
  • 网络ewenki language;evenki
  1. 鄂温克语形态类型的对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis on Pattern Types of the Ewenki Language

  2. 达斡尔语与鄂温克语语音比较

    Voice Comparison of Daur Language with Ewenki Language

  3. 关于鄂温克语以派生词尾元音音位为中心的形态语音结构类型

    On the Formal Phonetic Type Centered with Derivational Suffix Vowel Phoneme in Ewenki

  4. 论鄂温克语结构特征

    The Structural Features of the Ewenki Language

  5. 随着鄂温克语研究的不断深入,相关论著陆续出版和发表。

    With the further study of Ewenki language , more and more related works and articles have been published .

  6. 本文从分析中国和俄罗斯境内鄂温克语的现状入手,对造成这一现状的原因做了深入的分析。

    Based on the analysis of the modern situation of the Ewenki language both in China and in Russia , the paper related the causes of this .

  7. 作者认为:对于俄罗斯和中国部分地区来说,鄂温克语是一种濒危语言,但在中国另一部分地区(鄂温克旗)鄂温克语将继续存在下去。

    The author thinks that the Ewenki language in the area of Russia and part of China is being endangered , but in another place of China ( the Ewenki Banner ), it will live on .

  8. 蒙古语和达斡尔语是蒙古语族的主要语言,鄂温克语是满&通古斯语族主要语言之一,这几种语言都属于阿尔泰语系,所以有同源关系。

    Mongolian mainly use Mongol or Daur languages , and Ewenki is one of the important languages in Man-Tungus branch . Belonging to the Altai language family , all the three should have the common origin .