
  • 网络Jade;natural jadeite
  1. 和尚们想办法把石灰层去掉,才发现里面居然是一整块天然翡翠雕成的翡翠佛,绝对的无价之宝。

    So they wanted to remove the lime layer , and then found that it was a natural jade figure of Buddha , it was absolutely a priceless treasure .

  2. 结果表明,人工翡翠宝石的热稳定性与天然翡翠相同。

    , has the same thermal stability as that of natural jadeite .

  3. 在翡翠贸易中,鉴定天然翡翠和处理翡翠是一个非常重要的问题。

    Identifying natural jadeite and bleached jadeite is a very important problem on jadeite trade .

  4. 合成硬玉玉石的结构比天然翡翠的要简单得多。

    The textures of the synthetic jadeite jade stone are more simple than that of the natural jadeite jade .

  5. 翡翠分天然翡翠和人工优化处理翡翠,其红外光谱吸收谱带有所区别。

    Jadeites are classified into natural and artificial improvement treatment ones and they show differences in the absorption band of infrared spectrum .

  6. 由于天然翡翠矿床有限,高档翡翠一直处于升值状态。

    As the nature emerald deposit is limited , the price of Jade has been in a state of high rising for a long time .