
tiān bǎo
  • Tianbao
天宝 [tiān bǎo]
  • [the title of the Emperor Tang Xuanzong's reign] 唐玄宗李隆基的年号(公元742--755年)

  • 开元天宝之际。-- 宋. 苏轼《教战守》

  1. 美国天宝GPS接收机检定中常见问题分析及对策

    Analysis and Measures of the Common Questions in American Trimble GPS Receiver Verification

  2. 天宝5700GPSRTK定位技术在勘界测量中的应用

    Positioning Technique of Tremble 5700 GPS RTK Used in Boundary Engineering Survey

  3. 银杏天宝对大鼠实验性溃疡性结肠炎IFN-γ、IL-4的影响

    Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Extract to the Level of IFN - γ and IL-4 in Experimental Ulcerative Colitis in Rats

  4. 天宝5年前建立的一个研发机构的副总裁周武(woodyzhou)表示:“我们意识到底特律有着庞大的资源技术、人才和客户。”

    Woody Zhou , vice-president at a research and development facility set up five years ago by tempo , says : " we realised there were tremendous resources here in Detroit the technology , the talent and the customer . "

  5. 天宝:高兴,这张照片里我是高兴的。

    Temple : Happy . I 'm happy in that one .

  6. 天宝:发生了什么?它冷静下来了。

    Temple : What happened to it ? It calmed down .

  7. 天宝:根据它的耳朵,它耳朵向哪儿就在看哪儿。

    Temple : His ears . He points his ears where he 's looking .

  8. 天宝:不担心,我又不笨。

    Temple : No. I 'm not stupid .

  9. 天宝:他们在干嘛?

    Temple : What are they doing ?

  10. 天宝集团总部位于北京,为底盘、动力系统和动力传动系统生产零配件。

    Tempo , based in Beijing , makes parts for chassis , powertrain and driveline systems .

  11. 天宝洞中国郎酒的隐密世界

    The Secret World of CHINA LANG

  12. 天宝肿宁散醇提取物对不同细胞的生物学作用

    Studies on the Biological Effects of Alcohol Extraction of Tian Bao Zhong Ning San on Different cell lines

  13. 对漳州天宝香蕉种植区成土母质的元素特征及其与香蕉品质关系进行分析。

    Elements characteristics of parent rocks and their relation to banana quality in Tianbao banana orchards , Zhangzhou were analyzed .

  14. 天宝:我看见了我穿过的所有鞋子,我妈妈的鞋,其他我遇见的人的鞋。

    Temple : I see all the shoes I 've worn , my mother 's and other people I 've met .

  15. 天宝,当人或者动物死去的时候,他们还活在我们心中,我们仍然能看见他们。

    Temple , when animals and people die , they stay with us in our minds . We can still see them .

  16. 但他指出,天宝将在中国制造所有部件,因为这里(密西根州)的劳动力成本仍更高。

    But he points out that Tempo makes all its parts in China because labour costs here [ in Michigan ] are still higher .

  17. 天宝:用实体的墙牛就不会被外部的光或者动静干扰到,它们在突发事件面前会畏缩

    Temple : The walls are solid so the cattle won 't be by light or movement outside . They balk at unexpected things .

  18. 评价结果真实地反映了天宝高速公路沿线水体水质的基本情况,说明采用密切值法对水体进行评价是可行的;

    The results of the assessment indicate that the water quality belongs to the class standard and also actually reflects the basic circumstance of the water .

  19. 旺角单车专业公司成立于1996年,是天宝单车公司的分公司,主要业务为开发单车零售及维修。

    Established in1996 , Mong Kok Pro Bicycle Shop , a branch of the Team Bicycle Company , has been dedicated in bicycle retail and maintenance .

  20. 通过对天宝山铜铅锌多金属矿矿石性质和浮选工艺流程研究,查明该矿石的共生、嵌布关系复杂。

    Through the investigation on the properties and flotation process of Tianbaoshan copper-lead-zinc polymetallic ore , it is found that the ore has complex association and dissemination .

  21. 李林甫上台、专权和引用蕃将,都是开元天宝之际特定形势的产物。

    LI lin-fu 's going on stage , monopolizing power and promoting vassal generals , is all an outcome to particular situation in transition from Kaiyuan to Tianbao .

  22. 天宝:你是我唯一一个想在这里看到的人,其他人都会被他们所看到的东西所吓倒,那会让他们感觉困惑。

    Temple : You 're the one person I wanted here . Other people would have been overwhelmed by what they were seeing . It would have confused them .

  23. 跟踪监测了四川古蔺郎酒厂的天宝洞和地宝洞在不同季节和空间位置的温度和空气微生物。

    The temperature and aerial microbes in Tianbao cave and in Dibao cave in different seasons and at different space positions were monitored and the results showed that : 1 .

  24. 天宝:因为里面的人,我搞不懂那些人,至少学校里面的人知道我搞不懂他们。他们之中的有的人还是我的朋友。

    Temple : People . I don 't understand people . At least the people at school know I don 't understand them and some of them are my friends anyway .

  25. 天宝战争以后,唐朝兵败退出云南,出现了长达500年的南诏、大理的自治独立局面。

    After the army of the Tang Dynasty was defeated in the Tianbo War and withdrew from Yunnan , the Nanzhao-Dali Kingdom ( a local regime ) had its autonomy for500 years .

  26. 药材的朝贡贸易以香药为主,时间集中在开元、天宝间,带有强烈的政治色彩,是一种特殊的经济交换关系。

    Tributary trade of medicines to Hong drug-based , time is concentrated in the New Century , Tempo , with a strong political overtones , is a special kind of economic exchange relations .

  27. 天宝(自白):自然是残酷的,但是我们不必残酷,我们欠它们一份尊重,我第一次摸一头牛的时候它正好被吓到了。

    Temple ( Monologe ) : Nature is cruel , but we don 't have to be . We owe them some respect . I touched the first cow as it was being .

  28. 并将天宝十五载中诗人们抉择对日后生活的影响,以蝴蝶效应的方式,从其相互交往、现实主义理论以及创作实践等方面,进行深入细腻的对比性研究。

    The tempo fifteen contained poetry people choice to later life impact , with the butterfly effect , from its interaction , realism theory and creation practice , in-depth and delicate , comparative study .

  29. 天宝后,便以诗、赋为主,逐渐从务实走向务虚,这使得士子们在求学途中甚至中第之后,与现实社会越来越脱离。

    After the year of TIAN BAO , mainly by poetry to gradually retreat from the pragmatic , which makes the scholars have his own way after taking , and increasingly divorced from the real world .

  30. 从所选诗人的生活年代看,大致可推定此集的编选年代最晚不晚于天宝末年。

    From the living time of the poets who were selected , by and large , we can conclude that the compilation time of this collection is not later than the last years of the Tianbao at the latest .