
  • 网络The Children of Heaven;LES ENFANTS DU PARADIS;Child in Paradise
  1. 《天堂的孩子》正是在这个机构的支持下拍摄的。

    Children of Heaven was made with its support .

  2. 他的《天堂的孩子》(又译《小鞋子》)是第一部获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名的伊朗电影。

    His Children of Heaven was the first Iranian film to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film .

  3. 天堂的孩子在一起玩耍。

    Paradise for the children to play together .

  4. 里丁大力赞扬了马塞尔·卡内尔的《天堂的孩子们》。

    Mr Riding particularly praises Marcel Carn é 's " Les Enfants du Paradis . "

  5. 1997年的家庭剧情片《天堂的孩子》,通常也译作《小鞋子》温暖了很多中国人的心。

    The 1997 family drama Children of Heaven , often translated as Small Shoes in Chinese , has warmed many Chinese hearts .

  6. 哈米德·纳菲希(作家):马吉德·马吉迪的《天堂的孩子》是关于一对兄妹的故事。他们穷得只能两个人共用一双鞋子。

    Hamid Naficy ( Author ): Majid Majidi 's film , The Children of Heaven , is about these two , brother and sister , who are so poor that they have to share a pair of shoes .

  7. 甚至,他还会问那些父母是否有需要他帮忙捎带口信给他们在天堂里的孩子。

    He would also ask the parent if there was a message they would like to send with him for their child .