
mǎ yǎ rén
  • the Maya people ;Maya
  1. 玛雅人有一种特殊的食物叫可可。

    The Mayan people had a special food called cocoa .

  2. 500年前,欧洲人发现了玛雅人,并用可可制作巧克力。

    Five hundred years ago , the Europeans found the Mayans and used cocoa to make chocolate .

  3. 最近,Crown获知中美洲的玛雅人在宗教仪式过程中,用相似的高柱瓶来装巧克力喝。

    Recently , Crown learned that the Maya people of Central America used similar-looking vases to drink chocolate during rituals and rites of passage .

  4. 对中美洲的古代玛雅人来说,热带大雕就是Moan,一种带来不祥和死亡的鸟。

    To the ancient Mayans of CentralAmerica the bird was Moan , a bird of ill omen and death .

  5. 或者,我会从危地马拉的托多斯桑托斯(todossantos)出发,沿吉普车无法通行的小路,一路寻找玛雅人后代编织的闪亮纺织品。

    Or setting forth from todos Santos in Guatemala , down paths impassable to jeeps , in search of the radiant textiles woven by descendents of the Maya .

  6. Demarest让这些玛雅人成为了他的文物挖掘项目的权益持有人,从而达成了两重目的:为这些玛雅人提供长期就业机会,并激励他们保护文物遗址不被洗劫。

    By making them stakeholders in his excavations , Demarest fulfils a twofold vision : providing them with both long-term employment and an incentive to protect the excavation sites from looting .

  7. 玛雅人好,还有什么你为我们的生活?

    Okay Mayans , what else do you have for us ?

  8. 玛雅人日历会在2012年12月结束吗?

    Q : Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012 ?

  9. 对玛雅人来说,可可荚象征着生命和孕育力。

    To the Mayans , cocoa pods symbolized life and fertility .

  10. 玛雅人明白到17种以宇宙为基础的不同历法。

    The Maya understood 17 different Calendars based on the Cosmos .

  11. 根据玛雅人的信仰体系,世界将结束。

    According to the Mayan belief system , the world will end .

  12. 长许多玛雅人继续过他们的祖先一样。

    C.Many Mayan continue to live as their ancestors did .

  13. 正如强大的玛雅人都不能控制预言,我们也不能。

    As powerful Mayas can not control the prediction , we either .

  14. 这些成就显示了玛雅人高超的创造力和辉煌灿烂的文化。

    These achievements show their great creativity and splendid culture .

  15. 玛雅人是曾经生活在墨西哥的一古老民族。

    The Maya were an ancient people who once lived in Mexico .

  16. 古玛雅人的文字在风格上主要是图画。

    The ancient Maya writing is largely pictorial in Style .

  17. 傻傻的玛雅人,他们能懂些什么?

    Those silly Mayans : what do they know ?

  18. 阿芷台克人为了巩固他们在墨西哥的统治权,对玛雅人采取了抑制策略。

    By subjugating the Mayas , the Aztecs strengthened their supremacy in Mexico .

  19. 对玛雅人来说,这并不是世界末日。

    For the Mayans , it 's not the end of the world .

  20. 但是玛雅人很爱这种东西。

    The Mayans , however , loved the stuff .

  21. 红色是古代玛雅人死亡与复活连系在一起的颜色。

    Red was the color the ancient Mayas associated with death and resurrection .

  22. 从这我们知道玛雅人的城市主要是由贵族居住的。

    From this we know that Mayan cities were used mainly by the nobles .

  23. 但这部电影清楚地表明,玛雅人不一定是在预测灾难。

    But the film makes clear that the Maya were not necessarily predicting catastrophe .

  24. 在玛雅人的创世神话中,第一批人由玉米面团捏成。

    In the Maya creation myth , the first humans were made of maize dough .

  25. 对于玛雅人而言,一座冒烟的火山并不永远意味着厄运的凶兆。

    For the Maya , a smoking volcano wasn 't always a harbinger of doom .

  26. 开始!它是苏美尔人,腓尼基人,玛雅人还是维京人?

    Here we go , was it the Sumarians , Phoenicians , Maya or Vikings ?

  27. 他们玛雅人住在现在伯利兹的一部分,危地马拉和墨西哥。

    They Maya lives in parts of what are now Belize , Guatemala and Mexico .

  28. 然而,玛雅人没有说任何关于世界末日的事。

    However , the Mayans did not say anything about the end of the world .

  29. 公元600年左右,玛雅人是中美洲主要的土著居民。

    Around A.D. 600 , the Mayas were the main aboriginal group in Central America .

  30. 注意看玛雅人的图例。

    Focus on the Mayan legends .