
  • 网络Imperial Institute of Medicine;the Imperial Health Institute;Official Institute of the Imperial Physicians;Officinal Institute of the Imperial Physicians;Imperial Medical College;Grand medical Institute
  1. 清朝在沿袭明朝旧制的基础上,对太医院的医事制度进行了革新。

    On the basis of following Ming Dynasty system , the Imperial Academy of Medicine Medical system was regenerated .

  2. 子宫腺肌症,安太医院用腹腔镜、腔内超声探头和射频刀联合切除腺肌症病灶。

    Adenomyosis , Antai hospital resect the lesions of adenomyosis by laparoscopic ultrasound probe and the RF knife resection .

  3. 我并不太喜欢这个医院的计划。

    I 'm not a huge fan of this hospital project .

  4. 尤里的双腿被严重冻伤,保住双腿的可能性也不太高。医院的发言人如是说。

    They are severely damaged from frostbite and it may not be possible to save them , said a hospital spokesman .

  5. 麦太临盆去医院准备生麦兜的时候,她看到了一只神奇的塑料盆(粤语中叫做胶兜)从她头顶飞过。

    When Mrs Mak was going to give birth to McDull , she saw a magical plastic basin ( pronounced roughly as dull in Cantonese ) flying over her head .

  6. 麦太临盆去医院准备生麦兜的时候,她看到了一只神奇的塑料盆(粤语中叫做“胶兜”)从她头顶飞过。

    When Mrs Mak was going to give birth to McDull , she saw a magical plastic basin ( pronounced roughly as " dull " in Cantonese ) flying over her head .

  7. 我猜他是太喜欢这家医院了,因此不愿意离开。

    I guess he liked it so much he didn 't want to leave .

  8. 他们住的太远了,医院、医生和现代医学的药品无法为他们服务。

    They are too far away to be served by the hospitals , doctors and drugs of modern medicine .