
  • 网络American Philosophy;Philosophy of the Americas
  1. 秘密政治集团花了30年的时间发展成为美国哲学社会。

    The Junto was active for30 years and developed into the American Philosophical Society .

  2. 次年3月,希里曼向美国哲学学会提交了他们的调查结果。

    The following March , Silliman presented what they had found to the American Philosophical Society .

  3. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。

    The Nestor or American philosophy .

  4. 美国哲学中的实用主义运动是催生语用学的主要因素;

    The pragmatic movement in American philosophy is the main factor that hastens the birth of pragmatics .

  5. 罗蒂对杜威哲学遗产的批判、继承、利用和发展在美国哲学界一直是有争议的。

    The approach Rorty wants to inherit and critically develop John Dewey 's philosophy is always disputed in American philosophy .

  6. 这是研究哲学一种很流行的方式,不只是在这个系,也是在整个美国哲学界。

    And it 's the prevalent way of doing philosophy not only in this department but in American philosophical association as a whole .

  7. 他提出的自然主义思想成为世界尤其是美国哲学史中的重要的一支,他本人是美国美学的发端人物,其美学思想更是开美国美学发展的先河。

    Naturalism that he put forward was an important branch in the history of aesthetics in the world , especially in that of American aesthetics .

  8. 这一概念的提出引起当代美国哲学界的关注,被看作是对逻辑经验主义的背叛。

    The advance of this concept has attracted great attention in today 's American philosophy field , and been considered as a betrayal to logical empiricism .

  9. 在美国哲学协会,一年前的会议上,偶然间我坐下来吃饭,有个男人我一点儿也不认识,叫做赫伯特·科尔。

    At the meeting of the American Philosophical Association one year , just by chance , I sat down at lunch , he was this person I didn 't know anything about him , named Herbert Kohl .

  10. 它与美国司法哲学中的司法自由主义和司法能动主义既有联系又有区别。

    It has both connections and differences with judicial liberalism and judicial activism of the United States judicial philosophy .

  11. 欧内斯特·内格尔是美国科学哲学界享有盛誉的一位大师,他的多部作品都曾对科学哲学界造成很大的影响。

    Ernest Nagel is a prestigious master of the scientific philosophy . His works of scientific philosophy caused great influence .

  12. 也许詹姆士?威尔逊的哲学是美国古典哲学与政府哲学中最为站得住脚的表达。

    The philosophy of James Wilson is perhaps the most consistent expression of the classical American philosophy of law and government .

  13. 中国管理哲学的特征是以社会道德为中心,而美国管理哲学则以技术理性为中心。

    Chinese managerial philosophy is featured as being centered on social morality , while American managerial philosophy is characterized as technical rationality .

  14. 普通语义学是美国语言哲学领域中的一个重要派别,我国学术界对此也有一些粗浅的评介,但大都持否定的态度。

    The general semantics is an important school in American Language philosophy , which aroused some comments , mainly negative , in China .

  15. 介绍美国实用主义哲学大师威廉·詹姆斯的生平事迹和著述立说,依据翔实的历史史实和大量引言,对一百年前这位思想巨人反对帝国主义对外扩张的实践活动和理论体系进行了阐述。

    Based on detailed historical facts and quotations , this paper analyzes the anti imperialism activities and thoughts of William James , one of the greatest masters of American Pragmatism a hundred years ago .

  16. 20世纪80年代以来,美国教育哲学学会会员构成多样化,教育哲学研究人员的培养方式发生了变化,并且女性教育哲学家走进人们的视野。

    Since the 1980s , diversified membership in the Philosophy of Education Society in US has occurred , the ways to cultivate philosophers of education have been changed and the one philosophers of education have appeared .

  17. 杜威通过对美国实用主义哲学和机能主义心理学进行认真研究,逐渐形成了实用主义教育理论。该理论主要论述教育与生活,教育与成长以及学校与社会的关系。

    Having carefully studied American philosophy of pragmatism and psychology of functionalism , Dewey gradually formed his educational theory focusing on the relationship between education and life , education and growth , and school and society .

  18. 由于对理论与实践关系作了新的理解,该学派对美国实用主义哲学传统作了相当积极的评价,从而与以霍克海默尔为代表的批判理论第一代人物对后者的态度形成鲜明对照。

    As a result of a new understanding of the relation between theory and practice , this School , in sharp contrast to the first - generation Critical Theorists represented by Horkheimer , highly values the philosophical tradition of American pragmatism .

  19. 解读的衰落:美国汉学的哲学转向

    Eclipse of Reading : On the " Philosophical Turn " in American Sinology

  20. 谢弗勒是美国分析教育哲学的主要代表人物。

    Israel · Scheffler is one of the representative of analytic educational philosophy .

  21. 美国的环境哲学中心

    The Environmental Philosophy Center of USA

  22. 后现代语境中审美现代性思想批判&从20世纪美国音乐教育哲学谈起

    A Critique on Esthetic Modernity Thought under Postmodern Context-A Discussion on American Music Education Philosophy in the 20th Century

  23. 本文对美国芝加哥大学哲学系约瑟夫·斯特恩教授的隐喻思想进行了初步的整理和研究。

    The dissertation makes a preliminary study to the metaphor idea of Professor Josef Stern of Chicago University in America .

  24. 第二次世界大战以来,坚定推崇个人主义的强大美国对政治哲学产生了强大的影响。

    Political philosophy has been the subject of a strong , decidedly individualistic American influence since the Second World War .

  25. 最近,美国一位哲学教授完成了一本名为《金钱与生命的意义》的书。

    Recently , a professor of philosophy in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meanlng of Life .

  26. 摘要实用主义作为美国的本土哲学,对美国的内政、外交具有持久而深刻的影响。

    Pragmatism , known as the native philosophy of the usa , has profound and permanent influences on American domestic and foreign policies .

  27. 美国实用主义技术哲学可以说是一个重要的技术哲学流派,近些年来引起我国技术哲学界的高度关注。

    American pragmatism philosophy of technology is one of the most important philosophy schools and has aroused many attentions in Chinese philosophy of technology field in recent years .

  28. 美国唯农论哲学是社会和政治哲学。

    American agrarianism is a social and political philosophy .

  29. 美国对外政策的哲学思考

    Philosophic Thought on America 's External Policy

  30. 美国唯农论哲学分析

    An Analysis on American Philosophy of Agrarianism