
tài kōnɡ cānɡ
  • capsule;space capsule
  1. 这10间“太空舱公寓”位于香港西营盘西,每间的活动区域仅有24平方英尺(2.2平方米),每月租金为5100港币(约658美元)。

    Ten " space capsule " units have just come on the market in the western Sai Ying Pun district , offering a total of 24sq ft ( 2.2 sq m ) of living space for HK $ 5100 ( $ 658 ) a month .

  2. Volt感觉上和驾驶起来都更像传统汽车,而普锐斯还带着杰森一家(Jetsons,美国著名科幻动画片,描写未来的科技世界&译注)里的太空舱一般的感觉。

    The volt feels and drives more like a conventional car , while the Prius still has that Jetsons space capsule air about it .

  3. 马斯克在太空舱2012年第一次飞往国际空间站时打趣道:货物不需要windows。

    Cargo doesn 't need windows , Musk quipped before the capsule 's first flight to the space station in 2012 .

  4. 当该计划被取消时,洛克希德马丁公司又与NASA取得联系,于是该计划被延期到2020年,任务是建造太空舱以完成三项任务。

    When theprogram was canceled , Lockheed Martin created a contact , which has beenextended to 2020 , to build capsules for three missions .

  5. 从一开始,SpaceX公司设计了龙太空舱不仅飞货物,而且能飞船员。

    From the start , SpaceX designed its Dragon capsule to not only fly cargo , but also crew .

  6. 搭乘“龙”飞船“坚韧”太空舱前往国际空间站的宇航员分别为NASA宇航员迈克尔·霍普金斯、维克托·格洛弗、香农·沃克以及日本宇宙航空研究开发机构宇航员野口聪一。

    NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins , Victor Glover , and Shannon Walker , and astronaut Soichi Noguchi , of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency , are aboard the capsule Resilience .

  7. 美国航空航天局(NASA)预定本周四把一个可以载人的太空舱发射到低地轨道之外的地方,这还是1972年阿波罗17号从月球返回之后的第一次。

    For the first time since Apollo 17 returned from the moon in 1972 , NASA is scheduled to loft an astronaut capsule on Thursday to soar beyond low Earth orbit .

  8. 如果出现紧急情况,波音和SpaceX公司的太空舱也可以作为救生艇,供空间站人员使用。

    The Boeing and SpaceX capsules will also serve as lifeboats for the space station crew in case of an emergency .

  9. 相反,控制中心下令宇航员们进入连接在国际空间站上的两架“联合号”(Soyuz)太空舱。

    Instead , the astronauts were ordered into two Soyuz space capsules that are attached to the station as lifeboats .

  10. “猎户座”的外形与阿波罗(Apollo)锥形太空舱相近,但是体积更大,它已经搭载在了佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的德尔塔IV重型火箭上。

    Orion , which looks like a larger version of the cone-shaped Apollo capsule , is sitting atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida .

  11. 波音公司的CST-100太空舱最多可载五人,将通过阿特拉斯5型火箭(Atlas5)发射。

    Boeing 's CST-100 capsule , configured to carry up to five people , will launch on an Atlas 5 rocket .

  12. SpaceX公司上周用该公司的猎鹰9号火箭发射了龙太空舱,发射地在佛罗里达卡纳维拉尔角。

    The company SpaceX launched its Dragon space capsule last week on the company 's Falcon 9 rocket . It launched from Cape Canaveral , Florida .

  13. 美国国家航空航天局(简称NASA)的两名宇航员以引人注目的溅落方式返回地球,他们的太空舱跳伞降落于墨西哥湾,完成了埃隆·马斯克的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)的一次试飞。

    Two NASA astronauts have returned to Earth in a dramatic splashdown , with their capsule parachuting into the Gulf of Mexico to finish a test flight by Elon Musk 's SpaceX company .

  14. SpaceX公司的龙2型(Dragon2)太空舱将使用该公司的猎鹰9号(Falcon9)火箭发射,相比于已经用来运载货物到空间站的太空舱,这个更新型号的外形更加美观。

    SpaceX 's Dragon 2 capsule , a sleeker , updated version of the capsule already carrying cargo to the space station , will ride on top of the company 's Falcon 9 rocket .

