
  • 网络The Peak;Victoria Peak;peak tram
  1. 太平山顶,维多利亚港和大佛只有少数香港的许多受欢迎的旅游站。

    The Peak , Victoria Harbor and Great Buddha are only a few of Hong Kong 's many popular travel stops .

  2. 太平山顶曾是殖民政府官员的大本营,如今那里的价格创下了1997-98年亚洲金融危机以来的最大跌幅。

    On the peak , once home to colonial government mandarins , prices had the sharpest decline since the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 .

  3. 完成句子。晚上我们去了太平山顶。

    In the evening , we went to victoria peak .

  4. 在香港,似乎家家户户都会带着孩子到太平山顶观赏城市全貌以及维港的华美夜景。

    Seemingly every household in the city takes the kids up to Victoria Peak to see the cityscape and harbor view in all its glory .

  5. 香港房地产是全球第二昂贵的市场,位于该城市独有的太平山顶社区的一栋房子最新报价为8.191亿港元,单价为全球最贵。

    A property in the city 's exclusive Peak neighborhood was just listed for HK $ 819.1 million , the world 's most expensive home per square foot .

  6. 旅游热点包括大会堂及立法局大楼,而太平山顶、茶具博物馆、口摩口罗街、海洋公园,位于香港岛上。

    Areas of interest such as city halls , Legislative Council building , the peak , Flagstaff House Museum of tea ware , cat street , ocean park can be found in Hong Kong island .