
  • 网络astronomical optics
  1. 随着现代光学技术的发展,大口径光学系统在天文光学、空间探索和激光惯性约束核聚变(ICF)等领域得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    With the development of modern optical technology , more and more large aperture optical systems are applied in astronomical optics , space exploration and the laser Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) .

  2. 本论文结合科研项目红外泰曼干涉仪进行,该项目来源于中国科学院南京天文光学技术研究所,研制的干涉仪主要用于测量粗糙表面的面形、大口径球面等。

    The dissertation is based on the item of scientific research-Infrared Phase-shifting Twyman Interferometer , which derives from Nanjing Research Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  3. 基于USB通讯的天文光学图像采集仪器

    Astronomy optical instrument based on USB communication

  4. 2.16M天文光学望远镜主镜化学喷银技术

    The technology of chemical spray silver for primary mirror of the 2 . 16M optical telescope

  5. 天文光学望远镜的静压油垫支承系统

    The Hydrostatic Oil Pads System of Astronomical Optic Telescope

  6. 斐索型天文光学干涉仪的高分辨率图像重建技术研究

    Research on High-Resolution Image Reconstruction of Fizeau Interferometry Telescope

  7. 此类光纤激光器可用作天文光学频率梳的理想光源。

    Those kinds of fiber lasers can be excellent optical sources for astro-combs .

  8. 天文光学系统象差的自动校正

    Automatic correction of aberration in astro-optical systems

  9. 天文光学望远镜的调校与检测

    Alignment and testing of astronomical optical telescope

  10. 自适应光学技术已经成为现代地基天文光学望远镜的重要部分。

    At present , the adaptive optics has become an important technique for the ground-based optical telescopes .

  11. 对望远镜光学系统和两类天文光学工作给予了介绍。

    The optical system of the telescope and two kinds of work are introduced in the paper .

  12. 用此方法计算了一些天文光学系统自动设计的问题。

    The application of our method is successful and available in automatic design of astronomical optical systems .

  13. 接着介绍了检测天文光学望远镜成像质量各种方法的基本原理和对大气质量的评价及测量;

    Following introduced are the principles of traditional optical testing methods and the measurement of the atmosphere quality .

  14. 本文阐述了用于大型天文光学望远镜主、付镜的气压、液压支承的运行原理及结构形式和设计方法。

    Hydrostatic and pneumatic supports of telescope mirror are described for its operating principle , structure type and design .

  15. 论文最后的第六章总结了天文光学光谱仪的发展现状和将来的发展趋势。

    In the last chapter of this paper , I summarize the recent developments and future trends of astronomical optical spectrographs .

  16. 对主动光学技术在现代天文光学望远镜中的作用和工作原理作了较全面的介绍和评论。

    The general theory and the principal function of the active optics applied in the modern astronomical optical telescopes are described and reviewed in this paper .

  17. 利用天文光学干涉仪成像,可以获取最长基线对应的高频率信息,但往往只能获得部分频域覆盖。

    By using interferometry telescope , higher frequency information corresponding to the longest baseline can be obtained ; however , the U-V plane is just partially covered .

  18. 大口径长焦距反射镜在天文光学系统、空中遥感相机、激光核聚变驱动器等领域有广泛的应用。

    Large aperture and long focal-length mirrors are widely applied in various technical domains such as aerial remote-sensing camera , astronomical optical system , ICF driver , and so on .

  19. 2.4m天文望远镜光学系统的设计及副镜检验的几种可能方案

    Optic System Design of a 2.4m Class Telescope and Several Methods for Testing the Secondary Mirror

  20. 2.16米天文望远镜光学系统的调整

    The alignment of optical systems for 2.16m astronomical telescope

  21. 波前检测是天文望远镜自适应光学中的重要环节。

    Wavefront sensing is a crucial part of adaptive optics technology .

  22. 在所有这些指标上,射电天文并不比光学天文逊色。

    In none of these respects does optical astronomy have any advantage over radio astronomy .

  23. 本文用三级象差理论讨论了由两个二次曲面反射镜组成的,主要是天文望远镜的光学系统。

    The optical system with two aspherical mirrors essentially for astronomical use is discussed by the third-order aberration theory .

  24. 能够在半球形内部圆顶的内部表面投出天体图像和其他天文现象的光学仪器。

    An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome .

  25. 基于哈特曼检测所求出的点列图分布,给出适用于天文望远镜的光学传递函数的测量方法;

    Based on the spot diagram from the Hartmann screen test , a measurement method of the OTF that is adapteds for astronomical telescopes is given in this paper .

  26. 如何确定镜子的最佳支撑方式,来保证最优的镜面面形精度,这在天文望远镜的光学成像系统中具有重要的意义。

    How to design the best support of the mirror to ensure the highest accuracy of the mirror surface , which is very significant for the optical and image system of the astronomical telescope .

  27. 首架南极天文望远镜CSTAR的光学系统

    Optical System of Chinese First Antarctic Astronomical Telescope-CSTAR

  28. 特别指出了映射函数方法对天文大气折射和光学波段测距精度的改进。

    The accuracy improvement on the astronomical refraction by applying mapping function is noticeable .

  29. 天文高分辨像复原技术检测地基天文光学望远镜成像质量

    High-Resolution Image Reconstruction Technology Applied to the Optical Testing of Ground-Based Astronomical Telescopes

  30. 我们在天文高分辨像复原技术的基础上,提出检测地基天文光学望远镜光学系统成像质量的两种方法。

    By the study of classical testing methods adopted in testing the image quality of large-sized ground-based astronomical optical telescopes , we bring forward two testing ways on the foundation of high-resolution image reconstruction technology .