
  1. 有一种说法认为“天妇罗”的语源是西班牙语“tempera(温度)”。

    One theory is that the word tempura came from the Spanish tempera , meaning temperature .

  2. 可以尝尝绝佳的“Ro”饭,米饭上堆满了松脆的各式天妇罗,有海鳗、鱿鱼、大虾和甜椒(1900日元)。

    Try the excellent " Ro " bowl , which comes piled with crisp tempura of conger eel , squid , prawns and sweet pepper ( 1900 yen ) .

  3. 日本的地址经常会把人搞糊涂,所以如果你想找一家“天丼”(tendon)做得最好的餐厅——就是大碗的天妇罗盖饭——就看哪家门口排的队最长就行了。

    Japanese addresses often confuse more than clarify . So when trying to locate a top restaurant specializing in tendon - an oversized bowl of rice topped with tempura - just look for the lines waiting outside .

  4. 除了寿司卷与生鱼片,他还点了一碗盐毛豆、软壳蟹、天妇罗虾(prawntempura)。

    He orders a bowl of salted edamame beans , soft-shelled crab and prawn tempura as well as a selection of rolls and sashimi .

  5. 主厨安东尼奥·索里亚诺(AntonioSoriano)是新派阿根廷料理的领军人物,定期更换的菜单上列满了各式创意料理,最近更有血肠天妇罗(bloodsausagetempura)和牛舌沙拉。

    The chef Antonio Soriano is a leading light of the new school of Argentine cooking , and his oft-changing menu is packed with creative dishes , which recently included blood sausage tempura and a salad of beef tongue .

  6. “天妇罗”(tempura)起源于葡语中“temporas”(意为“大斋节”)一词。这样便很容易理解了,每周五,天主教徒会吃鱼。许是因为食物一经油炸便更加美味,后来天主教徒就将鱼炸制后食用。

    The word " tempura " is actually thought to have derived from the Portuguese word " temporas " which means " Lent . " This makes sense , as the Catholic population would eat fish on Fridays and eventually decided to fry it - possibly because everything tastes better when it 's fried .

  7. 如果你不想等得太久,那就去金子半之助(KanekoHannosuke),这里只卖一种天丼,所有人排队都是为了它——天妇罗分量很足,有蔬菜、大虾、鳗鱼,还配一只温泉蛋(950日元)。

    If you 're prepared to measure your wait in hours , head to Kaneko Hannosuke , where everyone is queuing for the kitchen 's only dish : outstanding tendon with generous portions of tempura including vegetables , prawns , eel and an oozy egg ( 950 yen ) . 10 .

  8. 我们酒店的天妇罗柜台很受欢迎。

    The tempura counter is very popular in our hotel .

  9. 吃天妇罗时要蘸着一种特制的油,这种油的主要成分是酱油。

    Tempura is eaten with a special soy sauce-based dip .

  10. 爸爸:啊,我知道天妇罗,那是一道日本菜。

    Dad : ah , I know tempura . it 's a Japanese dish .

  11. 只做一种类型的料理:寿司、天妇罗或照烧。

    And do only one type of dish : sushi or tempura or teriyaki .

  12. 早在13世纪,古老的摩尔人的烹饪书籍中,就有天妇罗食谱的记载。

    Evidence lies in old Moorish cookbooks from the 13th century that feature tempura recipes .

  13. “它们叫作天妇罗(油炸物),爷爷,好好吃耶,”咪莉说。

    " it 's called tempura , grandpa , and it 's yummy ," said millie .

  14. 作为传统的日本菜肴,天妇罗通常被认为产自于日本。事实上,它是由葡萄牙人发明创造的。

    While we may attribute tempura cooking to the Japanese , it was actually a Portuguese innovation .

  15. 特色天妇罗面,将面花放入丰盛的乌冬面或荞麦面中,为您奉献一份精选美食。

    TEMPURA IN SOUP SPECIALS , selected items in a fluffy batter dropped in a hearty broth with udon or buckwheat noodles .

  16. 我们知道寿司和天妇罗是日本料理,但是你知道寿司所有的种类吗?

    We all know that sushi and tempura are japanese , but do you know all the types and names of sushi ?

  17. 天妇罗主要是茄子、南瓜、甘薯等菜类以及虾、鱼等的油炸食品。

    This dish mostly consists of deep-fried eggplant , squash , sweet potato , and other vegetables , along with shrimp and Fish .

  18. 东京所有最棒的饭店都是这么小,而且只做一样料理:寿司或天妇罗或照烧。

    all the best restaurants in Tokyo are that small and only do one type of dish : sushi or tempura or teriyaki .

  19. 葡萄牙的水手(也包括商人和传教士)将天妇罗推广至世界各地,于16世纪传至日本。

    Portuguese sailors ( including traders and missionaries ) spread it throughout the world , and it took hold in Japan in the 16th century .

  20. 英式炸鱼像日餐里的天妇罗,很讲究鱼上挂的那层面糊,各家店都有自己的配方,做得好的那层面糊出锅后又酥又脆。

    British fish meal Lane as Japan 's cuisine , something made from discarded fish paste that level , individual shop has its own recipe That level is well then paste Chuguo flaky crisp .

  21. 简短而美味的天妇罗晚餐之后,我回到狭小的酒店房间,略有醉意。我忍不住自问:日本是否是地球上最爱吃的国度?

    After a quick , delicious tempura dinner I returned to my dwarf hotel room , only moderately worse for alcoholic wear , and asked myself the obvious question : Is Japan the most food-crazed nation on earth ?