
shē mí
  • extravagant;wasteful
奢靡 [shē mí]
  • [extravagant] 指生活奢侈,挥霍无度

  • 众人皆以奢靡为荣,吾心独以俭素为美。--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

奢靡[shē mí]
  1. 高中时代,爱情是奢靡品,少数人拥有得起。

    High school , love is extravagant product , a few people have to rise .

  2. 他以身作则带头扭转西汉末期的奢靡之风。

    He personally took the lead in reversing the extravagant trends of the late Western Han government .

  3. 他在18个月的奢靡生活中挥霍了533,000英镑。

    He blew £ 533,000 in an 18-month orgy of spending .

  4. 是弗雷德对浮华、奢靡生活的强烈欲望使他们越走越远。

    It was Fred 's lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart .

  5. 为了过上奢靡的生活,这对冷漠无情的夫妇竟然贪污医院的慈善基金。

    The callous couple milked money from a hospital charity to fund a lavish lifestyle .

  6. 三是鼓动“饭圈”粉丝攀比炫富、奢靡享乐等行为;

    Inciting fans to flaunt wealth or indulge in luxury ;

  7. 《江南style》展现了时尚的首尔江南区奢靡放纵的生活方式。

    Gangnam Style ' is about the lavish and luxurious lifestyle connected to the trendy Gangnam district , located in Seoul .

  8. 富于同情心的智慧应得到奢靡的晚餐。

    That kind of compassionate wisdom deserves an obscenely expensive meal .

  9. “奢靡”一般被作为负面的社会经济现象加以批判。

    Shemi was generally criticized as a negative social and economic phenomenon .

  10. 当地政界人士提出,广告不应渲染财富和奢靡。

    Local politicians proposed that advertisements should not focus on wealth and luxury .

  11. 他们应该叫它奢靡中国之旅。

    They should call it the " Spoiled Rotten in China " tour .

  12. 围绕反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风,加快体制机制改革和建设。

    Speed up reform to fight formalism , bureaucracy , hedonism and extravagance .

  13. 麻醉人性的奢靡之风。

    ( A ) Of the anesthesia human Wasteful .

  14. 提倡节俭,力戒奢靡。

    Encouraging frugality and punishing extravagance and waste .

  15. 奢靡享乐风流韵事

    lavish entertainment , passion of love affairs ,

  16. 我们这些天真是太奢靡了。

    We got pretty fiashy these days .

  17. 那位王子奢靡无度。

    The prince indulged in luxury .

  18. 他认为每个东方人都生活奢靡。

    It was her opinion that every one in the East lived at rack and manger .

  19. 因生活奢靡而战斗力被削弱的军队

    Troops softened by luxurious living

  20. 另外,比德还是对上层社会奢靡游乐的一种反动。

    " Bi de " was also a reaction towards the lavish amusement of the aristocrat society .

  21. 这两座富矿都是解放后发现的。发财后,他的生活放纵奢靡。

    Both these rich deposits were discovered after liberation . He was extravagant and wasteful after he made a fortune .

  22. 夜,恣意蔓延着它的魅惑,黑色羽翼缀满盈盈珠光,散发炫目的奢靡。

    Night , willful spread of the charm of its black wings pearl encrusted Ying Ying , distribute stunning extravagance .

  23. 在前几部影片中,大量的瑕疵都被郭敬明极尽渲染的物质奢靡所掩盖。

    The myriad cracks in the previous installments have largely been papered over by Guo 's near-maximalist representation of material excess .

  24. 就货币政策而言,中国央行的姿态肯定可以被解释为向享乐主义和奢靡之风开战。

    In monetary policy terms , the central bank could certainly be said to be waging war on hedonism and extravagance .

  25. 尽管对试管受精的补助非常奢靡,却少有宝贵的研究能够证明它能提高生育率。

    Despite lavish IVF subsidies , there is precious little research to support the contention that it will boost birth rates .

  26. 奢靡的生活花掉了沈先生大把的钞票,他的财产逐渐地减少,而他的饮食习惯也越来越怪异。

    All those expenditures take a lot of money . Shen 's fortune gradually dwindled , and Shen himself starting acting weird .

  27. 各级领导干部要大力发扬艰苦奋斗和勤俭节约的优良传统,自觉抵制铺张浪费、奢靡之风。

    The officials at all levels shall advocate the good tradition of hardworking and being frugal and consciously resist waste and extravagance .

  28. 尽管宫殿如此华丽奢靡,但似乎世上所有中看的东西都不中用。首先,人民宫的占地面积算得上大到可笑。

    It also contained enough stupid design flaws to make living there hilariously impractical.For starters , the People 's Palace was stupidly big .

  29. 精致奢靡的凡尔赛宫里,大大小小的房间加起来多达700间,建造成本折合成现在的美元最少也得32亿。

    His palace at Versailles contained over 700 rooms and would have cost a minimum of $ 3.2 billion if it was built today .

  30. 我不喜欢家庭奢靡的社交生活,这不单在于青年人的桀骜不驯。

    It was , therefore , not only in burst of youthful rebelliousness that I found the luxurious social life at home not to my liking .