
  • 网络limiting temperature;extrem;extreme temperature;temperature extremes
  1. IGBT开关器件具有开关频率高、输入阻抗高、极限温度高、驱动电路简单、驱动功率小、元件损耗小等多个优点,是极为理想的开关元件。

    With the switch frequency IGBT switching device input impedance high , high , high temperature extremes , driving circuit is simple , driving power small , components such as small loss more than the advantages , is extremely ideal switch components .

  2. 果蝇对冷、热极限温度耐受能力的研究

    Effects of Cold - and Heat-hardening on Resistence to Temperature Extremes in Drosophila melanogaster

  3. 得到的极限温度为40.4K;相应的饱和蒸汽压为6×10~(-2)mmHg。

    The limit temperature obtained is 40.4 K , corresponding to the saturated vapour pressure of 6 × 10-2 mm Hg .

  4. 结果表明,随着循环周期的增加,界面IMC层的厚度增加,且低温极限温度越低时IMC生长越快。

    Result show that IMC layer increased with the cycles , and it grew faster under low temperature cycling .

  5. 微量添加元素对Al-Zn-Mg合金GP区形成极限温度的影响

    Effect of Additional Minor Elements on the Temperature Limit of GP Zone Formation in Al-Zn-Mg Alloys

  6. “如果气候变化增加了温度迅速超过极限温度的天的频率,整群蚊子可能无法让疟原虫发育。”Thomas说。

    " If climate change increases the frequency of days when the temperature quickly exceeds the threshold temperature , then entire cohorts of mosquitoes could fail to develop the parasite ," said Thomas .

  7. 家用电动器具绕组极限温度的测试

    Testing of Limited Temperature of Family Expenses Electric Motor Winding

  8. 基于拟牛顿法的多层多跨钢结构火灾作用下极限温度研究

    Study on the limit temperature of steel frame structure using quasi-Newton method

  9. 从核极限温度的角度研究了热核的热稳定性。

    The thermal stability for hot nucleus is investigated based on limiting temperatures .

  10. 在极限温度中,充气速度会有一点降低。

    In extreme temperatures , the inflation rate will decrease a little bit .

  11. 风管中聚集物燃烧时极限温度的分析研究

    Analysis and Study of the Limit Temperature of the Burning Sediment in Ventilation Ducts

  12. 钢柱所受的外加荷载越大极限温度越低;

    Increasing the loading level causes a drop for the limit temperature of steel columns .

  13. 根据普遍法的对应状态原理,建立了预测多元混和物的过热极限温度的理论方法。

    The equating nucleation temperature for binary mixtures was established by the generalized state principle .

  14. 雄性个体对极限温度的忍耐力低于雌性。

    Female amphipods were more tolerant both to lower and higher temperature than the male .

  15. 指出了未来电力电子技术在极限温度下的一些发展趋势。

    The future trend of power electronics in extreme temperature environment is also pointed out .

  16. 最后的这步使温度能非常接近极限温度,即绝对零度。互联网成功的,用接近瞬间的速度传送着信息。

    This last advance permitted a very close approach to the limiting temperature of absolute zero .

  17. 极限温度下的电力电子技术

    Power Electronics in Extreme Temperature Applications

  18. 此外,讨论了包含这些极限温度的循环过程以及绝对零度不能达到等。

    Moreover , cycles including these limiting temperatures and the unattainability of absolute zero are discussed .

  19. 甚至由外壳相变加热还可能给出了一个理论的致密星极限温度曲线。

    Furthermore , a theoretical limit temperature line of compact stars is given by CSSs with deconfinement heating .

  20. 燃烧热测定过程中氧弹内极限温度和极限压力的预测

    Prediction of the Limiting Temperature and Limiting Pressure in Oxygen Bomb in the Process of Determination of Combustion Heat

  21. 第三部分是利用极限温度对有限温度下不对称核物质核态方程进行约束的研究。

    The last part is about the investigation on the state of asymmetry nuclear matter at finite temperature constrained from limiting temperature .

  22. 这一概念是与补充试验的结果相符的,即降低氢的平均喷射速度使稳定性极限温度增加。

    In agreement with this concept is the additional experimental result that decreasing the mean hydrogen injection velocity increases the stability limit temperature .

  23. 要对原子进行深度冷却,即要突破反冲极限温度,可利用选择速度的方法,挑选出窄速度分布的原子。

    By velocity selection , one could get an atomic source with a narrow distribution in velocity and challenge the recoil limit temperature .

  24. 本文对四角蛤蜊胚胎发育的适宜温度和高温极限温度进行了研究。

    In this paper , we studied the suitable temperature and highest temperature and highest temperature limits of embryonic development of the clam .

  25. 计算结果表明,使用常温套管弹性模量对套管极限温度载荷进行计算,所得极限温度比实际极限温度要低,因此能提高设计结果的安全性。

    The calculated temperature limit is lower than virtual temperature limit when elastic modulus at normal temperature is used in calculation of temperature limit .

  26. 采用这种方法时,传热效率往往会受到窑炉的尺寸大小和窑炉耐火材料所能承受的极限温度的限制而大打折扣。

    In this design , the heat transfer efficiency is generally limited by the size of the furnace and the temperature limit of the refractories .

  27. 氧弹燃烧过程中极限温度和极限压力的预测及在合成微球氧化物中的应用

    The prediction of the limiting temperature and limiting pressure in oxygen bomb in the process of combustion and application of the synthesis of microsphere oxide

  28. 虽然提高制品温度促进残余水分的气化,但若超过某极限温度,生物活性也可能急剧下降。

    Although improved products promote residual moisture temperature gasification , but if the temperature exceeds a certain limit , the biological activity may also drop dramatically .

  29. 结果表明,乳状液的过热极限温度随着表面活性剂含量增大而降低,含量大于某一数值后,过热极限温度趋于稳定。

    According to the data which have been measured , the superheat limit temperatures decrease with increasing concentration of surfactant and increase with increasing quantity of water .

  30. 采用发展的动态液滴技术(悬浮液滴法),测定了正戊烷与正庚烷、正辛烷、正壬烷二元混合物的过热极限温度。

    Using developed dynamic drop technique ( floating droplet method ), we measured the limits of superheat of n-pentane and n-heptane 、 n-nonane systems of binary n-alkaline mixtures .