
  • 网络Okun’s law;Okun's Law;Okun Law
  1. 近年来,中国GDP的高增长却没有带来高就业,这一经济现象有悖于经济增长与失业变动存在反向替代关系的奥肯定律,因而,中国存在着奥肯悖论现象。

    In recent years , high GDP increase has not brought high employment rate , and this economic phenomenon conflicts with Okun 's law , which prescribes a reverse relation between economy increase and unemployment . Therefore there exists a " Okun 's Paradox " in China .

  2. 一定范围内奥肯定律失效原因的初探

    Exploring the Reasons of the Limitation of Okun 's Law in some Fields

  3. 这种现象与经典的凯恩斯学派理论奥肯定律描述轨迹相背离。

    The phenomenon departs from the classical theory of Okun 's law .

  4. 新古典增长模型与奥肯定律&理论研究与实证分析

    Neoclassical Growth Model and Okun 's Law & Theoretical Study and Empirical Analysis

  5. 中国的失业率与经济增长率之间并没有表现出类似奥肯定律的规律等。

    There exists no Okun 's Law between unemployment rate and economic growth rate .

  6. 中国经济对奥肯定律的偏离与失业问题研究

    Okun 's Law and China 's Unemployment

  7. 中国经济增长率与失业率之间未呈现反方向变动关系,奥肯定律出现变异,尤其是近几年来经济高增长与高失业并存。

    Especially during these recent years , high economic growth is accompanied by high unemployment .

  8. 奥肯定律在中国的实证分析&我国经济高增长率与高失业率并存

    Empirical Analysis of Okun Law in China Coexistence between High Growth Rate and High Unemployment Rate in China

  9. 奥肯定律是西方经济学中描述失业率和经济增长之间反向变动关系的定理。

    Okun 's law describes the reverse relations between the unemployment and economic growth rate in the western economy .

  10. 奥肯定律作为一个反映实际产出与失业率之间关系的经验规则,在实际中得到了良好的印证,但是中国经济呈现出与奥肯定律不一致的发展轨迹。

    As an empirical rule about the relationship between real output and unemployment rate , Okun 's law has been proved across many economies , but China seems to be an exception .

  11. 从有效就业的视角对我国经济增长与失业之间关系的研究表明,我国企业储备了大量的无效就业人员,有效就业率低,是奥肯定律失效的微观原因。

    From the angle of efficient employment , this paper researches the relationship between economic growth and unemployment , and concludes that the failure of Okun 's Law results from the great hive of inefficient employees and low efficient employment rate .