
  • 网络female talents
  1. 因此,研究女性人才埋没具有特殊的现实意义。

    So a study on stifling real female talents is specifically meaningful .

  2. 新疆城乡女性人才相关因素比较

    Comparison of Relevant Factors for Female Talents in Xinjiang 's Rural and Urban Districts

  3. 该组织的年度全球性别差距指数(GlobalGenderGapIndex)采用经济、教育、健康和政治等方面指标,对145个经济体进行排名,以评估它们利用女性人才储备的情况。

    The body 's annual GlobalGender Gap Index uses economic , educational , health and political indicators torank 145 economies on how well they are using their female talent pool .

  4. 山东女性人才发展的人口学研究

    A Demographic Study of the Development of Women Talents in Shandong

  5. 少数民族女性人才资源开发策略思考

    On the Strategies of Exploitation of the Female Minority Talent

  6. 新疆女性人才基本状况和问题分析

    Analysis of the Basic Status and Problems of Female Intellectuals in Xinjiang

  7. 女性人才是国家人才战略资源的重要组成部分。

    Female talent is an important part of China 's talent resources .

  8. 广西高等教育对少数民族女性人才资源的开发研究

    Research on Exploitation of National Minority Female Human Resource in GuangXi Higher Education

  9. 如此多中国的女性人才正在迈向全球化!

    So much female Chinese talent is going global !

  10. 以科学人才观指导女性人才资源的开发使用

    Exploration and Employment of Female Human Resources Guided by View of Scientific Talents

  11. 女子高等教育培养自主创新能力女性人才的思考

    Thoughts on Women 's Higher Education in Cultivating Women Talents ' Independent Creativity

  12. 解放妇女,培养女性人才也就成为了他们主张开启民智的一个重要方面。

    Releasing women , cultivating their talents have become an important aspect of enlightening people .

  13. 浅议女性人才资源开发

    On the Exploitation of Female Talent Resources

  14. 关于女性人才成长的思考

    Thinking of Female Talents ' Development

  15. 为了追求各级别管理层的多样性,企业必须发现并培养女性人才。

    Companies must spot and nurture female talent in pursuit of executive diversity at every level .

  16. 从新疆女性人才的调查看单位环境内的女性人才

    The Female Talents in the Unities

  17. 鼓励非洲大学本科以上学历的优秀女性人才到中国攻读硕士研究生。

    To encourage outstanding African female talents with bachelor degrees to study their master degrees in China .

  18. 目前山东女性人才资源开发在其规模、比重、质量水平、分布结构等方面指标都偏低。

    The scale , ratio , quality , distribution structure of women talents development in Shandong are dissatisfactory .

  19. 试论《红楼梦》的女性人才观

    A Tentative Study of the Views of Talents of Women of " Dream of the Red Chamber "

  20. 正因如此,我们需要为女性人才创建一个进入高级管理岗位的通道。

    This is why we need to focus on creating a pipeline of female talent for senior executive positions .

  21. 正因为小康社会对女性人才的需求,决定了女子高校培养目标的定位,因此,女子高校应从培养女性人才目标的定位,来构建女子高校专业目标培养体系;

    It is requirements of well-off society for women talents that determined the positioning of training goals of women 's universities .

  22. 该文着重阐述了女性人才资源开发的意义,分析了女性人才资源开发存在的问题,探讨了女性人才资源开发的主要对策。

    This article emphasizes the significance , analyses the problem , discusses the countermeasures in the exploitation of female talant resources .

  23. 制约女性人才发展的人口经济学因素主要是女性人口整体文化素质、教育收益、城市化水平、就业水平等几个方面。

    The demographic factors restricting the development of women talents are their literacy quality , educational gains , urbanization development and employment rate .

  24. 类似地,在公司层面,当女性人才得到充分利用并融合时,就会有最佳的决策和创新。

    Similarly , at the company level the best decision-making and innovation occurs when the female talent pool is fully engaged and integrated .

  25. 虽然很多公司都在投入精力为女性人才通道里输送人才,但确保这一通道能一路通向最高层的努力却很少。

    While many companies are devoting energy to priming the female talent pipeline , less effort is going towards ensuring it flows all the way to the top .

  26. 最后,女性人才资源利用不充分,女性自身、政府、企业各有原因。

    Lastly , the utilization of female talent resources is not enough , the government and the enterprise and the female themselves are the main reason caused the phenomenon .

  27. 女性人才资源的开发程度是一个国家或地区物质文明、精神文明和政治文明整体发展水平的一个重要标志。

    The extent to which the resource of women talents is explored is an important indication of the overall development of materialistic , spiritual and political civilization in a district .

  28. 少数民族女性人才资源的开发是一个系统工程,高校是少数民族女性人才资源开发的主阵地。

    There are many ways to exploit female human resource of national minority , and colleges and universities are the main front to exploit female human resource of national minority .

  29. 本文观点是,首先,女性人才资源是拥有某一特殊技能或知识的女性群体。没有学历、职称、身份和行业之分。

    First , the female talent resources are these women who have special skills or knowledge , and it is not different from educational background and status and business line .

  30. 因此,少数民族女性人才资源开发的状况,直接关系到西部少数民族地方的经济发展、人民生活质量的提高和缩小东西部地区差距。

    Thus , this exploitation is directly related to the economic development , the improvement of the living standard and the narrowing of the gap between east China and west China .