
  1. 2007年7月21日,中国内蒙“鄂尔多斯草原音乐节”,如痴如醉的女歌迷。

    On Jul21,2007 , Neimenggu China ," Erdos Grassland Music Festival ", female fans are enjoying .

  2. 鄂尔多斯草原保存有大量蒙古古代音乐文化遗存,如:成陵祭祀音乐中的十二首圣乐;

    The Ordes grassland has kept great amount of the inheritance of the ancient Mongolian music culture .

  3. 乌审旗位于鄂尔多斯草原的核心区,保存了典型的蒙古族传统文化,其经济的迅猛发展为文化的发展奠定了基础。

    Wushen County lies in the core of Ordos prairie , and keeps typical Mongol traditional cultures whose foundation is the rapidly economical development .

  4. 内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原典型草原百里香-本氏针茅草地地上生物量对气候响应动态回归分析

    Relation between climate variables and the aboveground biomass of Thymus mongolicus-Stipa bungeana community in steppe of Ordos Plateau , Inner Mongolia

  5. 鄂尔多斯地区典型草原区有苔藓96种,占总种数的95%,荒漠草原区种类明显下降,仅12种,占11.9%;半荒漠区有10种,占9.9%。

    In Erdos region there were 96 % species in steppe which counted for 95 % of all the species , only 12 species in desert steppe counting for 11.5 % and only 10 species in semi-desert counting for 9.9 % .

  6. 鄂尔多斯高原荒漠化草原与草原化荒漠灌木类群生物多样性的研究

    Biodiversity of shrub community in desert steppe and steppe desert on Erdos plateau