
  1. 头发柔顺、自然、健康,没有坠重感。

    The hair is silky , natural , and healthy , no weigh down .

  2. 洗完澡以后又要用上不止一种化学产品,可能是两种甚至更多,比如造型啫喱、头发柔顺精华等等。

    After taking a bath , chemicals will be put on not just one , but two or more hair products such as styling gel , anti-hair frizz , and others .

  3. 洗完澡以后又要用上不止一种化学产品,可能是两种甚至更多,比如造型啫喱、头发柔顺精华等等。是的,这也许并不能帮助你保持头发的造型和光泽,尤其是在使用过量的时候。

    After taking a bath , chemicals will beput on not just one , but two or more hair products such as styling gel , anti-hair frizz , and others.Yes , the thought of maintaining its shape and shine would not help , especially if an exaggeratedamount is being damped into hair .

  4. 据称这种洗发水能保持头发乌黑柔顺。

    It claims to keep hair black and intact .

  5. 喷洒发胶,让任何松散的头发更加柔顺,发型完成。

    Apply hair spray to finish any loose hairs and complete the look .

  6. 它会让你的头发飘逸柔顺。

    They will make your hair elegant soft .

  7. 天然丝及角质蛋白,令头发轻盈柔顺不打结,带来丝般的光泽及触感。

    The natural silk and keratin make your hair light , anti-detangle , bringing silky shine and texture .

  8. 这个没想到,你还可以用咖啡渣取代护发素,使头发更加柔顺亮泽。

    Work coffee grounds into your hair after you wash it instead of your regular conditioner to make it soft and shiny .

  9. 本产品提供秀发营养、修复受损发质,使头发倍加闪亮、柔顺、健康、迷人。(编者译,仅供参考)

    The product provides nutrition to the hair and repairs the damaged hair , and makes the hair shine , soft , healthy and charming .

  10. 然而,当我用宽齿梳子梳头发的时候,头发像往常一样柔顺,一点都不打结。我终于如释重负了。

    To my immense relief , however , my wide-toothed comb went through my hair as easily as it normally does - with not a tangle in sight .

  11. 用除静电纸擦一下头发来消除静电,或者使用自然材料的梳子,喷上发胶,从发根到发梢让头发变得柔顺。

    Rub dryer sheets on your hair to remove static electricity , or use a natural-bristle hairbrush that 's been sprayed with hairspray and then smooth your tangles from the roots to the ends .