
nǚ ér qiáng
  • parapet;parapet(wall)
女儿墙 [nǚ ér qiáng]
  • [parapet(wall)] 同女墙

女儿墙[nǚ ér qiáng]
  1. 砖砌女儿墙开裂原因分析和处理方法

    The cause of cracking in brick parapet and treatment measures

  2. 对建筑物女儿墙开裂原因的分析

    Analysis of the cause of the split of parapet wall

  3. 通过理论计算和击穿试验,提出了建筑物女儿墙暗式避雷带敷设厚度不应大于2cm。

    Through the theory calculate and the breakdown experiment of high voltage , the thickness of the hidden lightning strip of building roof is less than 2 cm .

  4. 多脊和带女儿墙轻钢建筑在设计中应注意的问题

    Some consideration in the design of PEMB buildings with MULTI-RIDGES and parapet

  5. 关于女儿墙裂缝成因探索及处理方法

    On Cause Investigation and Treatments of Cracks of Parapet Walls

  6. 北方地区防止女儿墙开裂的措施

    Prevention Measure Of Cracking In Parapet In North Area

  7. 非结构女儿墙水平地震作用按通式简化计算法

    The simplified method computing horizontal earthquake action of non-structural parapet with general formula

  8. 砌体结构女儿墙裂缝的控制

    Controlling the Crack of the Parapet on Masonry Construction

  9. 对女儿墙及窗台进行木质罩面。

    Wooden coverings to parapets and window sills .

  10. 几种实体女儿墙对低矮房屋平屋顶风荷载的影响

    Wind effects of several types of parapets on the flat roof of low buildings

  11. 砖混结构女儿墙裂缝原因分析

    Analysis on Daughter Wall Crack of Brick-concrete Construction

  12. 讨论了在女儿墙顶暗敷防雷带的依据。

    The basis of concealed lightning bar in the coping of daughter wall was discussed .

  13. 如何防治女儿墙裂缝

    Measures to control cracks of parapet

  14. 介绍了砖砌女儿墙裂缝的种类、裂缝产生的原因以及预防措施。

    The paper introduces categories , reasons and preventive measures of the daughter wall cracks for brick-concrete .

  15. 而内侧不足一米高的则叫作女儿墙,也叫做宇墙。

    The inside is less than one meter high called the parapet , also known as Yu wall .

  16. 浅析女儿墙裂缝的原因分析及防治措施对建筑物女儿墙开裂原因的分析

    Formation and preventive measures of cracks on parapet Analysis of the cause of the split of parapet wall

  17. 砖灰顶女儿墙,砖顶压檐墙

    Brick - cap parapet

  18. 在施工屋面女儿墙四周标好应作隔热层的厚度及坡度。

    In the construction of roof parapet around good standard should be the thickness of insulation and slope .

  19. 砖墙包裹着住宅,并且也是屋顶平台的女儿墙,获得私密感。

    The brick skin shelters the interior and becomes the roof garden parapet , creating a sense of complete privacy .

  20. 文章对砖混结构女儿墙裂缝的成因进行分析,并提出了预防的措施和治理方法。

    This paper analyzes the reasons of parapet crack of brick structure , and puts forward the preventive measure and treatment .

  21. 本文论述了几种常见的楼地面裂缝,女儿墙裂缝,地下钢筋混凝土池类构筑物裂缝产生的原因,并提出了相应的防治措施。

    This paper discusses the causation and the prevention measure of familiar cracks in floor ground , in parapet , in underground reinforced concrete pool .

  22. 着重研究了有和无挑檐、不同檐口高度、不同屋面坡角时屋面风压系数和周围风流场的变化规律,以及不同女儿墙形式和高度、不同屋面坡角对双坡屋面风压分布的影响。

    The study emphases are put on the effects of the form and width of roof overhang , the form and height of parapet and the roof pitch .

  23. 接下来对具有不同檐口构造(挑檐、女儿墙)的双坡屋面房屋的屋面风荷载进行了数值模拟和参数分析。

    Numerical simulation and parametric study are then conducted to investigate the wind pressures on the low-rise gable roofed buildings with different forms of roof overhang and parapet .

  24. 大多数人在企图逃出振动中的房屋时,被落下的檐头,女儿墙和装饰物等所击中而死亡。

    Most of the loss of life was occasioned by persons being struck by falling cornices , parapets , and ornamentation as they tried to leave shaking buildings .

  25. 指出改进屋面保温隔热层、加强女儿墙砌体刚度、屋面板设置伸缩缝等是控制裂缝产生的有效措施。

    Then controlling measures such as improving thermal insulating course , strengthening the masonry rigidity of the parapet , setting the expansion joint on the roof sheathing , etc.

  26. 本文主要分析了砖混结构女儿墙水平裂缝产生的原因,预防的措施以及解决问题的办法。

    This paper mainly analyzes the reasons why horizontal fissures in parapet occur in this structure , the measures to prevent and the methods to solve the problem .

  27. 具有现浇挑出檐口或现浇砼女儿墙的砖混房屋,在温度作用下,顶层外墙很容易产生裂缝。

    The temperature fissures occur easily in the top exterior wall in brick masonry structure while the house is designed with overhanging roof gutter or cast-in-place concrete parapet wall .

  28. 在最开始长城内侧是没有女儿墙的,可是经常有人会跌下山崖,所以就修建了这道墙。

    In the beginning there is no parapet of the inside of the Great Wall , but often people would fall off a cliff , so we built this wall .

  29. 墙体裂缝是常见的房屋质量问题,常见的墙体裂缝有斜向裂缝、垂直裂缝、水平裂缝、女儿墙裂缝和混合裂缝等。

    Wall cracks is a common quality of housing , including cracks in the wall often inclined cracks , vertical cracks , horizontal cracks , parapet wall cracks and mixed cracks .

  30. 本文从砼小砌块墙体的隔音问题、芯柱的采用问题及女儿墙变形缝的设置问题三方面。论述了砼小砌块房屋设计、施工中应注意的问题及解决方法。

    From the aspects of sound insulation , stem selection and distortion crack of small concrete block wall , this paper states the problems and solving method in the design and construction .