  15. 升级正在进行中,以添加生命支持设备、座椅和一个宇航员逃生系统,但SpaceX对于具有三层保护装置的太空舱有更大的保护。

    Upgrades are underway to add life support equipment , seating and an escape system for crew , but SpaceX has even grander ambitions for its gumdrop-shaped Dragon .

  16. 他向BBC透露称,他们把960英尺的公寓分隔成“太空舱”转租,不是为了谋利,只是想与别人分摊房租。

    He told BBC News they are only subletting the " space capsules , " which are crammed into a 960-sq ft flat ; they are not seeking big profits but just to share the rent with others .

  17. 在伦敦东部泰晤士河畔的格林威治(Greenwich)半岛,居民们已经习惯于在滨江的道路上遇到一种形似太空舱的四轮Pod车。这种小车缓慢地穿行在跑步、行走、骑车和牵狗的人们之间。

    On the path along the waterfront of the Greenwich peninsula , on the river Thames in east London , residents have become used to encountering a four-wheeled pod trundling among the runners , walkers , cyclists and dogs .

  18. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA),在周四即将使用美国私营公司最大的助推器(德而它斯重型火箭发动机),将把“猎户号深空探测器”太空舱发送距离地球3600英里处。

    NASA , for example , is using the biggest booster in the U.S. fleet , a Delta 4 Heavy , to shoot its Orion deep-space capsule as far as 3600 miles from Earth during a test flight scheduled for Thursday .

  19. 新的太空舱名为猎户座(Orion),这次试飞不会载人,但NASA希望它会开启包括登陆火星在内的人类新一轮太阳系探索的第一步。

    No one will be aboard this flight test of the new capsule , Orion , but NASA hopes it is the first step toward human exploration of the solar system , including an eventual landing on Mars .

  20. 该公司创建者和首席执行官埃隆·玛斯克(ElonMusk)说,美国航天局一直在催促他的公司完成太空舱的测试,使它能在今年底前往空间站,承担再补给任务。

    Company founder and CEO Elon Musk says the space agency has been pressing it to complete testing of the capsule , so it can go to the space station on a resupply mission at the end of this year .

  21. 为在地面模拟太空舱内的流动与换热,通过理论分析和数值模拟,讨论了通过改变Gr抑制自然对流、实现地面相似模拟的两种方法的可行性。

    In order to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer of a space station cabin on the ground , both theoretical and numerical analysis has been carried out , and two methods to adjust the Grashof number to suppress the natural convection have been discussed .

  22. 例如,波音公司希望利用CST-100太空舱的第五个座位,把付费游客运送到空间站。

    Boeing , for example , hopes that the fifth seat in its CST-100 capsule could carry a paying tourist to the space station .

  23. NASA项目和任务执行负责人RobertNavias表示,尽管他们相信自己的技术比“联盟号”更加成熟,然而他们仍然决定让自己的飞船退役。“相比之下,联盟号就好像一辆跑车,三名宇航员挤在太空舱狭小的空间中。”

    NASA is retiring the shuttle despite believing it is technologically more than the Soyuz , says Robert Navias , the agency 's program and mission operations lead . " The Soyuz , , you can think of as a sports car , three crewmembers jammed into a small section of a module , " he said .

  24. 在太空舱运行的轨道上我们观看到了一年中的所有季节。

    From orbit we observed all the seasons of the year .

  25. 我一直在密封蛋(类似太空舱)内冥想。

    I 've been meditating in one of those pressurized eggs .

  26. 这些太空舱一定被某种东西遮蔽了。

    These capsules must have some kind of a shielding .

  27. 借助弹射座椅或太空舱迅速离开飞行器。

    Leave an aircraft rapidly , using an ejection seat or capsule .

  28. 地面人员工作在“神舟”-3返回的太空舱上。

    Ground crew working on the returned capsule of ShenZhou-3 .

  29. 他必须去魔鬼太空舱查明一些事情。

    He had to check something on the Wraith pod .

  30. 宇航员走出太空舱对电视摄影机进行了重装。

    Astronauts did some rewiring and hooked up TV cameras outside the station .