
  • 网络American;AMERICAN AIRLINES;US Airways;AMR
  1. 美国航空公司发言人说,飞机降落装置的某些部分损毁,右侧的一个发动机在撞击下从机翼上脱落。

    A spokesman for American Airlines says part of the plane 's landing gear collapsed , and one engine on the right side fell off the wing from the impact .

  2. 斯科特·埃利斯在圆环剧院担任导演。预演于2月12日开始(美国航空剧院,西42街227号,212-719-1300)

    Scott Ellis directs , for Roundabout Theatre Company . Previews begin Feb . 12 .( American Airlines Theatre , 227 W . 42nd St . 212-719-1300 .)

  3. 与美国航空旅行市场比起来,英国的航空旅行市场相形见绌。

    The US air travel market dwarfs that of Britain .

  4. 美国航空和航天工业已经受到某种强劲的竞争产品的挑战。

    The American aerospace industry has been challenged by some stiff competition .

  5. 美国航空航天局做了两手准备,两套策略双管齐下。

    NASA is hedging its bets and adopting both strategies .

  6. 美国航空航天局已经启动了一个为期10年的寻找外星人的项目。

    NASA has started a 10-year search for extraterrestrial intelligence .

  7. 这家美国航空公司刚刚宣布了与英国航空公司的正式合作。

    The US airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways .

  8. 联邦法律禁止外国航空公司拥有任何一家美国航空公司超过25%的股权份额。

    Federal law prohibits foreign airlines from owning more than 25 % of any U.S. airline .

  9. 这就是为什么英国航空公司主席科林·马歇尔爵士一直如此热衷于购买美国航空公司的股票。

    This is why Sir Colin Marshall , British Airways ' chairman , has been so keen to buy shares in US-AIR

  10. 这也是西南航空和美国航空等航空公司都暂停售酒的原因,美国航空还宣布一直到明年1月中旬都不会再提供售酒服务。

    That 's why airlines like Southwest Airlines and American Airlines suspended alcohol sales with American announcing it won 't resume that service until mid-January .

  11. 这场争吵源于4月份的一项决定。由于资金短缺,美国航空航天局决定让一家公司中标,而不是预期中的两家公司。

    The row stems from a decision in April to hand the deal to one company , not two as expected , because of a funding shortfall .

  12. 美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)收益经理面试题。

    American Airlines ( AMR ) ( Revenue Manager )

  13. 人们很快就意识到,维珍美国航空公司(VirginAmerica)是这一整个事件的幕后推手。

    People quickly realized that Virgin America was behind the whole thing .

  14. 美国航空科学家在JSF战斗机的隐身设计上想出了不少高招。

    US aviation scientists thought up many tricks in designing in stealth JSF .

  15. 美国航空航天局(NASA)本周二宣布,在运送美国宇航员到国际空间站(InternationalSpaceStation)项目的竞争中,波音(Boeing)和太空探索技术公司(SpaceExplorationTechnologiesCorporation)成为了赢家。

    Boeing and the Space Exploration Technologies Corporation are the winners in the competition to carry Americans astronauts to the International Space Station , NASA announced Tuesday .

  16. 美国航空管理部门上周四警告称,Note7不得在飞机上使用,也不得托运,一些航空公司后来也发出了类似的警告。

    US aviation regulators warned on Thursday that the Note 7 should not be used or packed on flights , followed by similar warnings from some airlines .

  17. 与此同时,计划和全美航空公司合并的美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)排名倒数第四,FlightAware网站的数据显示,该公司航班延误率达到19.7%。

    Meanwhile , American Airlines , with which US Airways plans to merge , was the fourth worst , with 19.7 percent of flights arriving late , according to FlightAware .

  18. 2002年,斯蒂夫·福赛特成为搭乘热气球环游世界的第一人。后来,他把这个热气球吊舱捐赠给了美国航空航天博物馆(NationalAir&SpaceMuseum),一直展出至今。

    After Steve Fossett became the first person to circumnavigate the world by balloon , in 2002 , he donated his capsule to the National Air & Space Museum , where it has been on display since .

  19. 天文学家是使用美国航空航天局的远紫外线光谱探测仪(FUSE)卫星,在我们所居住的星系边缘外发现此日冕的。

    Astronomers found the halo using NASA 's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) satellite to peer beyond the edges of our home galaxy .

  20. 阿拉斯加航空、美国航空和“美国鹰”航空在T8;

    Alaska , American Airlines and American Eagle are in 8 ;

  21. 2011年下半年,美国航空(americanairlines)等投资级公司陷入破产,令摩根大通上述交易的空头部分获利匪浅,尤其是其中旨在从异常破产中获利的产品。

    In the second half of 2011 , investment-grade companies such as American Airlines went into bankruptcy , benefiting the short legs of the JPMorgan trades , specifically designed to profit from idiosyncratic failures .

  22. 美国航空(AmericanAirlines)在每架航班上锁定了大量经济舱座位,不仅有加长空间座位,也有常规座位,以便提供给常旅客计划中的高级别乘客。

    American Airlines blocks a large number of coach seats , both with extra legroom and without , to make them available to customers with top-level status in its frequent-flier program on every flight .

  23. 不过我并不是画漫画起家的,我的专业是物理,在毕业后去了美国航空航天局(NASA)做机器人方面的工作。

    I didn 't start out making comics . I went to school for physics , and after graduating , I worked on robotics at NASA .

  24. 代表美国航空公司母公司AMR的一名律师表示,这份包含司法部反垄断条款的协议得到了债权人的支持。

    A lawyer representing AMR says the settlement involving Justice Department antitrust issues was not opposed by the company 's creditors .

  25. 美国航空与全美航空的合并是过去10年来美国民航业界最近的一起合并,此后美国将只有四家主要航空公司,即美国航空、达美航空(Delta)、联合航空(United)和西南航空(Southwest)。

    The American Airlines-US Airways merger is the latest of its kind in the U.S. aviation industry in the past decade , leaving just four major major U.S. airlines -- American , Delta , United and Southwest .

  26. 两名美国航空航天局宇航员将乘坐SpaceX的“龙”飞船前往国际空间站。

    Two NASA astronauts will fly on SpaceX 's Crew Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station .

  27. 推特会为美国航空航天局活动追随者们提供了从幕后了解NASA的设施和运作并与科学家、工程师、宇航员和项目经理们交谈的机会。

    Tweetups provide @ NASA followers with the opportunity to go behind the scenes at NASA facilities and events and speak with scientists , engineers , astronauts and managers .

  28. 去年波音遭受了一次重大打击,几十年来一直只使用波音飞机的美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)突然宣布将从空客订购260架A320单通道飞机。

    Boeing sustained a big hit last year when American Airlines , which had maintained a boeing-only fleet for decades , announced it was ordering 260 new single-aisle A320s from Airbus .

  29. 美国航空航天局的科学家借助WISA和Spitzer太空望远镜观测到了褐矮星。

    It was spotted recently by NASA 's WISE and Spitzer space telescopes .

  30. 波音公司(Boeing)昨日承认,新的波音787型飞机存在超重及供应商方面的问题,不过,这家美国航空航天集团表示,飞机仍会如期交付。

    Boeing yesterday admitted that its new 787 aircraft was suffering from weight and supplier problems , though the US aerospace group said deliveries would still be on schedule .