
  • 网络Technology talents
  1. 中国安全科技人才发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategies of Safety Technology Talents in China

  2. 安全科技人才队伍现状及对策

    The President Situation and the Countermeasures of Safety Technology Talents Team

  3. 上世纪80年代中国开始实施改革开放政策时,国家急需科技人才来发展工业,中国人对于理工科的偏好就是从那时候开始的。

    When the Chinese started their reform and opening-up policy in the 1980s , the country urgently needed scientific professionals for industrial development , and the Chinese preference for STEM is rooted in that period .

  4. 研究结果表明:I.山东省植物保护科技人才需求变化与培养模式的研究

    Researches on the Demand Variation and the Training Model of Plant Protection Scientific Talents in Shandong Province

  5. 科技人才招聘网站TheITJobsBoard的董事总经理亚历克斯法雷尔(AlexFarrell)表示,她最近接到德国一家公司的电话,要招1000名咨询师。

    Alex Farrell , managing director at The IT Jobs Board , a technology recruitment website , says she recently took a call from an employer in Germany who was looking for 1,000 consultants .

  6. 再次,运用PEST分析法对西安市宏观环境深入剖析,并调查科技人才特殊需求,试图探讨特点形成的原因和影响因素。

    Again , the use of PEST analysis of the macro-environment in-depth analysis of Xi ' an , and to investigate the special needs of IT personnel to try to explore the causes and characteristics of the formation factor .

  7. 本文得到以下基金资助:国家自然科学基金(60533040)、国家自然科学基金青年科技人才培养专项基金(60525202)、新世纪高校杰出人才计划(NCET-04-0545)。

    This work is supported by National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 60525202 , Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University NCET-04-0545 and Key Program of Natural Science Foundation of China 60533040 .

  8. 加速培养、造就优秀科技人才的几点思考

    Some ponders on training and bringing the qualified scientists and technicians

  9. 浅谈科技人才流动中的知识产权保护

    The Protection of Intelletual Property in the Flowing of Technological Talent

  10. 论文首先从人才的内涵及类型入手,厘清了作为人才中的特殊类型&科技人才的概念、特征及作用。

    Firstly , from the content and types of talented person .

  11. 科技人才成长的阶段性特征研究

    A Study of the Stage Characteristics of Science-technology Talents ' Growth

  12. 培养跨世纪的地震科技人才队伍

    Earthquake cultivating cross - century personnel of seismic science and technology

  13. 海外科技人才回流的规律研究

    The Research on Regularity in the Returning of Overseas Technological Talents

  14. 论高校科技人才的职业生涯规划

    On the Career Planning of Science and Technology Talents in Universities

  15. 北京农业企业科技人才现状与培养模式研究

    Research on Sci-tech Talents Training Model for Agricultural Enterprises in Beijing

  16. 包装行业科技人才管理决策支持系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Scientific Talents Management DSS in Packing Industry

  17. 发达国家吸引海外高端科技人才策略引发的思考

    Thoughts on Developed Countries ' Strategies in Attracting Overseas High-tech Talents

  18. 科技人才研究与管理

    On the study and management of S. & T. talents

  19. 科技人才队伍不健全,烟农科学文化素质低。

    Technology talented person troop , farmers scientific culture quality is low .

  20. 我国科技人才创新能力的政策激励

    Policy Encouraging on the Innovation Ability of Chinese Science and Technology Talents

  21. 培养高层次青年科技人才的几点体会

    Reflections on the training of high - level S & T personnel

  22. 当代科技人才素质研究

    Research on Qualities of Talents in Contemporary Science and Technology

  23. 北京市青年科技人才开发中的问题调研与对策初探

    Problems and Solutions on Young Scientific and Technical Talents Development of Beijing

  24. 从战略高度加强民航科技人才队伍建设

    Enhancing Construction of Civil Aviation Science and Technology Talents Team

  25. 科技人才数据库的信息分类和代码设计

    Information classification and encoding design for a scientific personnel database

  26. 青年科技人才培养的现状和对策

    Current situation of training the young technicians and its countermeasure

  27. 农业科技人才队伍建设与政策研究

    System Construction and Policy Research of Scientific and Technical Talents in Agriculture

  28. 后勤科研院所科技人才绩效评估体系探讨

    Assessment system of the qualified scientists and technicians in the logistic institutions

  29. 科技人才需求预测的动态双因子模型

    A Dynamic Two-Factor Model to Predict Demand for Technical Personnel

  30. 军队吸引科技人才应注意的问题

    How to attract the scientific and technologic personnel in troops