
  • 网络naval academy;United States Naval Academy;US Naval Academy
  1. 我是美国海军学院的上尉指挥官标顿。

    Lieutenant commander burton , United States Naval academy .

  2. 在周五,我前往安纳波利斯与杰出的年轻人们一起庆祝美国海军学院2013年的毕业典礼,

    On Friday , I went to Annapolis to celebrate the extraordinary young men and women of the United States Naval Academy 's Class of 2013 。

  3. MilesYu是美国海军学院中东与军事历史教授。

    Miles Yu is an East Asia and military history professor at the U.S. Naval Academy .

  4. 多诺万曾在美国海军学院(USNavalAcademy)执教。若是在这个学校的工程学测验时作弊,或许就会意味着一旦战舰上发生问题,你将猝不及防。

    Ms Donovan used to teach at the US Naval Academy , where cheating on an engineering test might mean being unprepared when a problem arose on a battle ship .

  5. 今天对美国海军学院的毕业生来说是个大日子。

    Big day for graduates of the U.S. naval academy .

  6. 还有位于马里兰州安那波利斯、培养海军和海军陆战队军官的美国海军学院。

    And the Naval Academy is in Annapolis , Maryland ; it prepares officers for the Navy and the Marine Corps .

  7. 自1982年从美国海军学院毕业以来,霍华德在自己的职业生涯中已经取得了许多具有历史意义的“第一次”。

    Since 1982 , when she graduated from the U.S.Naval Academy , Howard has achieved many historic " firsts " in her career .

  8. 今天举行了一场听证会,以决定三名前美国海军学院橄榄球运动员是否应为性侵一名海军女学员指控受到军事审判。

    A hearing took place today to determine whether three former US Naval Academy football players should be court-martialed on charges they sexually assaulted a female midshipman .

  9. 帽子采集者:一个女孩从收集见习谁抛向空中后,他们从安那波利斯美国海军学院,美国马里兰州,周五他们毕业的帽子。

    HAT COLLECTOR : A girl collected hats from midshipmen who tossed them into the air after their graduation from the US Naval Academy in Annapolis , Md. , Friday .

  10. 海军军官候补生我们在美国海军学院军官候补生中有一个同伴,他的学业很差。他到连队军官那儿寻求安慰。“你的成绩糟透了,”军官责备他说,“是否你的学习中存在什么问题?”

    One of my fellow midshipmen at the U. S. Naval Academy was performing poorly in class and reported to his company officer for counseling . , " Your marks are deplorable ! " the officer scolded .

  11. 美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)的安德鲁埃里克森(andrewerickson)表示:“水下是少有的几个可以免受中国导弹打击的区域之一。”

    As Andrew Erickson , of the US Naval War College , notes : " underwater is one of the few areas that is safe from Chinese missiles . "

  12. 他补充称,考虑到美中高级海军军官计划于下月出席在罗得岛新港美国海军战争学院(usnavalwarcollege)召开的一次会议,探讨海事透明度及合作问题,(中方)此举颇具讽刺意味。

    He added that the move was ironic given that senior US and Chinese naval officers were next month planning to attend a conference at the US Naval War College in Newport , Rhode Island , on maritime transparency and co-operation .

  13. 周二的谈判安排在位于马里兰州首府安纳波利斯的美国海军军官学院。

    Tuesday 's negotiations are scheduled at the US Naval Academy in the annapolis , maryland .

  14. 下面的足迹,他的父亲和祖父,麦凯恩进入美国在安纳波利斯海军学院。

    Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather , McCain entered the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis .

  15. 他曾亲临美国史密森研究院和美国海军学院的开幕式,及华盛顿纪念碑的开工典礼。

    He oversaw the opening of the Smithsonian Institute and the U.S. Naval Academy , and the groundbreaking for the Washington Monument .

  16. 你们这一代将必须面对的关键项目之一,就是保持和增强美国在辽阔的太平洋海域的优势,帕内塔上周在安纳波利斯向美国海军学院(USNavalAcademy)的毕业生表示。

    One of the key projects that your generation will have to face is sustaining and enhancing American strength across the great maritime region of the Pacific , Mr Panetta told graduates of the US Naval Academy at Annapolis this week .