
  • 网络Planets in the solar system;Planets in Solar System
  1. 太阳系的行星

    the planets of our solar system

  2. 太阳系的行星上没有钻石层。

    There is no diamond layer in every planet orbiting Sun .

  3. 1994年的今天,天文学家亚历山大·沃兹贞宣布首次发现了外太阳系的行星。

    1994-The first discoveries of extrasolar planets are announced by astronomer Alexander Wolszczan .

  4. Gliese581周围的行星拥有同太阳系的行星一样类圆形轨道。

    Like our solar system , the planets around Gliese 581 have nearly-circular orbits .

  5. 从最靠近太阳系的行星开始,顺序排列这些行星。

    Starting from the planet nearest to the Sun , arrange the planets in the correct sequence .

  6. 地球是太阳系的行星之一,月球是我们的卫星。

    The earth is one of the sun 's planets , and the moon is our satellite .

  7. 太阳系的行星代表了这个系统中意识的各个维度&它作为一个整体意识。

    The planets of the solar system represent the dimensions of consciousness of that system-its consciousness as a whole .

  8. 在太阳系的行星里,厄里斯星和它的卫星已知距离太阳最远的行星了。

    Along with its moon , Dysnomia , Eris is the most distant known object in orbit around the sun .

  9. 探测太阳系的行星及其卫星是空间科学和航天技术的重要领域之一。

    The exploration of the planets and their satellites within the solar system is one of the important fields in space science and aerospace technology .

  10. 美国宇航局(NASA)的“朱诺号”探测器将于周一抵达木星。随着这一天的临近,其他很多双眼睛也在盯着太阳系最大的行星木星。

    As NASA 's Juno spacecraft closes in for its Monday arrival at Jupiter , many other eyes are also staring at the solar system 's largest planet .

  11. 地外生命搜索和太阳系外的行星的发现

    Searching for extra terrestrial intelligence and the discovering of extrasolar planets

  12. 搜寻太阳系之外的行星

    Search for Extrasolar Planets

  13. 天上的星星,除了太阳系的几个行星外,每一颗几乎都代表着一个银河系。

    Excepting the plants in the solar system , each star in the sky almost is a galaxy .

  14. 研究人员称,这些新发现也许能够解释包括我们太阳系在内的行星系统是如何形成的。

    These new findings could shed light into how planetary systems form & including our own solar system , researchers said .

  15. 用密度波理论描述旋涡星系的演化方向和太阳系的八大行星模式

    Evolutionary Direction of Spiral Galaxies Described by Theory of Density Wave and the Mode of Eight Major Planets of the Solar System

  16. 欧洲天文学家新发现了50颗位于太阳系以外的行星,其中有16颗和地球差不多大。

    European astronomers have discovered 50 new planets beyond our solar system , including 16 which are a similar size to Earth .

  17. 但是在现在的计划中,利用这种方法给太阳系以外的行星拍照就需要让多组的反射望远镜在轨道运行的时候全部精准的朝向同一个方向。

    But existing plans to photograph extrasolar planets in this way involve orbiting arrays of reflecting telescopes all pointing in exactly the same direction .

  18. 并着重介绍太阳系外的行星系统的发现,它的目的、方法、成果以及未来。

    Especially , the discovery of extrasolar planets , with its purpose , ways and means , achievement , and the future , are emphasized .

  19. 天文学家将迅速将这颗地球大小的行星包围,在那里他们发现与我们的太阳系相似的行星系统。

    Astronomers are quickly closing in on Earth-size planets elsewhere in the galaxy as they find planetary systems that look more and more like our solar system .

  20. 它大概有木星-太阳系最大的行星,的一倍半大,而且是密度比水还低。

    It is almost one and half times bigger then Jupiter - the largest planet in our solar system , and it 's less dense than water .

  21. 开始只是怀疑,一个下午的偶遇之下,太阳系中的行星再一次改写了我们的历史书。

    Once again , you know , the planets and the contents in our solar system rewrote our history books for us in an encounter of an afternoon .

  22. 现在,科学家自夏威夷的凯克天文台和双子宫天文台,使用异常强大的望远镜,首次直接观测到太阳系以外的行星。

    Now , however , scientists have directly observed planets outside our solar system for the first time , using incredibly powerful telescopes at the Keck and Gemini Observatories in Hawaii .

  23. 在大小和构成成分上,热木星跟我们太阳系最大的行星类似,但是它们的轨道距其恒星要近得多,有时比水星的轨道距太阳还要近。

    Hot Jupiters resemble our largest planet in size and composition , yet they orbit much closer to their stars , sometimes well within what would be the orbit of Mercury .

  24. 此项发现验证了通过光谱分析能够在太阳系以外的行星中发现有机分子的原则,光谱分析是将光划分为光谱,之后揭示出不同化学物质的“指纹”。

    The discovery demonstrates the principal that organic molecules can be detected on extrasolar planets through spectroscopy , which splits light into its components to reveal the " fingerprints " of various chemicals .

  25. 史密斯称,迄今为止发现的太阳系以外的行星上,极端环境貌似为常态,而地球上这种适宜生命生长的环境可能是唯一的。

    Smith said the extreme conditions found so far on planets discovered outside our Solar System are likely to be the norm , and that the hospitable conditions on Earth could be unique .

  26. 根据最新的观测结果,作者定量论证了太阳系的八大行星模式:它是对称的四个类地行星和小行星带;

    According to new observations , it can be proved quantitatively that a mode of eight major planets of the Solar System is a symmetrical structure : four terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt ;

  27. 不过史密斯否定了类似的观点,坚称太阳系以外的行星和我们的星球迥然不同,即使它们适合生命生存,人类和这些生命取得联系也是不可能的。

    But Smith dismissed the claims , insisting that other extra-solar planets differ starkly from our own and that even if they did support life , it would not be possible for humans to make contact .

  28. 位于伯克利市的加利福尼亚大学的保罗·卡那斯说,这对于天文学家来说是很重要的,因为他们能够研究我们太阳系中的行星在其幼年曾经是什么样子。

    That 's important to astronomers because they can study what Earth and planets in our solar system may have been like in their infancy , said Paul Kalas at the University of California , Berkeley .

  29. 尽管在太阳系的多数行星上都发现了甲烷,这却是人类首次在围绕其他恒星旋转的270颗已知行星中发现有机分子。

    Although methane has been detected on most of the planets in the solar system , this is the first time an organic molecule has been detected on any of the 270 planets discovered in orbit around other stars .

  30. 他又一挥手,监视器上的图像全部消失,它们组成了一个巨大的屏幕,显示出太阳系的所有行星,背景则是各星座的恒星。

    Another wave of his hands , and all the screens cleared to form one giant computer screen showing in diagrammatic form all the planets of the solar system and mapped out against a background of the stars in their constellations .