
  1. 以下是明格拉导演就1997年奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片得主《英国病人的评述》。

    Here , Minghella talks about the 1997 Academy Award winner for Best Picture , The English Patient .

  2. 卡萨布兰卡获得三项奥斯卡金像奖:最佳影片、最佳导演和最佳剧本。

    CASABLANCA won three Oscars best picture , best director and best screenplay .

  3. 这部电影荣获九项奥斯卡金像奖,包括最佳影片奖。

    The movie won nine Academy Awards , including Best Picture .

  4. 《逃离德黑兰》获得了最佳群戏表演,这一奖项在美国演员工会奖中的地位相当于奥斯卡金像奖中的最佳影片。

    Argo won the SAG award for outstanding cast - the ceremony 's equivalent to Oscars ' best picture .

  5. 内战题材电影《林肯》以12项提名领跑奥斯卡金像奖,其中包括最佳影片奖,最佳导演奖和三名演员的最佳演员奖提名。

    The civil war saga " Lincoln " leads the Academy Awards with 12 nominations , including best picture , best director and acting honors for three of its cast members .

  6. 美国内战传奇《林肯》12项提名领跑奥斯卡金像奖,其中包括最佳影片奖,史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格的最佳导演和英国出生的丹尼尔•戴•刘易斯,莎莉•菲尔德和汤米•李•琼斯的表演殊荣。

    THE Civil War saga Lincoln leads the Academy Awards with 12 nominations , including best picture , director for Steven Spielberg and acting honors for British-born Daniel Day-Lewis , Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones .