
  1. 20世纪,中国迅速崛起,夯筑全球商贸重要地位。

    In20th century , China rose rapidly and established its significant position in the global commercial trade .

  2. 在此配比下模拟传统夯筑工艺,应用于焦山古炮台修复工程取得了较好的效果。

    With this mixture ratio , good results have been reached in the repair of repair of the ancient emplacement at Jiaoshan .

  3. 本文提出的新夯筑法,为既有村镇生土结构房屋的加固改造和新建提供了经济可行、科学合理的实用技术。

    This new technology of construction methods offer feasible , economic , scientific and reasonable practical technology for reinforcing , reforming and building of raw soil houses .

  4. 文章介绍了福建西部客家土楼的夯筑技术,着重分析了夯筑材料、工具和具体的施工程序。

    The article introduces the tamping technique for the earth buildings of the Hakkas , and emphatically analyses the materials of the tamped clay walls , tamping tools and construction procedure .

  5. 在调研的基础上,对夯土墙体的施工工艺进行分析,指出传统夯土建造习惯中存在的问题,提出错层夯筑的新工艺。

    On the basis of investigation , we analyse the construction process of the rammed earth structure , point out problems of the traditional building custom of rammed earth wall and puts forward a new technology .