不足多。--《韩非子.五蠹》

  • 为天下理财。--宋. 王安石《答司马谏议书》

  • 共争天下。--《资治通鉴》

  • 天下事谁可支柱者。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

  • (5) [nature;between heaven and earth]∶自然界,天地间

  • 知天下之寒。--《吕氏春秋.察今》

天下[tiān xià]
  1. 汉民族民族意识与天下观相互影响。

    Chinese clan Minzu consciousness is seen the interaction with the China or the world .

  2. 不论是汉民族意识还是天下观思想都渗透着华夏中心主义思想观念。

    No matter being that see thought and is all permeating Huaxia-China center doctrine thought concept in Chinese clan consciousness or China or the world .

  3. 果然不出所料,婚礼的那天下起了雨。

    Inevitably , it rained on the day of the wedding .

  4. 她走遍天下,追寻她的梦想。

    She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams .

  5. 天下起雨来,我们立即钻进一家最近的咖啡馆。

    It started to rain so we dived into the nearest cafe .

  6. 这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。

    The house was completely overrun with mice .

  7. 我一天下来累得筋疲力尽。

    I 've had a gruelling day .

  8. 原来预计今天下20厘米厚的雪。

    20cm of snow were expected today .

  9. 可怜天下父母心。

    To be appreciated as a parent is quite unusual .

  10. 违反民主是冒天下之大不韪。

    It is a sacrilege to offend democracy .

  11. 我的朋友说我是全天下最酷、最瘦、最聪明、最幽默的记者。

    According to my friends I am the coolest , thinnest , cleverest , funniest journalist in the universe .

  12. 我将永远告别监狱,我会成为全国报纸的头条新闻,从此扬名天下。

    I am never going back to prison . I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory .

  13. 八千万年前,地球是恐龙的天下。

    Eighty million years ago , dinosaurs ruled the earth .

  14. 天下着雨,不过我们还是去野餐了。

    It was raining , but we went to have a picnic anyway .

  15. 天下雨,足球赛因此而延期了。

    It rained and therefore the football match was postponed .

  16. 天下大定。

    General stability has been achieved in the country .

  17. 威名天下扬。

    One 's fame has spread far and wide .

  18. 我们的朋友遍天下。

    We have friends all over the world .

  19. 天下着鹅毛大雪。

    It 's snowing in great flakes .

  20. 相交满天下,知心能几人。

    A man may have acquaintances all over the world , but very few true friends .

  21. 天下着雨呢。

    It 's raining now .

  22. 大凡天下事,当局者迷,旁观者清。

    Generally , for matters under heaven , those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside .

  23. 军民团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌?

    If the army and the people are united as one , who in the world can match them ?

  24. 十年寒窗无人问,一举成名天下知。

    After ten years ' hard study noticed by none , his fame fills the land once honours are won .

  25. 劝人安贫乐道是古今治国平天下的大经络,开过的方子也很多,但都没有十全大补的功效。

    (鲁迅) Since ancient times urging men to find contentment in poverty has been one great way of preserving peace and order ; but though many prescriptions have been made out , none is completely effective .

  26. 我不想与天下人为敌。

    I don 't want to make enemies with the world .

  27. 下诏大赦天下。

    An imperial edict was given for a general amnesty .

  28. 天下攘攘,皆为利往。(《史记》)

    All this hustle-bustle in the world is for money .

  29. 直到当天下黑里,他才回村。

    That day , he did not return to his village until dusk .

  30. 英雄美名天下扬。

    A hero 's reputation spreads far and wide .