
shē chǐ pǐn
  • luxury goods;extravagance;articles of luxury
奢侈品 [shē chǐ pǐn]
  • [luxury] 非必要物品或设施

  • 在必需品都提供了之前,不许想入非非地在奢侈品上浪费金钱

奢侈品[shē chǐ pǐn]
  1. 对印度的暴发户来说,他们现在不得不为奢侈品支付更为高昂的税款。

    As for India 's nouveaux riches , they will now have to pay still higher duties on luxury goods .

  2. 政府对奢侈品的进口有严格的控制手段。

    The government has imposed strict reins on the import of luxury goods .

  3. 此等奢侈品普通百姓是难以获得的。

    Such luxuries are unavailable to ordinary people .

  4. 在战时的英国,水果是一种奢侈品。

    Fruit was a luxury in wartime Britain .

  5. 丝绸床单乃是极度的奢侈品。

    Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury .

  6. 该地区的消费者经济窘迫,在奢侈品上的开销比以前少了。

    The region 's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries .

  7. 你不该把钱浪费在那种小奢侈品上。

    You cannot chuck money away on little luxuries like that .

  8. 将你在奢侈品上的花费降至可控范围。

    Keep your spending on luxuries down to manageable proportions .

  9. 奢侈品税其实对削减预算赤字并不会有多少帮助。

    The luxury tax won 't really do much to pare down the budget deficit

  10. 为什么把钱浪费在这些奢侈品上呢?

    Why waste money on such extravagances ?

  11. 在西班牙、葡萄牙和希腊的一些地方,电话仍然是奢侈品。

    Telephones are still a luxury in some parts of Spain , Portugal , and Greece .

  12. 她唯一的奢侈品就是马。

    Her only extravagance was horses

  13. 拉森公司给我的薪水算是不错,但是两个人靠这份工资生活便没有多少闲钱买奢侈品了。

    Larsons pay me well enough , but there 's not much over for luxuries when there 's two of you to live on it

  14. 他薪水微薄,很少买奢侈品。

    His salary is low and he gets few luxuries .

  15. 很少有人买得起这种奢侈品。

    Few could afford the luxury .

  16. 因为他的工资低,所以买不起奢侈品。

    He can 't afford to spend money on luxuries since his salary is low .

  17. 她连买必需品的钱都没有,哪里谈得上买烟酒之类的奢侈品呢。

    She can 't find money for necessities , let alone such luxuries as wine and tobacco .

  18. 有些批评者称,幼儿园前教育是奢侈品,针对那些能够负担得起的家庭,它不应该是免费的。

    Some critics say it is a luxury and shouldn 't be free to families able to pay .

  19. 在你把这一论点当作垃圾置之不理,或者认为快乐在贫穷不堪、学业成绩低下、辍学率高的国家是一种无法负担的奢侈品之前,请三思。

    Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish , or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty , low academic achievement , and high dropout rates , think again .

  20. 由于中国顾客消费能力很强,中国人所消费的Burberry、LV、Gucci等大牌奢侈品占整个奢侈品行业销售额的三分之一。

    Due to strong purchasing power , products of luxury brands like Burberry , LV and Gucci bought by Chinese consumers account for one third of the total sales volume in the industry .

  21. 那些喜爱但买不起奢侈品的人可以通过购买轻奢品来满足自己。

    People who love luxury goods but could not afford them can satisfy themselves with entry lux .

  22. 轻奢品的价格相对较低,让收入有限的人也可以买得起,从而跨入奢侈品市场的门槛。

    They are priced relatively lowly to allow people of limited means to " enter " the luxury market .

  23. 在欧盟前十大货物贸易伙伴中,中国是唯一实现贸易双向增长的。中国是2020年唯一实现经济增长的全球主要经济体,对欧洲汽车和奢侈品的需求进一步增加。

    China was the only major global economy to see growth in 2020 , stoking demand for European cars and luxury goods .

  24. 购物不是中国人去国外旅游的主要目的,但事实上,中国的出境游客的确花很多钱在国外购买日用品和奢侈品。

    Shopping is not the only purpose that Chinese people travel abroad , but it is reality that outbound travelers are spending huge to buy products from daily necessities1 to luxury2 items .

  25. 胡润报告显示,由于豪宅、出境游和奢侈品价格降低,2015年富豪消费价格指数比上年下降1.8%。

    The LCPI 2015 dropped 1.8 percent year-on-year , said wealth researcher The Hurun Report which compiles the study , due to price declines in luxury properties , overseas trips and products .

  26. B)luxuries奢侈品;C)exhibits展览品;D)complements补充物。?36.答案为C)。

    A ) ornaments B ) luxuries C ) exhibits D ) complements 36 .

  27. 吴政学从提供买得起的奢侈品中看到了商机,由此创建了85度C;为此,他用各种原料做试验,寻找附加值。

    Mr Wu set up 85C after he saw an opportunity to provide affordable luxury ; hence the experimenting with ingredients in search of added value .

  28. 她是该国最大的奢侈品进口商之一NotosCom旗下百货商店部门的首席执行官。不过,希腊人对本国政界非常怀疑,不相信他们有能力降服工会和卡特尔,并实现承诺。

    But Greeks deeply doubt the ability of their politicians to face down the unions and cartels and deliver .

  29. 奢侈品是势利者的游戏,但是MichaelKorsHoldingsLtd.想把这个游戏变得大众化。

    Luxury is a snob 's game , and Michael Kors Holdings Ltd. wants to democratize it .

  30. 消费者们正在迅速地将中国变成全球所有奢侈品制造商的头号市场&从梅赛德斯(Mercedes)到苹果(Apple),再到蔻驰(Coach),概莫能外。

    Consumers are rapidly turning China into the # 1 market for every luxury goods maker in the world – from Mercedes to apple to coach .